But now, Lin Fei has no thoughts about these things. Now it is a treasure. No matter how useful it is, it is equivalent to waste.

"Senior, are you instructed to come to me?"

Lin Fei asked with some doubt. Just now, the Spiritualist Taoist said that he still has a way. Is it to let himself, as in the illusion, go somewhere and get something for him?

But that should n’t be the case. What treasures are there now that can reverse this kind of three dharma bodies that ca n’t support the war?

However, the Lingji Taoist just stared at Lin Fei for a while, and suddenly said: "In the beginning, I gave you a chance, you can remember."


Of course Lin Fei will never forget that it was the opportunity given by the Spiritualist Taoist that allowed him to advance into the real body in the shortest time. How can this be forgotten?

"You have lived up to the opportunity I gave. Over the years, you have contributed a lot."

"Senior ..." Lin Fei was a little inexplicable. What a clever thing to do with these idle days. Now, shouldn't this be the case to find a solution?

But next, Lingji Taoist slowly said a sentence: "Then I will give you the last chance again today. Today, I will help you to achieve Dharma. I hope you will not disappoint me as before ... … "


"It's not impossible." It seems to know what Lin Fei wants to say, but the Spiritualist Taoist said in advance: "Your foundation is extremely solid. Over the years, the foundation is sufficient. What you lack is just an opportunity to create a Taoist situation. Only, today, I will use the soul as a guide to help you create a realm! "

"But this ..."

Hearing this, Lin Fei completely understood what the intention of this spirited Taoist man was.

That's right, he is really powerless to fight anymore, so he simply has to sacrifice himself and use his soul as a guide to help him build the Tao.

I have to say, this sounds like a solution!

As Lingji Taoist said, what he lacks now, that is, the underworld and the sea of ​​swords, has been unable to merge, and the speed is getting slower and slower. According to this trend, I am afraid that it will take a hundred years to have an initial result ...

There is no reason for this. This is the normal situation. In fact, because Lin Fei has the base of the underworld, this situation evolves fairly quickly.

Otherwise, the process of creating such a situation is at least thousands of years old.

And if there is a spiritual machine Taoist who takes the soul as a guide, it will be different. As a dharma monk, the spiritual machine Taoist is very familiar with the Dao Realm, and he is in it, using his own soul as an introduction and guiding with his own will. The integration process is greatly accelerated.

Speeding up may be completed within a dozen days.

But it doesn't matter how fast it is. In fact, the entire fusion process is entirely at the cost of the soul of the spiritual man.

When the fusion is completed, the Spiritualist Taoist should also disperse, and all of his will be converted into nutrients, completely resting in Lin Fei's realm ...

In this way, Lin Fei absorbed a dharma body soul base, and once the dharma body is achieved, coupled with its powerful background, it will be directly transformed into the strong body of the dharma body!

With Lin Fei joining the battle, it is indeed possible to greatly increase the chance of winning on the side of Tianmen City ...

Lin Fei thought of these, but his face was uncertain.

The spiritual man who wanted to be a victim, but his face was pale, as if he did not care about it at all: "I haven't lived long enough, and since then, I have been prepared to die here, countering the Blackpool, it is my life Long-cherished wish, as long as it succeeds, whoever counterattacks, I don't care. "

Speaking of which, he looked at Lin Fei and looked directly at Lin Fei's eyes: "You are the last person who wants to succeed, do me a favor, OK?"

Lin Fei was silent for a while, nodding slowly ...

From the moment Lin Fei saw this Lingji Taoist, at this time, Lingji Taoist showed a little relaxation and nodded: "It is embarrassing to put the burden on your junior's shoulders."

"Senior ..." Lin Fei's face was a little complicated.

"Okay, I let them hold the man and give us time. I don't know how long they can hold it. Come on."

When the words fell, I only saw that Lingji Taoist suddenly closed his eyes, and followed, the lingering soul began to dissipate, turned into a piece of silk, and merged into Lin Fei's body.

Lin Fei also sighed, slowly closed his eyes, condensed his breath, and never wasted the spiritual machine Taoist this sacrifice, and began to enter a wonderful deep level ...


At this time, outside Tianmen City.

The two Dao realms are overwhelming, but at this time, the Dao realm of infinite power is in the hands of that figure, as if it is unable to resist, it is ravaged by madness.

After losing the Spiritualist Taoist, this situation is even more one-sided ...

"What the **** is that ..."

Looking at this indescribable terrorist offensive, it is not only in the hearts of the monks in Tianmen City that there is a feeling of powerlessness.

Even the two eldest sons, who were at the center of the battlefield, couldn't help but feel a little frightened.

In the past, fighting against the dharma body had to be at least a few years old before the results could be separated, but now, in such a one-sided scene, the two dharma bodies are abrupt and feel a wave of weakness.

"Your strength, you want to kill me, but it's not enough, unfortunately ..."

The voice fell, and the voice of the figure seemed to show a pity, but the words fell in the ears of the monks of Tianmen City and the ears of the two Fashen, but they heard a deep ridicule With humiliation.

But despite this, no one can say anything, because at the same time the voice fell, there was a series of stars between the silhouette waving, turning into bursts of meteors, and fell towards those two avenues.

Suddenly, there was a burst of indiscriminate bombardment, so that the two dharma bodies were forced to be speechless ...

"Forget it, or wait for the next wave of people, maybe there will be more hope ..."

Seeing this powerless scene, the figure seemed to be a bit lazy, just like everything in front of it, which made me very disappointed and lost interest in continuing.

When the voice fell, I only saw that the figure in the starry sky suddenly waved lightly ...

When they saw each other shot again, both of them were surprised, and they would resist in a hurry.

But at this moment, it still seems a bit late ...

I only saw that with the light wave of the figure, the whole world was still all at once, and those two realms were not able to enter, neither retreat nor retreat, as if by a great force , Where the rigid constraints are there.

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