Chapter 122 The protagonist appears! Lightning Rush Showdown Teleport!!

Xia Pengyu on the sidelines, seeing Heilujia fall to the ground, his brow was also wrinkled.

After a moment’s hesitation, a choice was made.

“Su Ying, you go up!”

Su Ying was first stunned, and then looked at Xia Pengyu with a puzzled face.

Shouldn’t it be Ye Mengyao?!

“Hurry up!”

Xia Pengyu did not answer Su Qi’s question, but urged Su Ying to play.

Xia Pengyu’s meaning was obvious.

He’s going to give up team fighting.

After Su Ying came on, Xia Pengyu’s eyes looked at Gu Yu.

Gu Yu instantly understood and nodded at Xia Pengyu.

Xia Pengyu wants to give up the team game!

Then go all out to win singles and doubles.

Du Jingyao has already played in the team game, and can only play in one of the singles and doubles matches.

Gu Yu can participate in both events.

Therefore, as long as Gu Yu wins the singles match, Westlake University is basically on the verge of being eliminated!

And Xia Pengyu believed in Gu Yu’s strength!

In the end, relying on the strong play of Du Jingyao’s natural bird, he completed the second one through four and helped Westlake University successfully win the team competition.

“The coconut egg tree can’t afford to fall to the ground!”

“Let’s congratulate Westlake University on its team victory!”

“Westlake University, which is sitting at home, will win one more game, and as long as it wins another game, Zhejiang University’s crazy April will end here!”

The scene also roared with excitement!

The audience in the West Lake Arena, after seeing the victory of Westlake University, instantly began to cheer and celebrate, and finally turned into a unified shout!

“Westlake University! Win! ”

“Westlake University! Win! ”

“Westlake University! Win! ”

Gong Suxin, the leading teacher of Westlake University, saw that he had won the team competition, and his original nervous mood began to ease.

There was also a hint of a smile on the corners of his mouth.

The referee determines that both sides are ready.

“The singles tournament is about to start! Start sampling the playing field now! ”

Live on the big screen and start the draw for the venue of the singles match!

Rock Field!

After the results came out, the steel floor of the West Lake Arena cracked in an instant.

Then a competition field of about 500 square meters, made up of rocks and soil, slowly rises.

After the venue was in place, Gu Yu got up from his seat and walked to the arena.

On the field.

Du Jingyao looked at Gu Yu who was walking by, and his eyes were full of war intentions!

“Let me see how strong the Heavenly King’s successor really is!”

“Both players are already in place! The race starts now! ”

As the referee’s voice fell, Gu Yu and Du Jingyao also sent their own elves.

Wind speed dog!


Hu Di is 1.5 meters tall, full of yellow, and holds a soup spoon in each hand

【Hu Di (Super Power)】



[Features: Magic Defense (no damage other than attack)]

【Character Talent: Slow Swallow (+ Special Attack, Defense)】

[Individual Qualifications: HP(31), Attack (31), Defense (20), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed (31)]

[Skills: Fixation, Mindfulness, Teleportation, Bending Spoon, Phantom Ray, Reflection Wall, Spirit Blade, Self-Regeneration, Play, Flame Fist, Lightning Fist, Frozen Fist, Triple Attack, Hold, Iron Tail, Foreknowledge of the Future, Meditation, Destruction of Dead Light, Electromagnetic Waves, Wall of Light]

【Carrying: None】

【Potential: Heavenly King】

“Hudi! Play! ”

“Wind speed dog! Mysterious Guardian! ”

Both gave orders at the same time.

[Play: Play as an opponent and make your characteristics the same as your opponent.] 】

[Mysterious Guardian: Protected by magical powers for a certain period of time, so as not to fall into an abnormal state. 】

Hu Di’s characteristics instantly changed from magic defense to ignition.

The surface of the wind speed dog’s body was instantly covered by a mysterious force.

“Wind speed dogs can be mysterious powers!” I haven’t seen any information before, but it doesn’t matter! ”

Thinking of this, Du Jingyao left to give the order.

“Hudi! Foreseeing the future! ”

[Foreseeing the future: After using the move for a period of time, send a ball of mind power to the opponent to attack.] 】


Hu Di shouted, and he was going to use his foreknowledge of the future.

“Wind speed dog! Stare! Then cast your speed! ”

The wind speed dog’s gaze instantly froze in fear, stopped attacking, and froze in place.

Then the wind speed dog disappeared in the same place under the eyes of everyone.

“Hudi! Hold on! ”


Hu Di broke free from the influence of the Eye Gaze Skill and shouted a huge white shield to guard it, rising from Hu Di’s body.


With a loud crashing sound, Hu Di blocked the speed of the wind speed dog.

“Hudi! Spirit Blade! ”

[Spirit Blade: Use the materialized Heart Blade to split the opponent, easy to hit the point. 】

“Wind speed dog! Move at high speed! Dodge! ”

The voices of the two men just dropped.

A blade formed by the condensation of spiritual power appeared on the head of the wind speed dog.

In the next instant, directly towards the wind speed dog split.


The earth was cut open and a five-meter-long crack appeared in the eyes of the audience.

And the wind speed dog turned into a phantom, dodging Hu Di’s spiritual blade.

