Chapter 110 Creation of the Divine Beast! Evolve! Pokkis!!

“Terao actually fell into the hands of the Divine Organization, and the Divine Organization is really terrible, and it can suppress or imprison the Divine Beast for a certain period of time!”

Recall the terrifying power of the Flame Bird’s song, which directly led to the volcanic eruption!

Gu Yu also had to say that although the Divine Organization was crazy, its strength was indeed terrifying!

“Since I promised Terra Ola to help her find her family, naturally I can’t break my word.”

“But the God Organization, an organization with the strength to capture the Divine Beasts, and my current strength is simply impossible to oppose such an organization.”

“At the very least, we must wait until the Kabi Beasts all have the strength of the Heavenly King, before they can try to save the Divine Beast Terao – La.”

As for the power of the Dragon Temple…

Gu Yu hadn’t thought about it at all.

The Dragon Temple itself is a relatively loose organization, and everyone is not a superior-subordinate relationship.

It was simply impossible for him to command the Dragon Temple against the God Organization.

If you want to save the Divine Beast Gela Ola, you can only rely on Gu Yu’s own strength at present.

The message in the Dragon Temple chat group rang out again.

“Number two: The crazy people of the God Organization, since the technology has broken through, what else do they want to dream genes to do?”

Is the dream gene for the God Organization?

Gu Yu also did not expect that the dream gene he had obtained in the Lushan Secret Realm had actually been given to the Divine Organization by the Dragon God Temple!

“Number Three: I know some inside information about this.”

“Number Three: Although the God Organization temporarily trapped Terra Ola, it does not mean that it can subdue Tera Ola, coupled with the lesson of the failure of the previous three times to subdue the Divine Beast, so many people think that the Divine Beast cannot be subdued.”

“Number Three: The Order of the Gods has thus split into two factions, one of which is a conservative faction that continues to aim to subdue the Divine Beast, and they did what happened to Terraora.”

“Number Three: One faction is a radical, believing that since the Divine Beast cannot be subdued, it will rely on advanced science and technology to create a Divine Beast that obeys the orders of the Divine Organization, and it is this faction that trades in the Dream Gene!”

“Number Two: Madman! What a bunch of lunatics! He even wanted to create a mythical beast! Number One actually agreed to trade with these crazy people! ”

“Number One: Are Divine Beasts So Good to Create?” I don’t believe the Order of God can succeed! ”

“Number One: I have a message in advance, what Ladios wants, I will be able to get it in a few months, plus the information I have obtained before.”

“Number One: If nothing else, the sleeping quarters of Lechram and Czech Roma can already be preliminarily confirmed.”

“No. 1: Preliminary plan, next June, send a few people to find the clues of the two divine beasts first, the specific people to go, decide a month in advance, and arrange the time in advance if you want to go.”

News from Lechram and Czech Roma!

“Number One is really a miraculous and vast place where divine beasts sleep, and it is also two first-level gods, which have been preliminarily confirmed.”

“However, in June…”

Gu Yu estimated that No. 1 should have done double insurance.

The National Collegiate Elf League starts in April and ends in mid-May.

In June, the search for clues to the mythical beast began.

Proof that Number One has been sure that he will get the Heart Droplet that Ladios wants in May.

“I just don’t know, besides me, who are they going to let take the water droplets of the heart!”

“But none of this has anything to do with me, because the champion can only be me!”

Thinking of this, Gu Yu’s eyes were full of determination!

For the next period of time, Gu Yu entered the working state again.

Ye Tianwang’s notes and materials on cultivating elves were also repeatedly studied by Gu Yu.

Wind Speed Dogs, Kirby Beasts, these quasi-king-level elves, are ready to exercise.

In terms of the angle of exercise, the angle of exercise is different for each elf.

Kirby Beast is Speed.

Wind speed dogs are physical.

The monarch snake is power.

Menas is physical.

As for the elves such as Pokkigu, Ibu, and Sticky Treasure, they are either of low rank or have not yet left their infancy.

At this stage, Gu Yu was not ready to exercise several elves.

By the time Gu Yu had finished formulating the training plan for several elves, the time had come to January 31.

Today is the division of the Dragon Kingdom.

Since the morning, Gu Yu has been busy.

All kinds of happy new year news, as well as various greeting phone calls from classmates.

Gu Yu stayed at home until the end of the fifteenth day of the first month.

February 16.

Gu Yu returned to school with an unhappy Shen Yuezhu.

As for why Shen Yuezhu was unhappy, he said that because the opening of Zhejiang University was March 1.

Gu Yu returned to Zhejiang in advance in order to go to Qiandao Lake to start training.

The National Collegiate Elf League begins in April.

Next, he only had one and a half months left to practice.

Naturally, we must seize the time to practice the level.

He took the wind speed dog and Menas to the secret realm of Qiandao Lake to practice.

The Kirby Beast and the Monarch Snake were handed over to Shen Yuezhu to help with training.

One training speed.

A training strength.

February 17.

The secret place of Qiandao Lake.


In the blue waters of the lake, water elves such as jeweled starfish, small sea lions, and large pincer crabs are playing and frolicking.

Strike! Strike! Strike!

