At the same time, in the **** world in the sarcophagus ...

"Ha ha ha ha, the old man waited for 100,000 years, and finally waited until this day!"

Losing the **** of evil things, the old man suddenly burned a black flame, but in a moment, the old man's body completely disappeared into the black fire.

In Zhang Xuda's black flames, a large black-black golden black slap surfaced, and then as the golden black wings spread out, and with a cry, the range of black fire began to expand towards the surroundings ...

The black Jinwu also expanded with the flame range ...

What is more terrible is that the breath of Jinwu was just nourished at the beginning, but after a breath or two, it has jumped to the foundation, and the breath has skyrocketed ...

In just a few dozen breaths, Jinwu's breath skyrocketed to the state of France ...

The wings of the golden and black wings stretched out, covering thousands of square meters, the burning black fire, and the erupting waves, igniting the entire cemetery, and everything you saw became twisted under the fire waves ...

All of a sudden, Lin Fei, Wang Jing, Zhong Yang, Jian Guang, ghost spirit, thunder and fire came out together to resist this endless fire wave ...

It's a pity, but it's just hard support here. Even if the power of the Fa exists, even if it's not aimed at them, it can't be resisted by the realm of life and soul ...

"What's going on?" Wang Jing's flamed face turned red, and he didn't understand why it suddenly became like this ...

"It should have been pitted." Lin Fei, while resisting the waves of fire, looked calmly at the black and white black: "You are not a remnant soul, you are evil thoughts."

"Hahaha, you now understand that it is too late, but in any case, the old man would like to thank you. Without the sword of yours, the old man does not know how many thousand years he will be trapped here ..." Jin Wu hung in the air, dark black Lin Fei's eyes were fixed on Lin Fei, he smiled and flew his wings to the sky.

After flying to the sky, the dark black and gold fire with black fire spread out and hissed with a sigh and opened his mouth to suck. Suddenly, the storm rolling here, the burning black fire, and even the whole **** world seemed to be frozen and melted. Make a blurry ink painting ...

However, it was not instantaneous, and the picture was centered on black and gold, and began to distort continuously, just like a flat painting, held by Jin Wu ...

In just two breaths, the whole blood-colored world was twisted and swallowed by the black-gold black ...

Including Lin Fei, Wang Jing and Zhong Yang ...

Immediately after being swallowed by Jin Wu, Lin Fei was still calm: "Your thanks are a bit early ..."

In the next moment, in the midair of the top of Gushan Mountain, a little illusory black fire appeared out of thin air. With a slight twist in the space, a black-gold black fire burning with black fire swiftly condensed from a phantom into substance.

Suddenly, the thick and dark black fire began to burn, the terrible pressure suddenly exploded, the wind screamed, the spiritual power turned into a wave, and the waves were endless ...

The Jindan masters who had already been seriously injured, all grumbled together, and were suddenly injured by the sudden pressure of the explosion, and the wounds were hurt ...

And the **** big hand that was about to rush out of the sarcophagus, could not help but, the **** smoke diffused, quickly shrunk back to the **** big hand, just like the enemy, and suddenly appeared in the midair in the black gold Wu ... …

At the moment when the black-gold black floats in the air, completely condensed and formed, he immediately folded his wings and dived towards the **** big hand ...

Black gold black is like a black fire falling from the sky, dragging a long flaming tail, a sharp black gold beak, and pecked **** the big **** hand.

Suddenly, the palm of the **** big hand broke a big hole, rolling the **** smoke, rolling endlessly, together with the **** big hand, retracted into the sarcophagus, and at the same time, there was a fierce roar, from the sarcophagus ...

"Get out, or you will be trapped inside forever." Black Gold screamed and dragged the sarcophagus lid with both claws, pressing against the sarcophagus ...


With the movement of the black-gold black, the blood-colored smoke retracted inside the sarcophagus, suddenly like a volcanic eruption, spewing out of the sarcophagus, the blood-colored smoke plummeted into the sky, and turned into a cloud of blood in the sky. Smoke cloud.

Then, among the **** clouds of smoke, a huge **** dragon with a length of thousands of feet rushed out of it ...

The **** dragon has a one-hundred-footed one-horned dragon head, and the slender and powerful body, all the **** smoke is integrated into its body, turning into pieces of inverted diamond-shaped scales with strange patterns ...

The **** dragon with its fangs and claws swooped down from the sky, like a meteorite outside the heavens, wrapped in the power of ruining the heavens and the earth, and the entire space began to appear ripples and ripples, rumbling roaring, like thousands of thunders. Naruto ...

This kind of power, placed at the level of the demon emperor and ghost emperor, is also regarded as the power of the upper class ...

However, in the face of this power, Hei Jinwu laughed disdainfully.

"The beast is a beast. I am afraid that I have forgotten that Luofu's last true dragon died at the mouth of Jinwu ..."

True dragons are not opponents, not to mention a dragon ...

The black-gold black thrusts upwards, and as soon as you open your mouth, there is infinite black fire, which turns into a sea of ​​fire, and the **** dragon is enveloped in it. The dark flame is like a devil's lick. Every time it burns, it will be The dragon scales on the Scarlet Dragon took a layer ...

The diffuse blood-colored smoke was not absorbed in the black fire, but it was just like fuel, making the black fire more powerful ...

You must know that the three-legged golden black is born to control the true fire of the sun, which is one of the ten real fires. .

According to this fire, only the three-legged Jinwu with pure blood can control it ...

At this moment, the black fire spitting out from the black gold black, although not as good as the real sun fire, is also the **** sun that Jinwu can control.

This great black sun contains endless destruction. When it first appeared, it was in the ancient times. It is said that there was a powerful true fairy who annihilated the scorching sun in a world. After the scorching sun was destroyed, the flames remained, so there are still It is said that this fire has a part of the real power of the sun.

The Scarlet Dragon struggled and roared in the sea of ​​fire transformed by the Black Sun, and the **** smoke was like waves, rolling to force the infinite black flame.

Just as the Scarlet Dragon was about to break free, the black gold Wu Fei flew into the sky, swayed, and turned into a round of ten days of black sun, just like the sunset into the sea, wrapped in infinite eerie and horrible heat, and fell into the sea of ​​fire, On the blood dragon ...

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