Chapter 102 Heavenly King’s Successor! The identity of the future father-in-law!!

“Shocked! The most powerful new student in history has appeared! ”

“Freshman year! My freshman year! ”

“The most powerful freshman in history! There was even a glitter Ibu! ”

The headlines of the online hot search are more than one outrageous.

Many of Gu Yu’s deeds have also been pulled out by many enthusiastic netizens, causing countless netizens to discuss it.

“Sleeper! And that doesn’t make people live! Long handsome! Strong! The most critical elves are still so rare! ”

“What is a winner in life?!” I’m so envious! ”

“If you have Menas, forget it! There was even a glitter Ibu! Jealousy drives me crazy! ”

What really pushed Gu Yu to the cusp of the storm was an evaluation.

“Nice! If he could defeat the Shi family’s handmaiden, in the future, this young man named Gu Yu would have the hope of taking over the old man’s class! ”

It’s such a simple sentence, but because it was spoken in the mouth of that one!

Everything is different!


It was Yuan Hanhai, one of the Four Heavenly Kings of the Dragon Kingdom, who said these words!

Although the Four Heavenly Kings of the Dragon Kingdom, there is no distinction between high and low status.

However, Yuan Hanhai was considered by the majority of trainers to be the head of the Four Heavenly Kings.

Yuan Hanhai is 62 years old this year, the oldest of the Four Heavenly Kings.

He was supposed to be a champion.

I met Fang Jianming, who can be called the protagonist.

After six major battles with Fang Jianming, Fang Jianming relied on the strength of the frozen bird.

In the end, the skillier defeated Yuan Hanhai.

But no one laughed at Yuan Hanhai.

After all, in the eyes of most people, Yuan Hanhai did not lose to Fang Jianming, but 20 lost to the frozen bird.

And that’s what it is!

He even said that Gu Yu could take over his class!

How can it not be shocking?!

When this news appeared fifteen minutes later, it directly put Gu Yu on the top of the hot search on the whole network!

Gu Yu, Heavenly King, Yuan Hanhai, successor…

These words have instantly become hot search words!

At this time, Gu Yu came to her family’s villa with Ye Mengyao.

Look close to the sea, covering an area of nearly 2000 square meters of luxury villas.

Gu Yu also had to say that the Ye family was really too rich!

And the next words of Ye Mengyao made Gu Yu almost want to eat soft rice again!

“The villas here are a little bit smaller, and my family has a few villas in Hai Province.”

“Gu Yu, if you feel crowded, we can change it.”

Listening to Ye Mengyao lightly, it was as if the villa was like a cabbage.

Gu Yu really didn’t want to work hard!


No, wife!

I want soft rice now!

As soon as this thought appeared, it was immediately dispelled by Gu Yu.

“No way! I have to keep trying, the status of the son-in-law is too low! ”

While thinking, Gu Yu and Ye Mengyao walked into the villa.

Jingle Bells!

At this moment, Ye Mengyao’s mobile phone rang.

As soon as Ye Mengyao saw that it was Shen Yuezhu, she picked up the phone.

The next second, Shen Yuezhu’s eager voice came out.

“Mengyao, is Gu Yu with you?” I just called him and I couldn’t get through. ”

Ye Mengyao looked at Gu Yu and replied, “I’m with Gu Yu!” Yuezhu do you have anything to do? ”

“Gu Yu is famous! Just look at the hot searches on the Internet! ”

Gu Yu just heard Shen Yuezhu’s voice and directly took out his mobile phone.

Just now when he fought with Shi Gulan in the Daoguan War, he muted his mobile phone, so he did not notice the missed call on his mobile phone.

I took out my phone and looked at it and found that I had more than 50 missed calls.

Parents, Shen Yuezhu, class teacher Huang Zhiwei, Xia Pengyu, and even former high school classmates.

When Gu Yu opened the browser, he understood what had happened.


Yuan Han Hai!

Gu Yu also did not expect that such a big man would actually say that he would become his successor!

Even Ye Mengyao on the side was also caught in the accident.

A pair of big eyes, full of curiosity.

It was a little uncomfortable to stare at Gu Yu and keep showing Gu Yu.

“Mengyao, what are you doing staring at me all the time?”

“I just wonder why Uncle Yuan is optimistic about you being his successor?”

“Logically, Uncle Yuan’s trump card is Bangila, and most of his own elves are also rocky ground systems.”

“And there are no rock systems or ground systems in your elves, so I can’t see what you look like Uncle Yuan’s successor.”

Gu Yu didn’t know how to answer.

After all, he hadn’t seen the Yuanhan Sea Heavenly King.

He also didn’t know why the other side was praising him so much.

Uncle Yuan?

Notice Ye Mengyao’s title.

Gu Yu also asked the doubts in his heart: “Mengyao, are you familiar with the Yuan Heavenly King?” ”

Ye Mengyao nodded, “Uncle Yuan and my father are colleagues, and when I was young, I often went to Uncle Yuan’s house to play.” ”

“Is Ling Zun at the top of the Alliance?”

Gu Yu was also very curious about the work of his future husband.

“My father, like Uncle Yuan, is the Four Heavenly Kings of the Dragon Kingdom.”

Ye Mengyao replied.

