"Luo Tianzong? Are they also worthy?" Earth Spirit Patriarch sneered and shook his head: "Although you can recognize the awesomeness of this array, but you still can't see the real strength, you can say that. "

Jiang Zhong, who is well-known in the outside world, scratched his head like a child in his teacher ’s rebuke: "I just watched this picture and could produce aura without endless reliance on the outside world. , And never decay, I feel extremely wonderful, I have never seen before, thinking at that time, if you can get the refining method of this array, improve it, maybe you can develop a stable aura enough to supply the law ... "

"And ... I see this thing, it should not be from the hands of ordinary law, so I want you to see if I can parse it out ..."

As a disciple of a true-level monk, Jiang Zhong ’s knowledge is not comparable to that of Ning Xuan.

Ning Xuan just thought that this array would be sold to the Fa, he was afraid that he would be killed, but in Jiang Zhong ’s eyes, he knew the power of this array and directly thought of how to parse out this array. , Do it for yourself.

However, after listening to the earth ancestor, he shook his head and said: "It's not bad to have such an idea, but you still see the appearance."

Seeing the confused expression of his apprentice, he patiently explained: "In essence, this array is based on a congenital aura, which is the foundation of the entire array. With the help of the innate aura, it returns to the acquired world and makes that Acquired Aura, relying on the formation method, forms a cycle inside, so that it is endless ... "

"I didn't see it." Jiang Zhong shook his head. Although he had been quite attentive to it since he got the picture, it was not enough to see through its essence at a glance.

Speaking, he suddenly remembered something: "So, in this Ning Xuan hand, there is something innate? Then do we want to ..."


However, Jiang Zhong was just halfway through the plan, and the Earth Spirit Patriarch reprimanded and followed with a little bit of hatred for the iron and steel. He continued: "How many times have I told you that those so-called resource spirits are just things outside the body, When you go to the outside world in the future, these things are at your fingertips. Do n’t try to **** them from seeing something. Go out and let those old guys see it. It will only make them laugh, and I wo n’t teach disciples. ”

"Yes ..." Jiang Zhong said flatly.

The Earth Spirit Patriarch went on and explained slowly: "Since the person who made the map can convert the congenital to the acquired, I think he is also very likely to be able to return the acquired to the congenital ..."


Hearing this, Jiang Zhong suddenly felt a little weird. Where is the innate thing?

But he opened his mouth, but said nothing.

No way, after all, it is a congenital thing ...

It was all left over from the beginning of heaven and earth. It has been circulating until now, and the number will only decrease. The people who can deal with this kind of things are at least the real body level.

Even if Jiang Zhong was valued by the Earth Spirit Patriarch, he knew very little about these things.

Although he is not clear enough, since this is his master's guess, it is likely to be true ...

It ’s just incredible.

A loose repair, can actually take this kind of things that involve the return to the innate technique, and sell it everywhere?

"Behind that kid, there must be a master." The Earth Spirit Patriarch just said indifferently: "And, that master should be a master of refining. This kind of transformation returns to the innate technique. I am still a thousand years ago. , I saw it on an innate treasure in that temple ... "

"Innate treasure ..."

When Jiang Zhong heard this, he swallowed a spit.

Actually mastered the art of refining related to the innate treasure, this refining master, how must it exist ......

But then, Jiang Zhong thought of another thing and couldn't help feeling, quickly asked, "Master, what does this expert, let Ning Xuan take this picture and sell it to our disciples?" ? "

"I don't know ..." This time, the Earth Spirit Patriarch didn't give an answer. He just thought for a moment and shook his head. "But looking at it like this, he shouldn't be malicious. Between this world and earth, there is A few old things with uncertain whereabouts and weird temperament, maybe one of them may be ... Forget it, you can go and find out the disciple of Luo Tianzong again, and I will look at it, a top refining master, When I came to this place, I wanted to make something famous. "


At this time, Ning Xuan did not stop all the way, flew at full speed, and quickly returned to Dongfu.

However, when I first came back, I found that there was no shadow of my brothers in the whole cave house, but because I was still thinking about things, I didn't have much control after turning around.

Holding the half of Tailingdan, he trot all the way to find Lin Fei.

But after he found it, he was stunned for a while and said a little curiously: "Brother Lin, what are you doing."

At this time, I saw Lin Fei was near the dragon's vein, with a few flags in his hand, and occasionally took a few steps, they would insert one, as if there was no regularity.

However, after watching it for a while, Ning Xuan saw that the door was coming.

Anyway, he is also a disciple of the Master of Formation, and even if Ning Xuan didn't inherit many mantles, he had at least some eyesight.

In his eyes, Lin Fei seemed to be transforming the mountain protection array left by Master ...

And every time he shoots, he directly inserts that flag into the key nodes of the mountain protection array.

At first it was nothing, but after several times, the choice of location was extremely tricky. Even Ning Xuan, who had been taught by the master to protect the mountain array, had a sense of surprise.

It turns out that this big array can still be arranged like this ...

After a while, Lin Fei finally gradually closed ...

Although the surroundings seemed to be the same as before, now, in the eyes of Ning Xuan, the whole mountain suddenly has a severe and secret coercion.

He tried to find the familiar flaws in the past, but this time, he found that the flaws were all filled in ...

Feeling the past carefully, the whole array is actually giving people a perfect and perfect feeling ...

Until it was almost busy, Lin Fei put away a few unused arrays and looked up at Ning Xuan who had been stupefied: "Oh, you are back."

"Ah? Is it ..." Ning Xuan escaped from the shock of this great array, but when he looked at Lin Fei, he was full of exclamation: "Brother Lin, what is this great array?" What's going on? I just went out for a while, how can I transform it like this ... "

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