Cicada Moving

Chapter 336: horse tracks

Chapter 336 Horse Trails

Zuo Zhong thought for a while, leaned back on the chair, and said in a leisurely tone: "Miss Xiao, do you know who this Miss Wu Xinyue is and who her fiancé is?"

Xiao Qingmin was stunned when he heard this, and immediately shook his head: "I have been staying at the safe place arranged by you these days, and I don't know much about the outside world. Is the identity of Miss Wu's fiancé very sensitive?"

 “Haha, you are right.”

Zuo Zhong tilted his head and looked at her: "Her fiancé is the nephew of Director Xu of the Secret Service Headquarters. For such an important lurker in a key position, the Kwantung Army intelligence department should take it very seriously, right?"

Xiao Qingmin responded very quickly and nodded seriously: "The family members and relatives of the head of any intelligence agency are valuable resources for hostile intelligence agencies. This is for sure."

“So did you really see what happened accidentally, or the Kwantung Army intelligence department will arrange for a spy who has seen important insiders to lurk in the dangerous Jinling. Miss Xiao, please explain.”

Zuo Zhong dusted his trousers and asked a very pointed question. His meaning was clear, that is, such low-level loopholes should not appear in a high-level insider like Wu Xinyue.

There is no luck in intelligence work, especially in the placement of latent personnel. The Secret Service has been dealing with the Japanese for a year or two, and they are both familiar with each other's styles. Xiao Qingmin naturally understands them better.

Let alone passing each other, even if the two of them just glanced at each other from a distance, the Japanese would not send Xiao Qingmin to the sphere of influence of the Republic of China, at least not to Jinling City.


Song Minghao on the side almost laughed out loud and quickly covered his mouth. He didn't expect that there was something about the secret service headquarters. It sounded like a spy was going to become Xu Enzeng's niece.

Once this matter was exposed, and with the case of the safe spot being attacked, Xu Enzeng would have to shed his skin even if he died. But when did the section chief get hold of this matter, and why did he think Xiao Qingmin was faking a surrender?

Hearing what he said, Xiao Qingmin stood up with a swish: "Mr. Zuo, I am a professional intelligence officer, and I know that this matter is really difficult to convince, but that was the situation at the time.

Maybe it was because Wu Xinyue was not important at the time, or maybe I made some disguises at the time. The Kwantung Army believed that this would not affect our respective tasks. This is all possible. "

 “Haha, maybe, maybe?”

Zuo Zhong smiled: "Miss Xiao, look at what you said, it doesn't sound like what a professional intelligence officer should say. Then I can also think that you may be cooperating with the Puppet Manchukuo group.

You used them as a testimonial to gain my trust in you, and secretly obtained information to report to Mr. Doihara in Shenyang. The credibility of this speculation is probably higher than what you said. "

Xiao Qingmin seemed to be insulted and said in an angry tone: "Mr. Zuo, you don't need to use such a ridiculous excuse to kill me. Please allow me to make some preparations. Please hurry up during the execution. Please."

 After saying this, he closed his eyes, raised his neck, and then killed.

Zuo Zhong just looked at her with a smile. He didn't make any statement in the face of the other party's desire to die. He picked up the teacup and took a sip. No one knew what he was thinking.

The people in the intelligence department nearby were not too surprised by Xiao Qingmin's reaction. This woman was very tough-tongued during the last interrogation and was also very good at acting. She was a very difficult opponent.

But what they didn't expect was that Gui Youguang directly pulled out his gun, quickly emptied the magazine of bullets except for one, and then walked up to Xiao Qingmin with a serious face.

“Miss Xiao is a respectable opponent, so let Gui give you a ride. If you need to prepare anything, please hurry up so as not to miss the time to hit the road. You only have five minutes.”


Xiao Qingmin bent over and said, "Then I'll beg you to trouble me. It's an honor for me to die under the hand of a highly skilled pistol like you. Please let someone open my bag. There are some personal belongings inside."

Gui Youguang glanced at the little agent, and immediately someone walked out of the interrogation room with the bag. He checked the contents of the bag outside and took it back after confirming that there was no danger.

Gui Youguang also took a look and found that they were all tools used for makeup. It seemed that the woman wanted to leave beautifully, so she handed these over and asked Xiao Qingmin to make final preparations.

Others did not make a sound to stop them, but killed a Japanese spy who surrendered. If she succeeded in pretending to surrender, the harm would be great, so it was better to kill a thousand by mistake than to let one go.

Moreover, Gui Youguang's doing this should be the arrangement of the section chief, otherwise he would have stopped it long ago. They just want to watch the show, but they don't know what kind of medicine the section chief is selling.

 Five minutes later.

Xiao Qingmin just finished applying her makeup. She took a deep breath, turned to Zuo Zhong, and said calmly: "Mr. Zuo, if you go back on your promise like this, no one will surrender to your organization in the future.