Four Heavenly Kings…

Although Gu Yu had already guessed that Ye Mengyao’s father was not simple, he did not expect that Ye Mengyao’s father was the Four Heavenly King!

Among the four heavenly kings, the only one with the surname Ye was the one who used the quasi-divine spirit to bite the land shark as the trump card!

Ye Hongyi!

“No wonder Mengyao’s fangs land shark qualifications are so good!” Her elven qualifications are also so good! ”

“I heard that my daughters are all my father’s little cotton jackets, and if I want to abduct Ye Mengyao, Ye Tianwang can’t personally come after me, right?”

Gu Yu suddenly had some understanding of the original history, the choice of his own life script.

Maybe it’s not that you can’t be a son-in-law, but you don’t dare to be improper!

Thinking of this, Gu Yu felt that he needed to work harder.

Otherwise, if you don’t do it well, you will be beaten up by the old man in the future!

Immediately Gu Yu stopped thinking about it and began to reply to missed calls.

After the call was answered, Gu Yu opened the dragon chat and began a private chat with Xia Pengyu.

“Number Eight: Number Five, this hot search came too suddenly, did you or the Dragon God Temple did it?”

“Number Five: Your senses are sharp! I just received the message too! ”

“Number Five: The Dragon Shrine does not train you to be obscure, the higher your status in reality, the more benefits you can bring to the Dragon Shrine in the future!”

“Number Eight: What the hell is going on with the Yuanhan Sea Heavenly King?” Who found him to stand for me, or was he one of the Dragon Temple? ”

“Number Five: You don’t need to care about this matter, you just need to know that he is on our side with you!”

“Number Five: All I can tell you is that next year the Alliance is going to make a big move, and the Dragon Temple is only doing this now to help you get into the Alliance’s sight and get great benefits next year!”

End the chat with Xia Pengyu.

Gu Yu immediately began to think.

“Now it seems to be right, the power of the Dragon Shrine has been re-evaluated, and Yuan Hanhai has been in the position of Heavenly King for more than 30 years. Except for Fang Jianming, the champion of the Dragon Kingdom, he did not dare to say that he was stable. ”

“And such a big man actually pushed me because of the relationship between the Dragon Shrine.”

“Is Yuan Hanhai one of the Dragon Shrines, or is the influence of the Dragon Shrine really that great?”

According to Gu Yu’s guess, Yuan Hanhai was the most likely one in the Dragon Shrine.

“Unfortunately, the true identity of these people is not known.”

“I don’t know, what is the huge benefit that Xia Pengyu said?”

For the rest of the few days, Ye Mengyao began to train with Shi Gulan, and Gu Yu took the elves to train while playing around Hai Province.

December 15.

The Poseidon Festival begins.




In the early morning, Haikou City, which is responsible for holding the Sea God Festival, the ceremonial flowers are not stopped.

Tourists from all over the country have poured into the streets to participate in the Poseidon Festival together.

The place where the Poseidon Festival is held is the Temple of Lokia.

The temple is on a cliff near the sea.

The stone temple is made of granite throughout, with a simple and solemn shape.

In front of the temple there is a statue of Lokia that is ten meters high.

In front of the temple square, which can usually stand tens of thousands of people, at this time, a woman holding a golden scepter and wearing a blue sacrificial dress stepped out of the temple.

The woman was the high priest who presided over the sea god festival.

Gu Yu looked at the crowded crowd above the temple square, and also began to have a headache of 750.

“It’s too hard to squeeze through!”

“But will Lokia really bless the Sea Province?”

Hearing Gu Yu’s words, Ye Mengyao beside him replied, “Isn’t this the norm for our Dragon People?” ”

“Before you take an exam or something important, worship the gods.”

“The exam passed, or things succeeded, it is your own credit.”

“If you can’t pass the test, or if things don’t work out, the gods and immortals don’t work.”

For a moment, Gu Yu was speechless.

Because, what Ye Mengyao said was the normal state of the people of the Dragon Kingdom.

After the high priest has finished reading the sacrifice to the sea god Lokia, the sea god festival is about to begin.

“Dear trainers! Now you can show your bravery and wisdom to the god of the sea! ”

As the High Priest’s voice fell, the battle for the Sea God Festival officially began.

There are more than 800 trainers enrolled in the Poseidon Festival.

The first round of the competition is very similar to the freshman competition that Gu Yu participated in.

All of them are based on a points elimination system.

After a day of fierce fighting, the sixteen trainers with the highest points were selected.

The next day, the sixteen trainers decided the final champion.

This is the Poseidon Festival.

On the first day, in order to pursue speed, most of the contestants were quickly eliminated.

The temple takes a one-on-one battle mode directly and directly.

For each player, the initial points are 1, and 1 point is deducted for losing 1 inning.

And when the points are negative, they are directly eliminated.

Win a contestant and earn 1 point at a time.

Finally, the top sixteen players with the highest points are selected.

No. 341.

This is the number that Gu Yu drew this time.

Ye Mengyao did not choose to participate because the strength of Chenglong and Jenny Turtle was not strong.

After playing a few games, Gu Yu also found out.

Most of the opponents of the Sea God Festival are very mediocre.

Considering that it is not a formal game, many people are holding a playful mentality, and it is normal that the trainer is not strong.

In the end, Gu Yu easily advanced to the round of sixteen.

Also truly ushered in, the first powerful opponent!

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