Chapter 112 Packed Rooms! National Collegiate Elf League opens!!

“Gu Yu, what I want you to do is not just to be a good singles one, you also need to take more responsibility!”

“You don’t just need to play in singles, you need to play in doubles.”

Xia Pengyu said the arrangement for Gu Yu.

In the National Collegiate Elf League, a student can participate in two of the three competitions.

For example, Gu Yu plays in singles matches, but he can also choose to play in doubles or team matches.

But there are limitations.

If Gu Yu sends Wind Speed Dogs in the singles matches, the three elves of Kirby Beast and Menas will play.

Next, Gu Yu chose to play in the doubles match, and the three elves of the Wind Speed Dog, the Kirby Beast and Menas could not be sent to play.

Xia Pengyu wants to make the most of Gu Yu, a super-divine player, and must let Gu Yu participate in both singles and doubles events.

Gu Yu nodded, indicating understanding.

Xia Pengyu then announced the training plan for the next month.

And then…

Shen Yuezhu became the busiest person among all the students.

Elves such as Wind Speed Dogs, Menas, and Kirby Beasts all began to learn skills from non-native lineages.

Wind Speed Dog learns the melee of the Fighting Department.

[Melee: Give up your guard and attack your opponent’s arms.] Your own defense and special defense will be reduced. 】

Menus learns the Dragon Wave of the Dragon System.

[Dragon Wave: Strikes a shock wave from a big mouth to attack your opponent.] 】

Kirby Beast learns about ice blizzards.

[Blizzard: Blows a violent blizzard towards your opponent to attack, sometimes leaving your opponent frozen in a frozen state. 】

The monarch snake learns the charm of the general department.

Coupled with the training of the four elves, Shen Yuezhu often sent one elf to learn skills from morning to night, and then took another elf to train.

Many times, too busy to let Ye Mengyao take the handle.

And Gu Yu himself was taking Terra Aura to practice madly in the secret realm of Qiandao Lake!

In the secret realm of Qiandao Lake, all the elven races were almost all beaten by Gu Yu one after another.

【Ding! Gera Aura defeats Rumble Rock and gains 800 XP! 】

【Ding! Gera Aura defeats the Giant Claw Crab and gains 1000 XP! 】

【Ding! Gera Aura defeats the Eagle and gains 900 XP! 】


March 30.

The secret of Qiandao Lake, not a development zone.

After a month of crazy training, Gu Yu rode Pokkis with Gera Ola and prepared for the final leveling.



In the water of the lake below, there is a constant roar, and a blue figure is faintly visible in the water.

It is the Tyrannosaurus rex group known as one of the three pests of Qiandao Lake.

“Terra Ola! Today is the final training, defeat these tyrannosaurs! ”


Terra Aura screamed, then tensed up her muscles and unleashed her bodybuilding skills.

Then, under Gu Yu’s gaze, jumping directly from Pokkis’s back and approaching the surface of the water, the flesh pads of his hands and feet emitted a large amount of electricity, creating a powerful magnetic field, and Terra Ola suspended his body on the surface of the water


The Tyrannosaurus rex also spotted the uninvited guest.

But Gera Aura is one step faster.


Gera Ora’s body unleashed countless golden lightning bolts.


[Discharge: Attacks all the elves around you with a dazzling electric shock, sometimes paralyzing.] 】

Tyrannosaurus Rex was four times weaker in electricity, plus water conduction.

Gera Aura struck a direct spike, several Tyrannosaurus rex.

【Ding! Gera Aura defeats the Tyrannosaurus Rex and gains 1400 XP! 】

【Ding! Gera Aura defeats the Tyrannosaurus Rex and gains 1500 XP! 】

【Ding! Gera Aura defeats the Tyrannosaurus Rex and gains 1800 XP! 】



The Tyrannosaurus rex soon began to fight back.

Water cannon!

Destroy the Dead Light!

Water Tail!

Skills flew towards Gera Ola.

“High speed movement avoidance! Then cast the Plasma Lightning Fist! ”


Gu Yu’s voice came from above, and Terra Ola directly performed high-speed movements, directly turning into a golden light.

Dodged all the skills.


A loud explosion sounded, and Gera Aura had already appeared a hundred meters away.


With the Plasma Lightning Fist unleashed, Gera Ola’s fists were covered with golden lightning.


Gera Aura let out a loud cry, and the next instant appeared in front of a tyrannosaurus rex whose head had just protruded from the water.


The right claw was covered with white light and golden lightning, and it directly slashed at the Tyrannosaurus Rex with one claw.

[Plasma Lightning Fist: Attacks with a fist covered with current, turning a general attribute move into an electrical one. 】


The Tyrannosaurus Rex was hit by the split by Terra Ola and instantly let out a scream.

The Split Skill has been transformed into an electric attribute skill with the blessing of the Plasma Lightning Fist.

The four-fold weakly charged Tyrannosaurus Rex, plus the addition of Gera Ola casting bodybuilding enhanced the attack.

The Tyrannosaurus Rex simply couldn’t withstand the blow of Terra Ola.

Terra Ola fighting Tyrannosaurus is really a claw.