As you Chinese people often say, if you accept someone with faith, the world will trust you; if you don’t accept someone with faith, your wife will be suspicious. You should know this truth. I will say this and thank you for taking care of me during this period. "

 After saying these soft and yet hard words, she bowed and stood upright. She seemed to have really given up on explaining and allowed the Intelligence Department to deal with her. She seemed to have a clear conscience. “Integrity?”

Zuo Zhong blew the foam in the teacup: "Ms. Xiao, we are all professional intelligence officers. Integrity is a bottom line that we can flexibly control. You don't understand this, right?"

This statement may sound a bit shameless, but it is the truth. The essence of intelligence work is the art of deception. If an agent insists on flaunting himself with integrity, he is either a fool or a liar.

Xiao Qingmin took a deep look at Zuo Zhong. Except for a certain person, this was the first time she saw someone admitting this matter so openly. But now that she thinks about it, the two people are indeed a bit similar.

 The same ruthlessness, the same unscrupulousness.

A bitter smile appeared on her face: "Since Mr. Zuo admitted it himself, I have nothing to say, but please believe that I really saw Wu Xinyue accidentally and had nothing to do with the Puppet Manchukuo agents.

 Don’t forget that it was you who told me about the Manchukuo team. If it is like you said, I should reveal the clues about the Manchukuo agents when we cooperate, so that I can get the maximum benefit. "

What Xiao Qingmin said was sincere. People who don't understand the situation can easily be confused. Unfortunately, Zuo Zhong and others knew very well that it wasn't that she didn't want to say it, but that Miyamoto Hideaki beat her to it.

Zuo Zhong yawned and pointed at her: "That day I told you that there was a Puppet Manchukuo intelligence team lurking in Jinling. At that time, your reaction was very big. I originally thought you were afraid.

 But I soon realized that it was impossible for a professional agent who had no fear of torture or death to be afraid of several Manchukuo agents who were like slaves. "

Xiao Qingmin looked aggrieved. She wanted to explain but hesitated, as if she didn't know how to explain. In the end, she pretended to say whatever she wanted, with her hands subconsciously placed on both sides of her thighs.

 She was nervous.

Zuo Zhong noticed this scene and continued with regret in his tone: "You probably didn't expect that the information you were supposed to reveal was revealed by someone else first, so you were shocked.

 Let me guess, only a few people know about this plan, including your butterfly team, which is also a sacrificial bargaining chip, in order to make your capture more real.

The Kwantung Army is really willing to send an excellent intelligence officer like you to the hands of the Secret Service. Isn't Doihara afraid that I will shoot you and you will end up like a chicken? "

Gu Qi and others secretly asked themselves, if they cracked a Japanese espionage intelligence team and someone on the other side surrendered after many confrontations, would they have doubts about the authenticity of the surrender.

 The answer left everyone in silence, especially since the surrenderer had contributed so much to Miyamoto's disappearance. Even if there was distrust, it would be difficult to imagine that the other party's surrender was a tactic from the beginning.

 So there is not one puppet Manchukuo group that has been lurking for several years as bait, but two, one as an introduction and one as a certificate of submission. If necessary, more Japanese spies will be thrown out.

Is it worth it?

Of course it is worth it. As the friction between China and Japan increases, the Secret Service will rely more and more on these defected Japanese spies. Knowing yourself and the enemy, this will play into the hands of the Japanese.

As long as Xiao Qingmin is not exposed and with the cooperation of Japanese intelligence agencies, Japanese spies will be uncovered again and again, and her status and authority will be greatly improved. This is Doihara's purpose.

“Am I right? You should already know the cover identities of the members of the Puppet Manchukuo intelligence team. You couldn’t explain this clearly, so you found a reason to provide me with vague clues.

This explanation is very reasonable in line with the identity of the children of Puppet Manchukuo officials. Even if Wu Xinyue doesn't show up, you can continue to guide me to find other Puppet Manchukuo agents, right? "

Zo Zhong ended the conversation with a question. After he finished speaking, he stood up directly and looked at the Japanese spy who thought he was a fool, wanting to hear how she would argue.

Xiao Qingmin's pupils shrank suddenly when he heard this. Gui Youguang, who was observing her, took a closer look. He was secretly shocked that the section chief had guessed again. There was something really wrong with this Japanese spy who surrendered.

Everyone suddenly realized that they had determined that Xiao Qingmin was faking surrender, but they did not expect that this woman was so cunning and arranged a double insurance policy quietly. Thanks to the section chief's vigilance.

Xiao Qingmin frowned: "Mr. Zuo's words are puzzling. It was you who came to the safe point to ask me about the intelligence about the Puppet Manchukuo agents, and it was you who took the initiative to reveal the information about the Puppet Manchukuo team to me.

I have told everything I know. The guess about the disguised identity is only based on my understanding of the children of puppet Manchukuo officials. If my guess is correct, it can only mean that the information I collected and observed is correct. "

 She was a little angry when she said this.

"Haha, don't be in a hurry. I've not only invited you here today, but also other people. Let's do it slowly, okay?" Zuo Zhong said and clapped his hands: "Come here, please invite Mr. Ye in."

 (End of this chapter)

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