This sword has been pierced, and this **** is like the first ray of sunlight between heaven and earth, shining on the whole world.

Suddenly it seemed that the whole world would be under this thorn, giving it a puncture.


This sword stabbed out and collided with that great offensive. At that moment, no movement came out, because everything was directly dissipated into nothingness under the impact of terrifying power.

Everyone can only see that this void is rippling up and down, spreading out towards the distance, and any meteorite encountered along the way is silent, turning into powder ...

In the void, these terrifying forces of the two sides confronted each other. Although there was no movement, but at the sight of this scene, anyone could feel the power of destruction contained in it.

The vast expanse of empty space, in the aftermath of such wars, kept breaking silently.

This sword constantly bombarded and battled with the eighteen-story towers, underworld and other means.

The extremely powerful ripples are also constantly spreading out into the distance in the void.

Within the last few breaths, it directly crushed countless meteorites, and set off a void storm in the void. Within a million miles, they were completely cleared and looked very clean.

In the countless sights that asked Jianzong, they stared at the void in a flash.

At this time, their eyes were disturbed by the Netherstorm, and they could not see the specific scene, but they did not dare to be distracted.

After all, the outcome of this battle will ultimately determine the fate of everyone.

The powerful storm that filled the void lasted a few breaths, and finally faded away. When it finally dissipated cleanly, there were countless eyes projected.

And when everyone saw the scene in the void, everyone was irritated.

So at this time, I only saw that there was no dust in the void, only an empty, extremely clean darkness.

In the dark void, there are still two figures confronting each other.

Everyone was also shocked by the power that the two sides just broke out when you discovered that from the beginning to the end, the real red hair did not change much.

Still standing in the void, with a long sword in his hand, the pure and powerful sword intention permeated beside him.

And in the place less than three feet in front of the real red hair, the star sea of ​​sword gradually dimmed, and finally Xu quickly subsided.

The rest of the other means were beaten back.

On the eighteen-story tower, there are several cracks that are not deep or shallow, and his free array is also dim.

Numerous monks saw this scene, and there was a chill in their hearts.

Lin Fei was the strongest means just now, but now, it was actually broken directly by a real man with red hair. Did n’t even hit a spray?

How do you fight this?

Taken, can Lin Fei really hold him back?

On the other hand, there are countless monsters and beasts, and there is a high roar of roar. The countless monsters and beasts are all chanting the name of red hair.

However, at this moment, there was something as broken as a very subtle click sound.

Afterwards, countless lines of sight were somewhat incredible to see that a crack appeared slowly on the sleeve of Chifa Real Man.

Above that dress, there was a faint blood stain, and the scar quickly expanded and was actually injured ...

The whole world became silent at this moment.

The voices of countless monsters and beasts did not wait to fall, but they came to an abrupt stop at this time.

Then there was an incredible and horrified look on the face.

It is also impossible to imagine that the red-haired real people in their hearts are invincible, but they will be hurt by a real body?

When asked about Jianzong's side, countless monks were equally silent. They looked at me and looked at you, and they all saw the incredible colors from the other person's eyes.

They are all a bit unbelievable, and this red-haired real person will actually be hurt by Lin Fei.

In the void, the real red-haired face was somber. His casual blood stains looked at Lin Fei and said coldly, "I didn't expect that I would be hurt by you ..."

He had already moved the truth before, but he still underestimated the strength of Lin Fei's offensive.

Although it was blocked in the end, some minor injuries were inevitable.

Although this injury can be healed easily, it is not a big deal at all, but this injury shows that Lin Fei's real body, not only can resist him a few moves, but also really hurt him.

However, Lin Fei's expression was still the same, without the slightest joy or relaxation.

This is just a minor injury, not a happy time.

Next, we have to see if we can block the key offensive ...

"It just so happened, the senior pretended to praise ..."

Lin Fei was also looking at Chifa Reality. Although he did n’t know why, Chifa Reality voted for the Black Abyss, but the opponent ’s swordsmanship was so unquestionably strong that there was no trace of evil spirit. It's not his peak yet ...

Nonetheless, since it is an enemy, there is no need to pay any respect, but just said lightly: "Now it seems that you will not be able to take me for a while, and then continue to insist, fearing that it will be our ancestors. Appears, leaving you ... "

The previous battles have shown that Lin Fei has the ability to contend with red hair. ,

Although it is impossible to win, in the same way, there is no way for Chifa real people to win Lin Fei within the deadline.

Although the countless monsters and fierce beasts are powerful, the countless monks gathered in the Sword Sect are not eating dry food. Without the participation of red hair real people, they can't take Luofu Realm.

Right now, it should be able to hold each other for a while.

It only takes a while. Next, when Tianmen City receives the news, it is time to help ...

Lin Fei reminded indifferently: "If this battle goes on, you are afraid you really want to stay."

The current situation is tilting the victorious balance towards Lin Fei.

There is less and less time left for the real red hair. If you wait for a while, I am afraid that you will really tell Lin Fei that the real red hair will always stay in the encirclement and suppression of several dharma bodies ...

However, in the face of such threats, Chi Fa real man's face was not calm, and he could not see the slightest emotion, and the eyes were even more unpredictable.

"This time, the heavens and the whole world can't tolerate the black abyss ..."

Lin Fei said inexplicably.

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