The restaurant manager found that his boss, Yang Lu, deliberately lagged behind An Ziping by half a step, and was humble and polite.

He was shocked. What kind of status did this young man have that made Mr. Yang, who is well-known in the Ningnan business circle, so respectful? !

However, the restaurant manager did not dare to ask more questions and just led the way.

Soon, the group came to a private room on the second floor with elegant decoration, quiet and simple style.

Pushing open the door, there were several calligraphy and sculptures on both sides of the wall. Facing the window was a huge circular pool with flowers blooming in it, and the fragrance was rich, which made people feel relaxed and happy.

The tables and chairs are very exquisite, and each wooden chair is inlaid with gold edges and jade, showing luxury.

The room is well decorated, with mahogany sofas, tea sets, porcelain, etc., which are very valuable. At the same time, a small and exquisite refrigerator is placed in the corner of the room, which is filled with ingredients and fruits.

"Wow~~ It's so beautiful here." An Yueke's eyes lit up immediately when she saw the scene here, and then turned to look at An Ziping and said.

"Yeah." An Ziping touched An Yueke's head lovingly.

Yang Lu also came over at the right time, "Master An, if you like it, you can come often. The food here is still good."

He took out a card and handed it to An Ziping.

An Ziping was not hypocritical, and took the card, "Okay, thank you."

Then An Ziping found a seat and sat down casually. Ye Xiyao sat on the other side with Ye Zihan in her arms.

Yang Lu originally wanted to sit next to Ye Zihan, but was glared at by Ye Xiyao. Yang Lu was so scared that he instantly shrank his neck, and had to sit down on the other side of An Ziping in a sullen manner.

"Mr. An, what do you want to eat?" Yang Lu asked politely.

An Ziping glanced at the menu on the table, then raised his hand slightly and said, "Anything is fine."

Yang Lu nodded at this, and then called the waiter to the restaurant manager, asking him to make his own arrangements and make more things that children like, especially desserts.

The manager immediately understood when he heard this. Then he smiled and left.

After a while, a series of exquisite and attractive side dishes were served, as well as plates of desserts with tempting aromas.

The two little girls were drooling at the sight. Especially An Yueke, she had never seen these exquisite delicacies.

At this time, looking at the plates of attractive dishes, she couldn't help swallowing her saliva, and her eyes were full of greed.

An Ziping found it funny, stretched out his hand to pinch her cheek, then picked up a piece of fish with chopsticks and fed it to An Yueke.

"Try it, how does it taste?"

The little girl bit the fish that An Ziping sent over obediently, her mouth moving quickly.

She ate with relish, and even kept praising:

"'s so delicious..."

"Haha, if it tastes good, eat more. Come, drink some juice, don't choke." After saying that, An Ziping poured another drink for An Yueke.

An Yueke nodded repeatedly and ate more happily.

During the whole meal, everyone talked happily.

An Ziping also learned about the story between Yang Lu and Ye Xiyao.

It turned out that when Ye Xiyao was still a third-rate little star, she met Yang Lu.

Because she was not famous at the time, she had no money and could only rent an old building.

Ye Xiyao finished work late that day, and ended up running into a few hooligans who tried to bully her. She was saved by Yang Lu who happened to pass by.

Ye Xiyao was grateful for Yang Lu's life-saving grace, and Yang Lu was handsome and elegant, so she fell in love with him at first sight.

Later, Yang Lu paid Ye Xiyao and became a three-dimensional artist in the Chinese entertainment industry.

And took this opportunity to date Ye Xiyao and eventually became a boyfriend and girlfriend.

However, it was not until Ye Xiyao became pregnant that she knew that Yang Lu was a family man and his wife's family was very powerful.

Yang Lu was worried that Ye Xiyao would be wronged, so he told her that his wife had separated from him a long time ago and the two were not really in love.

And they were already in the process of divorce procedures, so he hoped that Ye Xiyao could understand.

But Ye Xiyao didn't believe it at all, and instead thought that Yang Lu had deceived her.

But Yang Lu always insisted on his point of view, he had his own difficulties, and finally the two of them had a stalemate.

During that time, Ye Xiyao had a hard time because their relationship was not public, so she dared not to announce her pregnancy.

Fortunately, she successfully gave birth to Ye Zihan in the end, and the media did not know about it.

After giving birth to Ye Zihan, Yang Lu and Ye Zihan also eased a little. After all, no matter what, he was Ye Zihan's father.

However, he still did not completely forgive Yang Lu. He was always unwilling to register for marriage with him, and he did not let Ye Zihan take his surname.

Recently, they quarreled again about these things, so Ye Xiyao did not allow Yang Lu to see Ye Zihan again.

Yang Lu was also eager to miss his daughter, and had no choice but to ask someone to snatch Ye Zihan.

This time Ye Zihan was bullied, and because Ye Xiyao's identity as a public figure was not good, she called Yang Lu over.

After listening, An Ziping had to sigh that the plot was exactly the same as in the TV series. It seems that art really comes from life.

When the meal was about to end, Yang Lu suddenly came to An Ziping. Then whispered:

"Mr. An, I would like to ask, are your two Ferraris given by Qin Feilong?"

Hearing this, An Ziping was stunned, and then nodded.

He suddenly remembered that when he went to Qin's house before, Mr. Qin had mentioned Yang Lu's name when he treated him to tea. He thought it was a person with the same name.

Now it seems that the Yang Lu mentioned by Mr. Qin and Qin Mengzhu is the Yang Lu in front of him.

"A few days ago, I heard that a master helped solve Zhu Fei's health problems and made Mr. Qin's body 20 years younger. It seems that this person is Mr. An. Mr. An is really a master!"

Yang Lu said with emotion, his eyes shining.

An Ziping just smiled indifferently and did not make any answer.

Seeing this, Yang Lu immediately understood that An Ziping did not want to continue on this topic, so he changed the subject.

"Mr. An, there is one more thing I want to tell you."

When saying this, Yang Lu's face became a little solemn.

An Ziping frowned in confusion, and then said, "Mr. Yang, please feel free to talk."

Yang Lu looked solemn, and then said, "Thanks to Mr. An's talisman, my construction site has now resumed operation. But, something happened that day..."

Then, Yang Lu told An Ziping what happened later that day.

It turned out that after Yang Lu burned the exorcism talisman and dispelled the evil spirit that day, he did not leave, but stayed to continue observing to see if the construction site was really restored.

But as a result, less than an hour later, there was a commotion in the construction site, and then someone shouted:

"Someone is dead--!"

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