Without any accidents, Ye Mengyao directly crushed his opponent.

Champion potential round land shark.

And the strength has also reached the elite level.

The elves of such strength, in the freshman race, are completely crushed.

The list of the top thirty-two was finally released at noon.

There was a two-hour break at noon.

At 2:00 p.m., the 32nd Round of 16 officially began.

And this time Gu Yu’s opponent made him a little surprised.

It’s his roommate… It should be said that the former roommate Fang Qinghua.

“Gu Yu player and Fang Qinghua player, the game begins!”

Katy Dog!

Kitten monsters!

An elf with a blue front body and a black back half with a yellow cross on its ears appeared in front of Gu Yu’s eyes.

[Kitten Monster (Electricity)].


[Level: Lv15 (Normal)].

[Characteristics: Fighting spirit (facing opponents with the same gender will ignite the spirit of struggle and become stronger, while facing different genders will become weaker. )】

[Character Talent: Introverted (+ Special Attack, – Attack)].

[Individual Qualifications: HP (28), Attack (31), Defense (26), Special Attack (30), Special Defense (31), Speed (28)


[Skills: Hit, Glare, Shock, Charging, Biting, Lightning, Roaring


[Carrying: None].

[Potential: Dojo].

At this time, Fang Qinghua’s voice also sounded.

“Gu Yu, I didn’t expect that we would actually have a chance to fight, let me see how powerful you are!”

Gu Yu looked at Fang Qinghua and nodded, “Good, I will defeat you with all my might!” ”

“Katy the dog! Move at high speed! Then spray the flames! ”

The Katy Dog dissolves into a shadow and appears not far from the Kitten Monster.

Red flames erupted from the mouth of the Katy Dog, turning into a huge curtain of fire and rushing towards the kitten monster.

For the first time, the kite flow tactics were displayed in front of Fang Qinghua’s eyes!

“Kitten monster dodge!”

The kitten monster accelerates, trying to dodge the jet flames of the Katy dog.

In the next instant, the Katy Dog once again turned into a shadow and appeared not far from the Kitten Monster, and the spray of flames once again sprayed out towards the Kitten Monster.

“Kitten monster!”

Fang Qinghua looked at the kitten monster that was already surrounded by the sea of fire and shouted with concern in an instant!

By the time the flames cleared, the pitch-black kitten monster had fallen to the ground.

【Ding! Katy Dog defeats Kitten Monster and gains 200 experience points! 】

【Ding! Katy Dog upgraded to level 17! 】

After retrieving the kitten, Fang Qinghua said to the referee: “Referee I concede!” ”

When the referee heard Fang Qinghua’s words, he was first stunned and then announced the result.

“Fang Qinghua conceded defeat, Gu Yu won the game!” Congratulations to Gu Yu for advancing to the Round of 16! ”

After the game, Fang Qinghua found Gu Yu.

“Your tactics are really too clever, there is no range attack, you can’t hit the Katy Dog at all, and you can only be consumed alive by the Katy Dog.”

“There is no point in Pikachu coming out again, after my kitten monster learns the large-scale attack skills of discharge and electromagnetic waves, we will fight again!”

“I’m looking forward to playing with you again!”

After successfully advancing to the round of sixteen, after a day off.

August 29.

The round of sixteen was officially launched.

Today, the crowd of people who came to watch the game increased again, and nearly half of the spectators were already sitting in the Aoyama Stadium.

Above the gymnasium, the large screen, which was originally closed, has also been turned on at this time.

For the first time, a photographer appeared on the scene, picked up the camera, and constantly gave the lens to the contestants.

The figures of Gu Yu, Ye Mengyao and other players also frequently appeared on the big screen above the gymnasium.

Shen Yuezhu, who was sitting in the first row, asked Gu Yu, who was about to play, “Gu Yu, do you feel nervous now?” ”

For people whose psychological quality is not good, it is easy to be nervous in the face of such an environment.

After all, the game is now being played under the gaze of seven or eight thousand spectators, not to mention various cameras.

Once the fight is not good, in the face of the audience’s booing, mockery, it is easy to explode in mentality, thus playing abnormal.

This was also the first time that Gu Yu had conducted an elf match in such an environment.

To say that there is no sense of tension is certainly false.

But that’s just a little bit.

“Rest assured, I won’t lose the game because of this pressure!”

And then the sound of the live broadcast sounded.

“Please Gu Yu and Wang Feifan, get ready to play!”

Gu Yu immediately stepped onto the field and prepared to start the game.

In addition to receiving more attention to the round of sixteen, the rules have once again changed.

Originally, the previous competition was a geotechnical field.

A geotechnical venue, as the name suggests, is a competition venue made of rock and soil.

In addition to geotechnical sites, there are four kinds of sites: deserts, solid ice, grasslands, and rivers.

At present, these five venues are the mainstream five types of competition venues, of course, there are some special venues.

In the round of 16, these five venues were randomly selected.

There’s a bit of luck involved in that.

For example, river sites.

90% of the river site is water, and less than 10% is land.

If Gu Yu did not have Menas and won the river field, the opponent was Ye Mengyao who was riding the dragon and the Jenny turtle.

Gu Yu basically had the option to concede.

The Dragon has ranged attack skills such as Water Gun, Water Cannon, and Frozen Beam.

The land area is so large, and the speed of the Katy dog does not mean that it can fly in the sky.

There are no flying elves, no water elves.

If Gu Yu hit the river field, it was a reluctant battle and a living target.

It can be seen that the impact of the venue on the game.

According to the new rules of the game, whenever a player has an elf falls, they can ask for a new draw to change the venue.

It can be said that because of this rule, the uncertainty of the game has increased a lot.

This is also testing the trainer’s ability to adapt to changes on the spot.

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