“Wind speed dog! Crush! ”

[Crush: Attack by crushing your opponent with sharp teeth.] Sometimes it lowers the opponent’s defenses. 】


The wind speed dog barked and appeared behind Hu Di as a phantom.

At the same time, the evil energy gathered in the mouth of the wind speed dog, opening the blood basin and biting towards Hu Di.

“Hudi! Teleport! ”

Hu Di himself is a crispy mage type of elf.

Blood low, anti-low.

Crushing is a vicious skill, and if it hits Hu Di, it will directly deal double damage.

Moreover, the eye-catching skill just now lowered Hu Di’s defenses.

If Hu Di really bit the skill, basically Du Jingyao could change the elf.

Hu Di instantly disappeared in place, and then appeared ten meters behind the wind speed dog.

“Wind speed dog! Catch up! Quickly! ”


A distance of ten meters is a blink of an eye for a wind-speed dog.

The wind speed dog instantly disappeared in place, and then suddenly appeared in front of Hu Di’s body.





For a time, the field directly turned into a tug-of-war.

Two elves appear, disappear, reappear, disappear again…

“What a fierce competition! Neither player will give the other a chance! ”

The on-site commentary also did not expect that the game had turned into a tug-of-war.

Du Jingyao looked at the wind speed dogs on the field frantically chasing Hu Di, and his brow frowned involuntarily.

Teleportation is easy to use, but it doesn’t make an attack.

It takes time to cast your skills, and that time may give Wind Speed Dogs a chance.

Gu Yu looked expressionlessly at the center of the arena.

He’s waiting!

Wait for Du Jingyao to start attacking!

In the end, Du Jingyao chose to break the impasse in front of him.

“Hudi! Hold on! Then cast a triple attack! ”

[Triple Attack: Attacks with 3 types of light, sometimes leaving your opponent in a state of paralysis, burns, or freezing. 】


Hu Di shouted, and a huge white shield instantly appeared in front of Hu Di’s body.

“Wind speed dog! Spiritual teeth! Then cast the bite to crush! ”

[Spirit Teeth: Use psychic power to bite your opponent to attack, and you can also destroy the wall of light and the wall of reflection.] 】

Invisible spiritual power, gathered in the mouth of the wind speed dog.

Guarding the formation of the white giant shield, with a roar, was instantly bitten away by the wind speed dog!

Seeing that the holding skill was bitten open, Du Jingyao’s pupils suddenly shrank and he hurriedly roared.

“Not bad! Hurry up! Cast an instant move! ”

But it’s still a step too late!

Hu Di, who was casting a triple attack, had no time to dodge at all, and was directly hit by the Bite Crushing Skill!


Bitten by the teeth of the wind speed dog full of evil energy, Hu Di instantly cried out in pain for a moment, and Hu Di’s voice stopped unexpectedly.

The wind speed dog let go of the blood basin and with a loud bang, the unconscious Hu Di fell to the ground.

【Ding! Wind Speed Dog defeats Hu Di and gains 35,000 experience points! 】

“Hu Di fell to the ground! Winner! Gu Yu! ”

As the referee’s voice sounded, the audience at the scene instantly began to discuss, and after a short discussion, the shouts sounded again!

“Westlake University! Win! ”

“Westlake University! Win! ”

“Westlake University! Win! ”

Gong Suxin, the leading teacher of Westlake University, saw that Hu Di was defeated, and the wind speed dog was not harmed.

In an instant, his face changed, and a smile on his original face disappeared without a trace

“Not bad! Du Jingyao is in danger! The natural bird had already been sent and could not appear now, Hu Di was now down again, and Du Jingyao was only left with the last trump card. ”

“If even Alluredo falls…”

Thinking of this, Gong Suxin looked at Du Jingyao on the field with a serious face.

Du Heng on the sidelines nodded, seemingly satisfied with Gu Yu’s performance.

“It is worthy of being the successor named by the Yuanhan Sea Heavenly King, and it is really good!” Unfortunately, my grandson is still impatient! ”

On the field.

Du Jingyao retracted the fallen Hudi.

Gu Yu also let the wind speed dog return to his side.

Although the wind speed dog was not injured just now, its physical energy consumption was not small.

Now is the best way to take a break.

Then the two sent out new elves at the same time.

Kirby Beast!


Alluredo is one of the ultimate evolutionary forms of Laluras.

1.6 meters tall, the upper body is green and the lower body is white, with thick and round hips and strong legs.

【Alluredo (Super Power) (Fighting)】



[Features: Heart of Justice (When attacked by a move of a bad attribute, the attack will increase because of the sense of justice)]

【Character Talent: Fear of Loneliness (+ Attack, Defense)】

【Individual Qualifications: HP(26), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed (31)]

[Skills: Splitting, Shouting, Mindfulness, Mental Strength, Hypnosis, Shadow Splitting, Dream Eating, Continuous Chopping, Meditation, Dark Attack, Charm Sound, Teleportation, Sword Dance, Yan Hui, Spiritual Blade, Million Tons Heavy Fist, Flame Fist, Frozen Fist, Sword Dance, Splitting Tile, Revenge, Sucking Fist]

【Carrying: None】

【Potential: Heavenly King】

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