After all, the calmer this is, the more it shows that the hidden red-haired real people and others have powerful control over the remaining power of the Black Abyss in the heavens and the world.

This year, with a single order, most of the forces that had signs of the activities of the black abyss have disappeared without a trace ...

And now it is the time when the monks are the strongest and most suitable for the war, but the other party directly avoided it. This is like a heavy punch, but it is directly on the cotton. This feeling of emptyness is really very good. Uncomfortable ...

"Continue to send more manpower to kill a person from the Black Abyss, remember the heavy work!"

Hong Yitian's voice was darker. During this time, he was always sending people to find the whereabouts of the Black Abyssal forces. Anyway, in any case, they couldn't let them live in peace, at least they had to show some clues.

As long as the real redheads don't show up, they have nothing to fear ...

"it is good!"

Luo Xiu also nodded his head, and a cold murderous opportunity appeared in his eyes.

After Luo Xiu left, Hong Yitian sighed softly. He knew that the people who were blessed by Chifa were actually unable to really strike the core power of the Black Abyss.

But there is no way ...

Now that Lin Fei is closed, they can only do what they can, and they can only do so.

"I don't know what happened to Lin Fei ..."

Hong Yitian looked to this day, but there was a dignified meaning in his eyes: "I hope it will succeed, otherwise once the red-haired real person rebounds ..."

With that in mind, Hong Yitian also had a trace of anxiety. Now the red hair real people can't hide it, and they don't know what they are planning there. Anyway, what is certain is that it is not a good thing for them.

During this period of time, the guards on the other side of Tianmen City became more and more strict, and more and more forces gathered towards that side. Hong Yitian could clearly feel that the atmosphere of a war gradually came ...

At this time, if Lin Fei can break through and refine one world, it will undoubtedly greatly benefit the situation among these heavens and thousands of worlds ...


Ask Jianzong, on the altar

At this time, the great pressure covered the entire altar, and the storm-like true elemental tide swept over everything, almost making the entire altar tremble slightly.

At the top position of this altar, Zhen Yuan shrouded four figures, and Lin Fei continuously extracted powerful forces from those three flesh to enrich himself.

Only under the ravages of this powerful force, Lin Fei's flesh was constantly in a state of being torn and then recovered. The blood flowed out, and Lin Fei was almost dyed into a blood man, muscle All trembling unconsciously.

However, after each tear, the flesh was able to become more powerful. Lin Fei's entire body became stronger and stronger between this cyclical tear and recovery.

But this requires great pain ...

However, Lin Fei's face was calm like water, and did not move at all. It seemed to draw the soul out, not feeling the pain of the body ...

Or maybe this is after a year of suffering, Lin Fei is somewhat used to this kind of pain ...

On a mountain not far from the altar, Yue sat on the left side of the plate. During this time, he was here all the time. He did not stay away from it for half a step. He wanted to protect Lin Fei and ensure that he was not disturbed.

At this time, he looked at the top of the altar remotely and whispered, "It should be soon ..."

During this time, he could more and more clearly feel that the bursts of true elements from the top of the altar became stronger and stronger.

According to this momentum, Lin Fei's success in his later life is really promising.

It's just that recently, the fluctuation of the true element above the altar has a gradual and gentle momentum.

But Yue Zuo knew that this was not because Lin Fei was not going well, but because Lin Fei was deliberately suppressing his cultivation.

This is hard to wait for ...

Under the temptation of achieving the later stage of the real body, Lin Fei is still insisting on consolidating the foundation, and has no choice to enter into ...

"This guy really looks beyond this ..."

No need to think about it, Yue Zuo knew that Lin Fei did so in an attempt to break through the dharma body in the future, and the foundation could be more solid ...

After all, what Lin Fei is doing now is breaking through with the help of his predecessors. Although the speed is not slow, after all, it belongs to the outside world. Compared with the practice of step by step, there are still some foundations that are not enough. One is not good. It will inevitably have an impact on its own foundation ...

It's just that Lin Fei's deliberate suppression of Xiu's growth nowadays is about his own cultivation, which has extremely high control requirements, and will also cause greater pain to himself ...

This is not something ordinary people can afford.

This kind of tenacious will also made a sense of admiration in Yue Zuo's heart. If he succeeds in his dharma body in the future, Lin Fei will certainly fly into the sky, not a common dharma body can compare ...

It's no wonder that many dharma ancestors will value it so much and assign that real body to him.

But despite this, there is still a hidden worry in Yue Zuo's heart. Lin Fei's approach is safe, but now they may not be too long ...

During this time, news came from Tianmen City, the conflict with the Black Abyss intensified, and even several small-scale conflicts broke out.

Although it has not yet evolved to the extent of the real war, it is not the situation where the monks can be allowed to go out and hunt at random, but they need to be picked up by the monks and even need to be led by themselves.

I heard that even Qian Xiang, a true monarch, had been out of the city many times, and several clashes broke out with Heiyuan, causing him some minor injuries.

Gradually, the situation between the two sides became tense. ,

But now, they obviously don't have that much time.

The scene of a war is coming, and it becomes more and more obvious.

In this way, there is really little time left for Lin Fei to break through ...

Hope to catch up ...

There was a deep sigh in Yuezuo's heart, so he didn't think about it any more. Anyway, after such a war, ordinary real bodies might not be able to survive. These things, let the ancestors of the Fashen worry about it ...


Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, two years had passed.

At this time, it has been three years since the first battle of Wanlong Realm ...


In a small world, the tremendously powerful real-element fluctuations are constantly impacting the Quartet, wherever everything is destroyed, the sky is dull, the sun is dark red, almost hidden.

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