Chronicles of the Kingdom of Heaven

Chapter 2106: Dripping blood

But think about it carefully, since the iron lion is still in the backyard of Zhujianfang, the people in the Linghai Pavilion will not easily destroy the Zhujianfang. After all, if you want to break your formation, you must have a real Go all out, but in this way, not only the magic circle is broken, but also this sword sword workshop.

Therefore, when the time comes, monks of real level should not be easy to use.

However, it turned out that Lin Fei was indeed right. Under the circumstances that the Fa could not break this formation, Zhang Guanshi really took the monks back.

Lin Fei heard what he said before leaving.

Lin Fei now knows that there is a Fa phase. Outside the Jian Jian Fang, he has been waiting for the Zhu Jian Fang to actively open the door. At that time, this Fa phase can rush in directly, making the gate of the Zhu Jian Fang impossible to close.

But it's just a law, Lin Fei doesn't care about it. Moreover, as long as the door is kept closed, people who don't believe in the Linghai Pavilion really dare to rush in unless they want to destroy the Jianjianfang.

Although Lin Fei knew that with the strength of the Linghai Pavilion, sooner or later he would think of a way to crack the formation, but now, due to the existence of this formation, he really got time for Lin Fei, as long as he analyzed the iron lion as soon as possible Origin, knowing what this is by the time, maybe this temporary problem can be solved temporarily ...

"In this way, we have been hiding in Zhu Jian Fang for the most recent period of time, and don't go out?" Yan Lao asked casually, anyway, he hasn't had any business recently, even if he shut Zhu Jian Fang for a few days, All he was curious about was the door closing for a few days.

"That's natural, we can just stay here, as long as they don't want to destroy the Forge of Swords, they won't be able to enter in a short time, and we are safe. When they can crack the formation, I believe I have to deal with it. Solution. "Lin Fei explained.

"Okay." Yan Lao looked at Lin Fei gratefully: "Little brother, thanks to you for helping me. If it weren't for you, I was driven away by them yesterday. How can I stay until now."

"No need to be so polite, if I didn't help you, I wouldn't have a place to stay." Lin Fei smiled.

Yan Lao secretly sighed. It ’s too easy to find a place to live with Lin Fei ’s strength. In his view, Lin Fei ca n’t leave Zhu Jianfang now, but because of his Things, and was trapped by the Linghai Pavilion. After all, it was because he owed Lin Fei that he dragged Lin Fei into this mixed water.

Lin Fei was very kind to him, and now there is nothing to return to Lin Fei in his hand. Yan Lao thought about it and gritted his teeth. Probably the most valuable thing in his hand now is the iron lion. In these two days, he found that Lin Fei had always been very curious about the iron lion and watched the iron lion day and night.

At the same time, plus the Linghai Pavilion also wanted to get this iron lion, even if Yan Lao was stupid, he knew that this iron lion must have some origin. Now he also understands that with his own strength, it is simply impossible to protect the iron lion. If he stays with him, he will not know who will fall into his hands.

Therefore, Yan Lao said to Lin Fei very resolutely: "Little brother, if you don't dislike it, this iron lion will give it to you. In case the people from the Linghai Pavilion come in, I will entangle them, and then you Take the iron lion out of here. "

"Ah?" Lin Fei was thinking about studying the Iron Lion again, but suddenly heard that Yan Lao was about to give the Iron Lion to himself. Lin Fei froze, and then couldn't help laughing: "Even Linghai The people in the cabinet came in, and I will not leave you alone. Since I decided to take care of this matter, then I will definitely take care of it. "

"In any case, you must take this iron lion, otherwise I am uneasy." Yan Lao repeated.

Lin Fei hesitated a bit, and honestly said that he was indeed very moved towards the iron lion, and knew that it was a treasure, but Yan Lao relied on this iron lion to refining after all, in case he took the iron lion himself In the future, how will Yan Lao find resources like metals? Those costs are quite high.

"I know you are worrying about me, but look at my old body, how many instruments can you build? Even if you don't come, it will be estimated that I won't have the strength to build the instruments for another year or two. It ’s useless for me to give me the iron lion, let ’s talk about it, it ’s the Linghai Pavilion now. I might not be able to protect the iron lion if there are any forces to grab it in the future. ”

When Yan Lao said this, Lin Fei decided to accept the iron lion. Yan Lao was right. With his strength, it was difficult to protect the iron lion. It was probably only handed to Lin Fei. The iron lion is safe.

Lin Fei sincerely thanked Yan Lao, but Lin Fei would not take the iron lion in vain. After the matter in the Linghai Pavilion was resolved, it would be a big deal to give all the spirit stones in his body to Yan Lao.

These 20,000-dollar stones are a huge sum of money. If the elderly are saving, they can at least maintain a hundred years of life.

This is naturally not an exaggeration ...

Like a stern old man, a monk who is too old to cultivate, naturally does not need to consume any resources, otherwise, Lin Fei may really have a headache.

Now that Yan Lao has promised to give the iron lion to himself, then the iron lion is naturally his own personal belongings, and Lin Fei is also very satisfied, and he continued to study the iron lion.

It's just that even the consciousness can't be injected into the iron lion. What kind of method should I use to thoroughly investigate the mystery hidden in the iron lion?

Lin Fei thought for a while.


He suddenly remembered that until now, he seems to have never dripped blood ... like some extraordinary treasures, there is a situation in which the blood drops to recognize the Lord, as long as you drop the blood up, maybe you can This Treasure establishes certain connections.

Since Lin Fei thought of this, with his temperament, he naturally tried it directly. After all, if he only guessed and did not pay for practice, he would never know whether his idea was correct.

At the moment, Lin Fei bit his fingertips and squeezed out a drop of blood.

Following this, the blood was dropped on the iron lion.

Unexpectedly, after Lin Fei dropped this drop of blood on the iron lion, in an instant, an extremely mysterious red light flashed on the iron lion, when he saw the iron lion finally reacted Lin Fei opened his eyes and smiled. It seemed that his judgment was correct. Sure enough, if he wanted to inquire about the secret of this iron lion, he had to confess his blood.

He quickly set his eyes on the iron lion.

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