Chapter 120 Gu Yu’s Influence! University in the Secret!!

The scene of the press conference.

When Xia Pengyu arrived with Gu Yu, the reporters instantly began to stir.

The moment Gu Yu sat down, the reporters rushed up.

The long gun and the short cannon were directly aimed at Gu Yu.

“Gu Yu, can you talk about this game?”

“Having defeated the ‘Battle Princess’ Ning Qiyun, do you have anything you want to say now?”

“Now that it is generally believed that Zhejiang University has the potential to become a top 16 seed team, what do you think about this?”

Looking at the noisy and chaotic situation, Xia Pengyu directly slapped the table hard.


Then Xia Pengyu raised his voice: “Quiet! Be quiet! All reporters asked questions one by one. ”

Under Xia Pengyu’s control, order also began to be restored at the press conference.

“In today’s interview, everyone can ask me or Gu Yu a question, so please start asking questions in turn.”

As Xia Pengyu’s voice fell, the reporters began to ask questions.

The first to ask a question was a good-looking female reporter.

“Gu Yu, hello! I am Meng Zixuan, a reporter for the Dragon Country Elf Newspaper. ”

“First of all, congratulations, you defeated Hangdian, led by ‘Battle Princess’ Ning Qiyun.”

“After defeating Hangdian, the outside world will have a new understanding of the strength of Zhejiang University.”

“As the ace of Zhejiang University, how far do you think Zhejiang University can go in the National Collegiate Elf League?”

Dragon Kingdom Elf Report!

This is the official newspaper established by the Dragon Kingdom Elf Alliance.

In other words, Ms. Meng is a reporter for state media.

“I’ve answered this question before, Champion!”

“Whether it is the goal or the final result, my answer will be the champion, and it will only be the champion!”

Hearing Gu Yu’s answer, Meng Zixuan nodded, and then sat down to take out his notes The second question asked was a middle-aged man.

“Battle Princess’ Ning Qiyun was ranked tenth by UST and is considered one of the ten strongest players in the National Collegiate Elf League.”

“You defeated Ning Qiyun with just two elves, proving that you are strong enough to be one of the ten strongest players.”

“Do you have a ranking in your heart for yourself?”

“No, I don’t need rankings, wait until a month later, after the results of the National Collegiate Elf League, everything will have results.”

Gu Yu never cared about rankings.

Weak over strong, following the gram, is all too common in the middle of the crazy April.

There are too many external factors in elven battles.

Venue, attribute restraint, trainer’s command…

Plus Crazy April is a single-game elimination system.

This leads to the frequent appearance of dark horses, and some hot schools will also be out of the cold.

Therefore, the rankings are all virtual.

Whoever is stronger than whom, can fight, can’t fight.

After all, you have to fight to know!

After the press conference, Xia Pengyu took Gu Yu and others on a plane back to Zhejiang University.

After the end of the match with Hangdian, this time Gu Yu and others could get five days of rest.

Then there is a rival Ocean University.

At this time, because Gu Yu defeated the battle princess ‘Ning Qiyun’s news also appeared on the hot search list.

Countless netizens began a heated discussion.

“I have to say that although Gu Yu is a little crazy, opening his mouth and closing his mouth is the champion, but he really has strength!”

“That’s right, except for the Dragon Messenger and the Tyrant, no one dares to say that Ning Qiyun is safe at the moment, right?” Gu Yu’s two elves defeated Ning Qiyun, and this strength was really a bit terrifying! ”

“Zhejiang University definitely has the strength of the top sixteen at present, but I don’t think Gu Yu can win the championship, I believe that my Dragon Messenger or Tyrant will definitely let Gu Yu taste the cruelty of reality!”

“Gu Yu is still too young, if it is Gu Yu in his third year, he definitely has the strength to impact the champion, now he is still accepting the beatings of society!”

Mordor University.

At this time, outside the training hall, a bunch of media reporters gathered.

They are squatting here for one purpose.

Waiting for the end of the training of the Dragon Messenger ‘Lin Xuan!

After a while, Lin Xuan, with a gentle smile, appeared in front of everyone.

Lin Xuan’s high popularity, in addition to having a double quasi-god, is also closely related to him personally.

In the eyes of many people, Lin Xuan is a person who is close to perfect.

Lin Xuan dedicated almost all of his time to the library and training ground.

Not only is he a powerful trainer, but he has also obtained the qualification certificate of an elf doctor and is currently learning the knowledge of elf breeding.

Strong, good character and excellent learning, plus everywhere he goes with a gentle smile.

Such a trainer, low popularity is a strange thing!

Lin Xuan was not surprised to see a large number of reporters, because this was how he came throughout his college years.

Taking the initiative to stop in front of the reporter, Lin Xuan asked, “Is there anything you want to interview me today?” ”

“Lin Xuan, did you know that there was a crazy April focus battle today?”

“I’m sorry, I’ve been training today and didn’t notice, can you tell me about it?”

“The Heavenly King’s successor ‘Gu Yu defeated Hangdian, led by the Battle Princess’ Ning Qiyun, and Gu Yu only used two elves!”