Above the lake, bird spirits such as Bibi birds, large-billed finches, and fierce finches circled and flew just past the fifteenth, and there were very few trainers who came to the secret realm at this time.

Gu Yu rode a wind speed dog and carried a backpack to the secret place of Qiandao Lake.

In the backpack, it was the sleeping Cosmogu.

And Gu Yu’s first destination was Narcissus Island.

After arriving at Narcissus Island, Gu Yu first released Terra Ora.

Then he explained everything he knew to Gera Ola.

“Terra Ola! I already know who took your family captive! ”


There was excitement in Gera Ora’s voice.

Apparently, she couldn’t wait to see her family.

“The strength of the other party is very strong, and my current strength is simply unable to save your family!”

“Next, I’ll train you like crazy until I think we can save your family!”

“Terra Ola! Are you ready? ”

Gu Yu looked at Terra Ola and asked.


Gera Aura’s eyes were full of determination, and she nodded at Gu Yu.

“Then let’s start with this island!”

With that, Gu Yu released Pokkigu.

The big needle bee family is in danger!

The Great Needle Bee Clan had been brushed with experience points once by Gu Yu before.

Now that Gu Yu continued to harvest, the Great Needle Bee Clan naturally had no power to fight back.

【Ding! Gera Aura defeats the Big Needle Bee and gains 300 XP! 】

【Ding! Pokkekegu defeats the Big Needle Bee and gains 400 experience points! 】

【Ding! Gera Aura defeats the Big Needle Bee and gains 250 XP! 】


【Ding! Terra Aura defeats the Big Needle Bee Leader and gains 1000 experience points! 】

【Ding! Gera Aura upgraded to level 17! 】

After the Great Needle Bee Clan was defeated by all, Gu Yu took the elves to brush the Great Armor Clan.

【Ding! Gera Aura defeats the Big One and gains 350 XP! 】

【Ding! Pokkekegu defeats Daika and gains 250 XP! 】

【Ding! Gera Ola defeats the Big One boss and gains 1200 experience points! 】


【Ding! Gera Aura upgraded to level 18! 】

【Ding! Gera Aura comprehension skill splits! 】

[Split: Split your opponent with a claw or sickle, etc., to attack, and it is easy to hit the point. 】

In the following week, Gu Yu took Terra Ola and Pokkekigu to practice frantically.

【Ding! Pokkekegu defeats the Rumble Stone and gains 400 XP! 】

【Ding! Defeat Coal Turtle and gain 700 XP! 】

【Ding! Gera Aura defeats the giant vine and gains 500 experience points! 】


【Ding! Gera Aura upgraded to level 25! 】

【Ding! Pokkekekuo upgraded to level 36! 】

After a week of leveling, Gera Ola upgraded to level 25 Pokkekigu and also to level 36.

Pockage could have evolved into Pokéky long ago.

Considering that Pokkigu’s rank was raised by the Rainbow Feather.

Gu Yu chose to observe Pokkekigu for a while.

Through the observations of the Sea Province to the present, it was determined that Pokkigu did not affect the potential due to rapid upgrading.

Gu Yu is ready to buy the Stone of Light and let Pokkigu evolve!

February 24, 7 p.m.

Night falls.

Gu Yu, who had been busy for a day, returned from the secret place of Qiandao Lake with the elves.

Gu Yu did not return to the villa immediately, but first went to the school’s breeding house and sold the best fire stone that Xia Pengyu had given him.

I added some money and bought a Stone of Ultimate Light.

Villa 23.

Shen Yuezhu saw Gu Yu come back: “There is food in the refrigerator, I will go and warm it up for you now!” ”

“You’re in trouble!”

After speaking, Gu Yu took Pokkekegu to the pool and took out the Ultimate Light Stone at the same time.

“Are you ready?” Pokkekegu! ”


Pokkekegu nodded firmly.

In the next instant, Gu Yu placed the Ultimate Light Stone on Pokkigu’s forehead at the moment of contact with the Ultimate Light Stone, and dazzling white light bloomed from Pokkigu’s body.

The form of Pokkekegu began to change!

The dazzling light shone, and the silhouette in the white light continued to expand, quickly exceeding a meter.

Wait until the white light clears.

A white bird-like elf appeared in Gu Yu’s eyes.

The elf is covered in white fur and has broad, triangular wings.

The spikes on the front of the head form a crown divided into three bunches, the middle bunche is all white from the bottom to the top, but the left and right tips are red and blue, respectively.

“Beep! (* ̄︶ ̄)”

The evolved Pokkis was very happy and pounced directly on Gu Yu.

Pokkis’s standard weight is 38 kilograms: barely within Gu Yu’s reach.

Pokkis hugged Gu Yu and his head began to rub on Gu Yu’s body.

At this time, Shen Yuezhu, who noticed the ancient evolutionary light of Pokki, also walked out of the villa.

When he saw Pokkigu evolve into Pokkis, he was directly stunned, and his eyes were full of shock!

Then Shen Yuezhu began to doubt life again!

Why haven’t my chrysanthemum leaves and six tails evolved yet, and Gu Yu’s elves have evolved so fast?!

Ignoring Shen Yuezhu, who doubted his life, Gu Yu began to check the information of Kipokkis.

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