However, Lin Fei was not prepared to leave them any chance at all. Lin Fei's fingerprints suddenly changed, and then the entire Qingming Sword Array broke out. The unstoppable Jian Qi instantly became more powerful and more It's hard to ward off.

"Black Demon Fist!" The black devil's body was like a candle in the wind, and the moth was preparing for a dying struggle. Lin Fei's sword spirit was like the nine-day **** thunder, which was unstoppable. I saw a blue sword. Qi and the black devil will collide directly in one of the wildest postures.

The black devil will have no time to scream even a scream, but it is directly penetrated by Lin Fei's sword gas, and then turned into nothingness. The black devil wiped out all forms and spirits, and the three-color python was also severely damaged, directly losing its power, and finally turned into a rain of light under the constant strangling of blue sword gas.

Without the help of the three-color python, the blood sea becomes unsustainable. The scarlet ghost will see that the black devil will have fallen, and his face has also changed. He will understand it in an instant. Now he has no chance to leave. If it is If I leave now, I will be caught up by Lin Fei. Probably fighting with Lin Fei now is the only chance to survive ...

"I'll fight with you!" Then, Scarlet Ghost will utter a stern cry in his mouth, and then his handprints change, his body begins to swell, and in desperation, this ruthless man chooses to explode directly, trying to pull on Lin Fei died together.

Lin Fei is not stupid. Naturally, he will not give the opponent the slightest chance. I saw Lin Fei's fingerprint changed, and countless sword qi suddenly broke through the blood sea, and then locked the body of the scarlet ghost in it.


Jian Qi directly strangled the body of the Scarlet Ghost into a smash, but the trend of the Scarlet Ghost to explode is already unstoppable, but in a moment, there is a loud shock above the sky, a super existence of a ten-party ghost General The power generated by the self-detonation is naturally quite scary.

I saw that the scarlet ghost would be the center, and suddenly a burst of **** storm blew up. In the flash of the **** storm, even Lin Fei's blue sword gas was temporarily forced back a lot, accompanied by blue Jian Qi was forced to retreat, and another ghost in the Ten Dead Realms would also fall on this Nether Plain.

Between this day, the two ten ghosts fell directly in the Ten Dead Realm, plus the previous ghost ghost, this is already the third Ten Fang ghost general that the Ten Dead Realm fell.

The death of three ten-party ghost generals in a row. This kind of thing has not happened in the ten-death world for thousands of years. If this matter is spread, it is estimated that it will be directly in the ten-death world.

"Won?" Huang Wei and others were unbelievable. They never met Lin Fei in any way. They even achieved such a glorious victory. Such a record is too dreamy. If it was put in the past, I am afraid that he would not even believe it.


Although the ghost had previously known that Lin Fei's extraordinary skill, but now that he saw Lin Fei's real means, he was a little bit sighed. Before, he felt that although his combat power was far inferior to Lin Fei, but by virtue of his mechanical skills and ghost eyes, It was also possible to compete with Lin Fei, but now he realized that his previous thoughts were really naive.

Above the void, Lin Fei stood up with his hand, and the long hair of the shawl drifted along with the aftermath of the storm. The two ten-party ghosts will fall, and they will definitely have a huge impact in the Underworld. However, Lin Fei is not afraid of the consequences of this incident. Since he did so, he is not afraid of being held accountable. If those ghost kings have to come to trouble, , All next is ...

"Oh, do you still want to hide the soul in front of me?" Lin Fei suddenly looked at somewhere in the void and smiled faintly.

"Hidden soul? Hasn't it been completely settled yet?" Huang Wei was surprised when he heard Lin Fei's words, and of course he was not aware of the abnormal situation with his strength, but Lin Fei was not Huang Wei, and Scarlet Ghost would want to be in Lin Fei. Play tricks in front of it, it is really tender.

In addition to Jian Qixiu's achievements in reaching the peak, Lin Fei's attainments in the soul are now in a state of fascination. Although the scarlet ghost will explode his body, at the moment he explodes his body, his wisp of soul is hidden in the void This incident also failed to escape Lin Fei's soul perception.

He's a good calculation. First, let the black devil fight with Lin Fei to attract Lin Fei's attention, and then he makes a desperate gesture to drink blood and explode himself, but he didn't expect to leave a hand in secret. Means, if it is to be someone else, maybe he will actually trick him.

It's just that his opponent is Lin Fei. With this small method, he can't deceive Lin Fei ...

"Don't you come out yet?" Lin Fei said lightly. Since he already named the other party's means, he naturally also has a corresponding cracking method. At this moment, the other party is still stubborn and trying to die. It is undoubtedly too lucky. Psychological.

It's no wonder that this kind of space concealment technique is extremely delicate, and it is difficult for ordinary people to detect it. Although Lin Fei had broken the scarlet ghost's means before, he felt horrified in his heart, but he still felt that Lin Fei was just cheating. He didn't believe that Lin Fei really saw through his means. Of course, this kind of thinking was just wishful thinking. In the face of the facts, he couldn't stand it.

"Break me!"

Lin Fei's fingers suddenly spurred a sword gas towards somewhere above the void. After the sword gas swept across, he saw somewhere on the sky suddenly twisted strangely, and soon a near-transparent scarlet The shadow of the magic came to everyone's eyes.

"He's still alive!" After seeing the true appearance of the shadow above the void, Lin Fei was out of the scene. All the people were moved with horror. I didn't expect that the ten dead ghosts in the ten dead worlds would be so cunning to such a degree. Although it was defeated, it still hides such an amazing life-saving means. Fortunately, Lin Fei's methods are more clever. In the face of real strength, all cleverness is false.

After being directly pulled out of the hidden space by Lin Fei, the scarlet ghost will know that he is already fierce today, so he is also a bit stubborn to speak: "Do n’t be proud, you killed us, we are ten dead worlds Will not let you go! "

After all, Scarlet Ghost will be a fierce and decisive person. He seems to be struggling with his last bit of strength. He even wants to fight Lin Fei.

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