It can be said that this is the most important force in Tianmen City, except for those ancestors.

And according to Lingji Taoist people, Lin Fei's plans for this battle were even given high hopes to decide the battle situation.

Because in his plan, this expedition, steadily and steadily, must be pushed forward all the way, without leaving any trouble, and the time must last at least a few decades, and may even be as long as a hundred years.

In such a long time, it must be subjected to the most brutal battle, and even the dharma body may fall, and among them, they are entrusted with the hope of training and breakthrough in this battle!

If at the end of the battle, one of them can hone a dharma body, it is a great help!

This is not impossible, because in this black abyss, the heritage of various eras is gathered. Although the monks are expeditions, the benefits they can get from them are also huge. Even the level of the dharma body can get the innate essence. Such benefits.

After each battle, Tianmen City will gain from top to bottom.

This is also under the planning of the Spiritualist Taoist. To support the war, as long as it starts smoothly, then after that, there is a great chance of winning!


Although Lin Fei is a new real body in recent years, because of his good strength, the battle with the demon emperor back then proved himself.

Over the years, he has firmly cultivated his virtue, and he is recognized as the first person in this true body.

Even foreign real-life monks are willing to accept the leadership of Lin Fei, coupled with the support of spiritual man, Lin Fei's prestige, in this city of Tianmen, can be said to be the first person under the dharma body.

The entire Tianmen City, like a war beast armed to the teeth, was slowly lifted into the sky, in the midst of countless characters and seals, and flew into the space channel.

As a result, the various heavens and realms' counterattack against the Black Abyss began again.

In the eyes of human monks, the entire black abyss seems to be the same everywhere. The sky is dull, the ground is barren, and there are all kinds of ferocious beasts. From time to time, some bloodlines can be encountered.

However, since this time, Lin Fei and others have learned that this black abyss is also divided into regions.

The origin of the Black Abyss has been untraceable, but after the last expedition, the dharma bodies came to the conclusion that the entire Black Abyss seems to be made up of pieces of the world from various eras.

On the periphery, the fragments of the flood-prone era, such as the corner of hell, the ghost town of Fengdu, etc., all came from the time of the remote flood.

Among them can be seen the Tianren race, Guiming race, these ancient races that survived in the flood.

Going a little further inside, it was the days of the Heavenly Court after the Great Desolation. It is said that the Fashen had seen the real Ninefold Heaven Que there. Of course, the Ninefold Heaven Que was only a broken corner, and most of them were already destroyed in history. .

Further on, it is the time of the next practice, every 200,000 years, which is a period.

According to the personal experience of the dharma bodies, and the ancient legend, this black abyss invaded the heavens and the world at an interval of these twenty years.

Probably every two hundred thousand years, an interval, the Black Abyss will come.

In the times of Honghuang and Tianting, these two hundred thousand years were said to be a quantity robbery. After so many times, these two eras came to an end, thus entering the time when human monks and all ethnic groups co-existed.

After this, the practice circle never really breathed over. The practice of the monks is too difficult. It is often after a big catastrophe, just breathing out, and a dharma body is born, and the big catastrophe comes again ...

So repeatedly, the heavens and the world, countless creatures, are suffering in this cycle ...

And every time the catastrophe comes, it will make the world shatter, there are fragments of the world, absorbed by this black abyss and become part of it ...

The Dharma bodies are so immobile that they have to do so nowadays ...

It didn't take long to enter the Black Abyss, it was the first to enter this part of the flood era ...

Lin Fei on the head of the city glanced under him. Under normal circumstances, the enemies did not have to be shot by Lin Fei. This was armed to the teeth, comparable to the Tianmen City with hundreds of thousands of spaceships. past.

What he needs to pay attention to are those enemies that may cause trouble for Tianmen City, which is not convenient for attacking.

Suddenly, Lin Fei's eyes were not far away, in a volcano with black smoke, where he felt a dense fluctuation.

Sure enough, when I banged, I only saw the volcano with a blue-faced fangs, but a monster with a fiery but flaming fire appeared from it.

Perhaps he noticed the change and came out to check it out, but after seeing Tianmen City flying slowly, he shivered and immediately turned his head into the volcano again, daring not to appear.

"Ghost Race."

Lin Fei recognized it at a glance. This is a kind of strange race in the wilderness era, like a ghost, but it is actually not a ghost, but a real race.

They are close to Yin Qi like a ghost, but they are not afraid of Yang Qi. They can walk without restraint in the Yang, but by contrast, they are more willing to stay in the Yin Palace with strong Yin Qi.

This race surrendered early when the Netherworld was first established, where it became a dedicated source of ghosts and pawns, and it was quite prosperous due to the majesty of the Netherworld. There are still their legends.

Only later, it was destroyed with the Hades.

Since there are ghosts here, there may be a land of Hades nearby ...

"Hades ..."

In the Black Abyss, every battle will have a big harvest. For Lin Fei, he has not forgotten that he has encountered 18 layers of **** in the illusion.

After refining it, it directly promoted the eighteen-story tower and turned it into an innate treasure.

In addition to this, his own nether earth is also compatible with this netherworld. This place is destined to become Lin Fei's first place of opportunity!

Tianmen City continued to fly through this black abyss, maybe it was the reason outside, or maybe the black abyss knew this counterattack, and contracted its main force early in the depths.

There were no particularly big obstacles on the way, even occasionally encountering a large group of fierce beasts, all of which were not strong, and did not require the monks to shoot. The Tianmen City was run over, and they all became mud.

It took almost three days before the Tianmen City finally had its first real resistance.

It was an endless wave of ghosts.

This area is exactly the place where Lin Fei met Emperor Beiyin since the last time he entered the Black Abyss, but it may be the reason for the last battle of the Black Abyss. No resistance was encountered.

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