【Ding! Gera Aura defeats the Tyrannosaurus Rex and gains 1800 XP! 】

The moment he defeated the Tyrannosaurus Rex, Terraora once again turned into a golden light brush and appeared behind a Tyrannosaurus Rex who wanted to cast a destructive Death Light.

A fist covered in golden lightning swung directly at the Tyrannosaurus Rex.



The moment the Tyrannosaurus was hit, it let out a roar of pain.

In the next instant, the Tyrannosaurus Rex that was casting its Destruction Light was directly punched by Terraora!


The unconscious Tyrannosaurus rex fell from mid-air into the water again.

And Terra Aura once again turned into a golden light and wandered through the entire battlefield.

With each appearance of Terraora, a Tyrannosaurus rex will be knocked out or stunned.

【Ding! Gera Aura defeats the Tyrannosaurus Rex and gains 1800 XP! 】

【Ding! Gera Aura defeats the Tyrannosaurus Rex and gains 2000 XP! 】


Soon there will be only one Tyrannosaurus left in the Tyrannosaurus family!

Level 38 Tyrannosaurus Leader!


The Tyrannosaurus leader roared and cast the Water Stream Tail directly!

The huge tail carries the raging waves and laps towards the Gera Ola.


Terraaura turned into a golden glow and dodged the Tyrannosaurus Rex’s attack.

In the next instant, it appeared above the head of the tyrannosaurus rex.


The plasma lightning fist suddenly swung out, and the golden lightning turned into two beams of lightning and went straight to the leader of the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

This distance is no time for the Tyrannosaurus leader to dodge!


With the sound of the explosion, in the next instant, the leader of the dark Tyrannosaurus Rex fell into the water unconscious.

【Ding! Gera Ola defeats the Tyrannosaurus leader and gains 7500 experience points! 】

【Ding! Gera Aura upgraded to level 37! 】

【Ding! Terra Aura comprehends the skill electric ball! 】

[Electric ball: Crash into the opponent with an electric ball, the faster you are than your opponent, the more powerful you are.] 】

After a month of training, Gera Aura was upgraded to level 37.

With 1 day left, the crazy April of the National Collegiate Elf League is about to begin!

Except for Terra Ola.

Elves such as Kirby Beasts and Wind Speed Dogs have all improved slightly after a month of exercise.

Wind Speed Dog learns to fight in close quarters, and later learns Ghost Face.

[Ghost Face: Staring at the opponent with a terrifying face to make it afraid, thereby greatly reducing the opponent’s speed. 】

Kirby Beast learned Blizzard, and later learned the ground system skill of 100,000 horsepower.

[100,000 horsepower: Use your full body strength to attack your opponent.] 】

Menas learns the Dragon’s Waves.

The monarch snake learns to be charming.

March 31.

There was no training today, and Gu Yu also gave himself and the elves a day off.

April 1.

Early in the morning, the sun has just risen.

Spectators who are looking forward to the crazy April’ have begun to flock to the Aoyama Stadium.

When Gu Yu came to the passage of the players, there was already a long line outside the gymnasium.

More than a dozen broadcast trucks from major television stations have stopped in front of the Qingshan Gymnasium.

When he saw Gu Yu, countless spectators waiting for the entrance yelled at Gu Yu.

“Gu Yu! Defeat Ningda! ”

“Come on Gu Yu! Lead Zhejiang University to rush out of the crazy April! ”

“Can Gu Yu sign my name?” I especially like you and your Menas! ”

Gu Yu had no way to ——— response, and finally could only smile and nod, and then walked into the Qingshan Gymnasium.


By the time Gu Yu arrived, people had already arrived.

But the whole lounge was surprisingly quiet.

In addition to being able to hear the “rumbling” of footsteps and shouts outside.

There was no other sound.

Su Chen and the others sat in their seats, and everyone began to look through the information of Ning Da’s players in their hands.

For trainers, data is also part of the battle.

Knowing what skills the opponent’s elves will have, you can predict the opponent’s tactics to a large extent and guard against the opponent’s attack.



The whole dressing room had a feeling of coming and going!

The National Collegiate Elf League is a single-game elimination.

Whether you are called Zhejiang University or Modu University, or a famous university like Yenching University.

As long as you lose, you will be eliminated, and you can only wait for next year if you want revenge!

Gu Yu came to sit down next to Ye Mengyao and saw Lalu Lasi in Ye Mengyao’s arms and took the initiative to say hello.

“Good morning! Larulacus! ”


Laluras also shouted in response to Gu Yu.

Then Gu Yu released Ibu, and Ibu and Laluras were also old friends.



When the two elves saw each other, they also cried out with joy.

Then the sound of the radio sounded.

“Players on both sides of the game! Admission! ”

Gu Yu and Ye Mengyao got up at the same time, walked out of the lounge, and entered the contestant passage.

Inside the Aoyama Gymnasium.

15,000 seats are already full!

The cameras on the scene were already aimed at the player aisles on both sides.

The first to play is naturally the Zhejiang University Varsity Team.

When the big screen in the Qingshan Gymnasium appeared Gu Yu and other figures, the scene instantly boiled!

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