“If you meet Gu Yu in the National Collegiate Elf League, do you think you can beat Gu Yu?”

The reporter’s question is very sharp, but it also reflects Gu Yu’s popularity and strength today.

After defeating Ning Qiyun, Gu Yu has been compared to one of the strongest trainers recognized by the National Collegiate Elf League!

Two elves…

Hearing that Gu Yu had defeated Ning Qiyun with only two elves, Lin Xuan’s eyes flashed with surprise.

“First of all, congratulations to Gu Yu for defeating Ning Qiyun and winning a victory.”

“I’m also looking forward to playing with Gu Yu, but there are too many accidents in Crazy April, and I don’t know if I can fight Gu Yu in the end.”

Lin Xuan seemed to have said a lot, but in fact it was almost like saying nothing.

After answering a few more questions from the reporters, Lin Xuan walked toward the dormitory.

As he walked, Lin Xuan recalled the information about Gu Yu in his mind.

“Future successor to the king?” Unfortunately, he was only a freshman, and if he was a junior, it might have been a huge obstacle to my way to winning the championship. ”

“But now he is still too young, and the gap of a few years is not so easy to make up!”

Almost at the same time: UST updated its rankings on Zhejiang University and Gu Yu.

In the latest edition of the rankings, Zhejiang University was ranked 11th by UST.

Updates to the latest rankings.

Representative media have put the impression of Zhejiang University.

From the team that rushed out of the frantical April Edge, upgraded to the top 16 seeded teams!

Gu Yu’s ranking in the UST network is directly parachuted to the fifth!

Although Gu Yu had previously challenged the Canghai Daoguan and won the championship of the Sea God Festival, the former, to put it bluntly, was only a Daoguan battle, not an elf competition.

The latter is limited by the venue and intensive schedule, and its gold content is debatable.

Therefore, as a rookie who participated in the National Collegiate Elf League for the first time, UST did not rank Gu Yu at all.

After defeating Ning Qiyun, Gu Yu proved his strength.

UST immediately revised the rankings.

Gu Yu, who returned to Zhejiang University, once again threw himself into the training.

【Ding! Gera Aura defeats the giant vine and gains 1400 experience points! 】

【Ding! Gera Aura defeats the Coal Turtle and gains 1200 XP! 】

【Ding! Gera Aura defeats the Tyrannosaurus Rex and gains 2000 XP! 】


【Ding! Gera Aura upgraded to level 38! 】

After five days of crazy leveling, Terra Aura is only one step away from upgrading level 39.

April 12.

Zhejiang University has ushered in the challenge of Ocean University.

The strength of the Ocean University, in general, is the kind that belongs to the embarrassment.

The full name of Ocean University is Dragon Kingdom Ocean Spirit University.

A university that focuses on the study of sea spirits.

Therefore, the elves of the trainers of the Ocean University are generally dominated by water elves.

Belonging is one of the schools that is well targeted.

The opponent only needs to have a strong enough electric sprite and grass elf.

Ocean University can basically be eliminated.

Zhejiang University has exactly two.

One was Gu Yu’s monarch snake, and the other was Su Chen’s wonderful frog flower.

No surprises.

Ocean University was directly eliminated by Zhejiang University.

After defeating Ocean University, Gu Yu was given another three days of rest.

The elves of the Secret Realm of Qiandao Lake were beaten up again!

【Ding! Terra Aura defeats Rumble Rock and gains 1000 experience points! 】

【Ding! Gera Aura defeats the Little Sea Lion and gains 800 experience points! 】

【Ding! Gera Ola defeats the Big One boss and gains 1200 experience points! 】


【Ding! Gera Aura upgraded to level 39! 】

【Ding! Terra Aura understands the skills of the power grid! 】

[Grid: Use the grid to hold the opponent to attack. Reduce your opponent’s speed. 】

April 16.

Xia Pengyu led the school team and boarded the plane to Wenzhou.

This time, Zhejiang University’s rival was replaced by a medical university.

The full name of the medical university is Wenzhou Jingjing Medical University.

The ace specialty is Elf Medicine.

In terms of strength, that is, the third echelon of schools.

There is a fundamental gap with Zhejiang University, a top 16 seed team that can even compete for the championship.

After easily beating the medical university.

Gu Yu and the others flew to Hangzhou again without stopping.

This time once again ushered in a strong opponent!

Westlake University, which is also a top 16 seed team!

Westlake University was originally an institution established by Longguo to develop the secret area of West Lake.

When the West Lake Secret Realm was 100% developed, it relied on the resources of the Secret Realm and its huge scientific research strength.

The Dragon Kingdom Elf Alliance directly established Westlake University!

Westlake University has strong scientific research strength and has mastered a secret that has been 100% developed.

There are countless excellent trainers trained.

Has been more than two consecutive card years, in the UST online forecast are card top six seed team…

He has won the championship of the National Collegiate Elf League for six times!

In addition to the great strength.

Westlake University is also one of the few universities in the Dragon Kingdom that is currently built directly in the secret realm!

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