Chronicles of the Kingdom of Heaven

Chapter 2073: Save people

Lin Fei probably calculated that it would take at least half a month to reach Xuanwu City according to his fastest speed, and at least one month if he went to the other three cities.

In contrast, Lin Fei chose Fire Phoenix City.

In the Xuanwu City, Lin Fei did not find anything like a teleportation array, so to go to the Fire Phoenix City, you must rely on your own strength. Half a month's time is quite long for Lin Fei, but there is no way, Lin Fei can only speed up, hoping to arrive in Fire Phoenix City as soon as possible.

"That's it?" But on the third day of Lin Fei's rush, he suddenly discovered that there was a rush of light, and there was more than one. Then another black light flew out, and the two lights collided together, causing a burst of ground. Move the mountain.

Someone is shooting!

"Let's go check it out." Lin Fei didn't want to do much fuss, but found that the black light didn't seem to be sent by a monk, it was more like a monster, and it was still an unusual monster, Lin Fei. It is not a ruthless person, how can I not see if someone is fighting a monster?

So Lin Fei hurried over.

When he got closer, Lin Fei suddenly found out that there were three monks in the jungle who were dealing with a monster covered with scales. Lin Fei looked at the monster and found that it was actually a monster. It is said that the magic scale demon was trained from the depth of three kilometers underground when he was born, and rarely came to the ground to move. Therefore, his eyes have degenerated over time, and he can't see anything at all.

However, this does not mean that the magic scale demon's strength is very weak. On the contrary, although the magic scale demon has lost both eyes, its perception is extremely strong. Although the adult magic scale demon has only a little stronger strength than the initial phase, its perception ability can be equal to the true Standing side-by-side, even if Lin Fei wanted to sneak into the magic scale demon's side, it was impossible.

These monks, when they met the demon scale demon, were indeed the blood mold of eight lives ...

The reason for saying this is that Lin Fei found that these three young monks, who were the strongest ones, had only Jindan ’s late strength, while the other two, even just after Jindan ’s early promotion, had such strength. It can be said that there is no chance for an adult scale monster.

Fortunately, he kindly came to check, otherwise these monks would die under the teeth of the Demon Scale Demon soon.

"Go on, you two, if you don't play with him, all three of us have to die here, a bit unlucky, and will be eaten by the demon scale demon into the belly, and excreted into feces by him." Liu Weiqing saw The other two monks were desperate on their faces, and even with him he had no intention of dealing with the demon scale demon, and he could not help but yell.

What is this!

Liu Weiqing is now desperate. Why should he listen to the words of these two monks and demonstrate what Zhenshan tactics are for them? This is good, causing the ground to fluctuate, leading out such a ruthless character. Isn't this just finding the door to die?

Liu Weiqing wanted to cry without tears.

After he was promoted to Jindan in the last two days, he followed the practice of moving Shanzong and took two Jindan early monks to practice. This kind of thing has been used to him for a long time. After all, this is not the first time to bring monks out. Experienced.

I thought I was able to take them out to deal with a few demon like the previous few times, and I was done. I didn't expect to encounter the demon scale demon this time ...

Although he has taken out all the real elements to deal with Demon Scale Demon, the thick scales on Demon Scale Demon are as hard as armor, and his true element cannot even cut into his skin, let alone kill it. Demonscale demon.

It stands to reason that they should escape now.

It is a pity that these two early Jindan monks were too incompetent. After encountering the Demon Scale Demon, they were scared to death. In the past, the spirit slaying practiced repeatedly in the martial arts would not be used. By the way, these two fools are useless, even the least true element defense is gone.

I only know that I looked at the Demon Scale Demon froze stupidly, and the Six Gods stood there uncontrollably. It was very stiff in every move, and was almost bitten by the sharp teeth of the Scale Demon several times.

If it were not for his own means, he would pull them back from the ghost gate several times, and they would have died long ago.

But you have done so much, you have to earn some energy anyway, come out with some skills? Take out all the tricks learned from the martial arts?

"Brother Liu Weiqing, it's useless. The siblings once said that this demon-scale demon, but the fierce monsters that the masters of the law can't deal with, even if we are desperate, we can't hurt him. Brother Liu Weiqing, don't worry The two of us are running, hurry up and say to my master after we go back, Xu Qiang is useless and can't serve his old man. "The more powerful monk said with a cry.

"I'm going. It's useless. I haven't beaten it yet, so I know I can't do it?" Liu Weiqing couldn't help but yell at him, hoping to teach these two wastes now. But the demon scale demon obviously didn't give him time.

Liu Weiqing's aura hit the Demon Scale Demon, not only did not break the scales of the Demon Scale Demon, but the scales of the Demon Scale Demon turned into pieces of iron, and stab toward Liu Weiqing. Due to the large number, it came like a storm.

"Quickly come up with the iron wall tactics!" Liu Weiqing secretly said badly, and quickly ordered the two monks behind him to use the iron wall tactics with him. Although the two monks were full of fear, they were forced to use themselves under the threat of death. Tiebi Jue.

