“I choose to believe you once, if this Laluras is not qualified, then feed a secret treasure to improve it!”

Hearing Ye Mengyao understatement, he was going to feed the secret treasure.

Gu Yu suddenly didn’t want to work hard!


No, wife!

I want soft rice!

“No, I have to work hard, the man who is in the middle of nowhere, has no family status at all, I have to hold back!”

Gu Yu forcibly suppressed his desire to eat soft rice.

The two then went to register the elves they had taken away, and then prepared to leave the breeding ground.

Before leaving, Ye Mengyao took the initiative to speak: “Gu Yu, give me your contact information!” There have been some improvements in swimming training during this time, and I want to discuss it with you. ”

Gu Yu nodded and exchanged a continuous way with Ye Mengyao.

He actually had some cultivation things he wanted to ask Ye Mengyao.

Sticky Baby is about to be born.

However, for the cultivation of dragon elves, Gu Yu still hadn’t found a suitable training plan.

Dragon lineage, especially dragon quasi-gods.

Basically the kind of elves who can’t afford to have no mines at home.

There are indeed some people on the Internet who have published some experiences on the plan to cultivate quasi-gods.

But the obvious level is shallow.

Anyway, Gu Yu spent a little half a day, and he didn’t get much useful things.

Ye Mengyao was different.

The Circle Land Shark was obviously very well cultivated, proving that Ye Mengyao or her family had a set of methods for cultivating dragon quasi-gods.

It’s just that this kind of information is definitely very precious.

He had to pick a suitable opportunity to speak.

After bidding farewell to Ye Mengyao, Gu Yu took the time to go to the store on the way back to the villa to print a photo of his freshman championship and bought a picture frame at the same time.

When you get home, drop the photo into the frame.

Then Gu Yu found an empty table and placed the photo and the Hippopotamus King Trophy he had just won on the table.

When he was finished, Gu Yu looked at the trophy he had just won and said, “Although this is only a small competition, this is a good start.” ”


In the principal’s office.


Wan Qianfeng, who was working at the office, heard a knock on the door and stopped his work.

“Come in!”

With a creak, the door was pushed open and Xia Pengyu walked into the principal’s room.

When Wan Qianfeng saw that it was Xia Pengyu, he took the initiative to ask, “Pengyu, Ye Mengyao and Gu Yu have finished choosing elves, right?” ”


Hearing Xia Pengyu’s answer, Wan Qianfeng nodded: “The human affection owed to Ye Chengfeng back then was paid off, I hope Ye Mengyao can treat my old partner’s children well!” ”

“Headmaster, that…”

Even Xia Pengyu, who was accustomed to seeing strong winds and waves, did not know how to open his mouth now.

Looking at Xia Pengyu, who was squeaking and whimpering, Wan Qianfeng frowned and said, “Pengyu, if you have anything to say, just say it.” ”

“Headmaster, Ye Mengyao did not choose the descendants of the Hippo King.”


Wan Qianfeng also did not expect that Ye Mengyao did not choose to be a stupid beast.

“What’s going on?! Was Gu Yu the first to land? Or is there another reason? ”

Xia Pengyu replied, “Gu Yu, there is no choice to be a stupid beast, Ye Mengyao does not know what the reason is, and finally chose a Lalu Lasi who does not know the qualifications.” ”


Wan Qianfeng rubbed his forehead, as if he was thinking about why Ye Mengyao would choose a Lalu Lasi with unknown qualifications.

“Is it true that today’s trainers also prefer long and beautiful elves?”

Xia Pengyu on the side didn’t know how to answer.

Because, he has hosted so many freshman races, and he has not seen such an outrageous choice of elves!

“Forget it, since Ye Mengyao and Gu Yu didn’t choose my old partner’s child, let that child wait for other masters!”

“By the way, which elf did Gu Yu choose?” This year the Breeding Farm has a few nice elves. ”

“Do you choose the descendants of that Heavenly King-level fire-breathing dragon, or the descendants of that Heavenly King-level Lizard King, or the descendants of that Heavenly King-level Dark Night Demon Spirit?”

Xia Pengyu shook his head, “No, Gu Yu found one of the elf eggs from the pile of various origins and unclear qualifications.” ”

Hearing Xia Pengyu’s words, Wan Qianfeng’s eyes widened directly, and his face was full of disbelief.

“Pengyu, did I hear you correctly?” You said that Gu Yu casually found an elf egg? ”

“Headmaster, you heard it right.” Xia Pengyu affirmed.

After Wan Qianfeng was confirmed, he directly froze in the same place for three seconds, and then sighed: “Today’s young people are really people… I don’t understand it! ”

Xia Pengyu also smiled bitterly.

It was also the first time he had seen that none of the descendants of the Heavenly King-level elves wanted it.

And not alone!

“Forget it, Pengyu still has one day to go, and the teachers who were lacking in various departments before have been hired in the summer, right?” Wan Qianfeng no longer dwelled on this question, but asked about the preparation for the start of school.

Xia Pengyu replied, “Basically, they are all hired, except for the teachers of the Dragon Family, there are very few trainers of the Dragon Elves, and those who are too strong cannot see the position of a teacher, and those who are too weak cannot teach students.” ”

“After the start of the new semester, I am ready to take the dragon department myself.”

Although the teachers of Zhejiang University are teachers, they are also trainers.

It’s also common to go on secret adventures and participate in competitions, so teachers often leave their jobs.

Zhejiang University does not care about this, leaving the job and then recruiting.

“Then how hard you will be after school starts!”

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