The first time, the first time, the second time.

Tiancheng Group, Chairman's Office.

After listening to the report from the property management office, Yang Lu frowned and said to the phone: "You said Mr. An injured Zhang Qing and several others. Was he taken away by the Taihu Road Police Station?"

"Yes. The video has been sent to your mailbox, Chairman." The person on the other end of the phone answered respectfully.

"Well, I know!" Yang Lu hung up the phone after saying that.

Since he learned that An Ziping's address was his property when he had dinner with him last time, Yang Lu asked the property manager there to keep an eye on An Ziping's movements and report immediately if there was any situation.

At that time, it was just a casual instruction, mainly to know An Ziping's situation, but he didn't expect that something really happened.

Then he opened his mailbox.

Sure enough, a video appeared in the mailbox, which was the scene of An Ziping beating Zhang Qing and others.

Seeing the Oreo in the video showing its might, Yang Lu was also shocked.

It was also the first time he saw a husky so bravely using kung fu to fight the enemy, which was simply a visual feast.

He couldn't help but sigh that it was worthy of being Mr. An's dog. A master is a master, and the dog he raised was also amazing.

Then Yang Lu continued to watch.

After watching the entire video, Yang Lu's face became darker and darker. Because the video showed that it was Zhang Qing, Li Li and others who provoked first.

In the end, Li Gang and others arrived at the scene and handcuffed An Ziping without knowing the truth.

Although An Ziping knocked down Li Gang and others in the process of resistance, he finally got on the police car and left.

"How unreasonable!" Yang Lu slapped the sofa angrily.

"These people really deserve to die."

Then Yang Lu took out his phone and dialed a number.


Chen Haiyang, the director of the Ningnan Public Security Bureau, was sitting in his office.

He looked at the computer screen in front of him, frowning slightly, and was obviously worried.


After a long time, Chen Haiyang sighed, and then began to look through the documents on the table.

Suddenly, a cell phone rang.

Chen Haiyang glanced at his phone and saw that it was Yang Lu from Tiancheng Group, so he pressed the answer button.

"Hello, Mr. Yang! What's the matter?" Chen Haiyang asked with a smile.

"Brother Chen, I need your help with something." Yang Lu's voice came from the phone.

"Oh? Mr. Yang, if you have something to say, just tell me." Chen Haiyang was a little surprised to hear that Yang Lu wanted to trouble him.

"It's like this. An accident happened today in Zhongxin Community, a property under my management.

One of the parties is a friend of mine named An Ziping. The other party is a few bullies.

These guys bully others by taking advantage of their power. They were looking for trouble first. My friend was acting in self-defense, but when Li Gang, the director of Taihu Road Police Station, arrived, he arrested my friend without asking any questions and put him on some false charges.

As far as I know, Li Gang is the other party's brother. I suspect that he is bending the law for personal gain and shielding that party. So I hope Brother Chen can help rescue my friend and severely punish those bullies.

We have a video of the whole process, and I sent it to your phone.

I hope you can enforce the law impartially and give my friend an explanation." Yang Lu said solemnly on the phone.

Li Gang?

Chen Haiyang frowned tightly when he heard the name.

This guy seems to have done a lot of bad things over the years, but since they are all small things, Chen Haiyang turned a blind eye.

Who knew that this guy would dare to abuse his power for personal gain and shield criminals. Does this mean that he will be implicated in the future?

"Please rest assured, Director Yang, this kind of abuse of power for personal gain and shielding of criminals will never be tolerated. Don't worry, I promise to give you a satisfactory result." Chen Haiyang said solemnly.

"Thank you, Brother Chen." Yang Lu was relieved when he heard Chen Haiyang say this.

"You're welcome, it's just a small favor." Chen Haiyang waved his hand.

Then he hung up the phone.

Just as he was about to open the video to take a look, "beep beep!" Suddenly, the landline on the table rang.

"Hello!" Chen Haiyang answered the phone.

"Hello, is this Director Chen? I'm Qin Boyang." A strong male voice came from the other end of the phone.

Qin Boyang?

Chen Haiyang was surprised to hear the other party's name. Of course, he knew this political rising star in Southeast Province.

This is an absolute big shot!

, although he is only the deputy director of the provincial organization department now, he will definitely be a provincial governor in the future, or even higher!

And he is still working in the organization department now, which is the place that controls the lifeline of most people in Southeast Province, and has great power.

Although the public security system he is in is a separate line, he can more or less affect his future career.

"Oh, it turns out to be Minister Qin! I wonder if you have any advice." Chen Haiyang said respectfully.

"I heard that a case happened in Zhongxin Community today?" Qin Boyang asked lightly on the other end of the phone.

Hearing Qin Boyang mention this, Chen Haiyang's heart skipped a beat. He didn't expect that this matter would even alarm Qin Boyang. It seems that the background of the arrested person is not simple.

Thinking of this, fine beads of sweat appeared on Chen Haiyang's forehead.

He quickly wiped the sweat from his forehead, and then said: "Minister Qin, this is true. I have learned the details. It is under investigation now."

"Well, in that case, then you should investigate it carefully. Remember, don't wrongly accuse a good person, don't let any bad person go, and don't let people say that we are partial to each other and pervert the law." Qin Boyang said with a hint of meaning.

"Please rest assured, I will do my best to find out the matter and give an explanation to the country and the people." Chen Haiyang immediately agreed.

Qin Boyang nodded, and then said: "Okay, then let's do it." After that, Qin Boyang hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Chen Haiyang broke out in a cold sweat. Although Qin Boyang didn't say a word to plead for An Ziping, he was not a fool. How could he not feel the meaning behind it!

This clearly meant that he was going to protect An Ziping and deal with Li Gang.

Thinking of this, he immediately picked up his phone to call Li Gang and ask who this guy had caught that caused two big shots to call him personally.

"Beep, beep..."

However, at this moment, the landline rang again.

Hearing the sound of the landline ringing, Chen Haiyang was shocked and had a bad premonition in his heart. Could this call still be related to An Ziping?

He sorted out his emotions a little, and then answered the phone: "Hello!"

Then a vigorous male voice came from the other end of the phone: "Chen Haiyang, I think you don't want to be the director of the Municipal Bureau anymore, right?"

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