After Liu Weiqing cast the iron wall tactics, his body became earthy yellow. The special feature of the iron wall tactics is that after being cast, the physical strength can be increased by more than ten times. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a copper wall or an iron wall. Although Liu Weiqing does not know whether he can block the Demon Scale Demon, he can only do his best now.


The scales hit Liu Weiqing's body, and a dazzling glare emerged, and Liu Weiqing screamed, spitting blood, and the force from him also affected the other two monks. The strength of the two monks was obvious Not enough to see, fly directly out.

Liu Weiqing's qi and blood were disordered, his face pale, as if a stubble leaf was shaking, and the scales of the Demon Scale Demon were only one-tenth of this, and there were a large number of scales that were colliding towards Liu Weiqing.

The sound of impact continued to sound continuously, and Liu Weiqing finally couldn't bear it. There was a crack in his body. He was unable to maintain the iron wall tactics, and his body returned to normal appearance. The scales of the Demon Scale Demon were no longer covered, and bumped into Liu Weiqing's body.

Liu Weiqing screamed and flew out.

"It's over, we really are not the opponents of Demon Scale Demon." The two monks were not seriously injured because of Liu Weiqing's protection, but when they saw that Liu Weiqing was repelled by Demon Scale Demon, they had no hope in their hearts. .

"Waste! Do you have to wait to die if I lose?" Liu Weiqing was spitting blood seriously. Now when he hears the words of these two monks, he is spitting out another breath of blood, how could he be so unlucky, carrying These two monks who didn't come in handy came out?

As long as they are a little bit useful, the three people use a little trick to contain the Demon Scale Demon, and fight and retreat, not so quickly that the whole army will be wiped out, maybe all three of them can escape!

But now it's too late to say anything.

The Demon Scale Demon has rushed towards them, Liu Weiqing's eyes show an unwilling look, but what can he do? Now not only the true element in the body has been exhausted, but also the body is hit by the scales. The pain is extremely difficult to move, and I can only watch the magic scale demon rush to him.

Liu Weiqing closed his eyes in pain.

But at the moment when his eyes were closed, he vaguely saw a sword light, slanting from the distance. Could it be that the two monks finally shot? But what's the use of shooting now? Why did they go? But Liu Weiqing suddenly felt wrong again. Where did the two monks show their sword light? There was no such thing as sword qi in the practice of moving Shanzong ...

But at this time, Liu Weiqing's ear rang out the screams of the monster, how similar this sound was, not long ago he and the two monks uttered. Liu Weiqing opened his eyes violently, but found that the sword light had penetrated the scales of the Demon Scale Demon. The sturdy, nonsense scales of the Demon Scale Demon were actually made of tofu under this sword spirit. Generally, it was easily punctured.

The sword gas passed straight through the body of Demon Scale Demon, and the screams of Demon Scale Demon accompanied it, but the sword qi that was worn out did not dissipate, but instead folded back and went from another location, Stabbed into the body of the demon scale demon.

Liu Weiqing looked dumbfounded, just an ordinary sword spirit, but randomly pierced the body of the demon scale monster? And the sword spirit lasted for a long time, and within a short time, it pierced the whole body of the demon scale demon. The demon scale deserved pain and wanted to smash that sword gas, but the sword gas was extremely flexible, and the demon scale demon did n’t care No matter how hard I try, I can't touch that sword spirit.

In just a few breathing times, there were more than a hundred wounds on the demon scales.

Demonscale also knew that a powerful monk had appeared, ignoring the sword in his body, and turned to escape.

"It's amazing ..." Liu Weiqing was dumbfounded. The Demon Scale Demon, who was still chasing and killing them, was even unable to deal with a sword spirit. In the end, he could only escape. Which senior did he help them?

A young figure appeared in front of Liu Weiqing.

It was a young face.

He didn't even feel any strong breath from him.

But just that sword spirit, Liu Weiqing was dumbfounded. Such a powerful sword spirit, which is not an ordinary monk, can be displayed. He hurriedly got up and knelt in front of Lin Fei: "Thank you senior for your help!"

"It's okay ..." Lin Fei helped him up.

"You two waste, what are you doing lying there?" Liu Weiqing looked back, but he saw his two fellows, already lying on the ground, like two dead dogs, and immediately angered and scolded indignantly. .

Then the two monks reacted, struggling to climb over quickly, thanking Lin Fei incoherently.

Lin Fei shook his head and smiled.

Both of these two monks' behaviors were in his eyes. Although they didn't know what kind of schools they were, but the reaction of these two monks to the enemy, even Lin Fei looked down on them. Liu Weiqing performed well, Lin Fei looked at him and smiled: "Okay, now the monsters have also fled, and the few of you are safe, so leave quickly, otherwise wait until the monsters come back, I can No chance to save you a second time ... "

"Senior, the place where we moved Shanzong is near. Seniors saved us a few, why not go with us to move Shanzong, so that we can express our gratitude?" It is a life-saving grace. If you do not express your gratitude, Liu Weiqing will also feel uneasy.

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