Chronicles of the Kingdom of Heaven

Chapter 1470: Don't have to stop

At this time, Song Tianxing, who was standing next to him, could not sit still.

Calculating the time, Lin Fei should go down the mountain, and then stop it again, I am afraid it is too late.

Song Tianxing couldn't figure it out. Brother Si has always been quite decisive. Why did he get confused at this time?

There is something else to meditate about, no matter what angle it is from, you should act first and say ...

Finally, Song Tianxing couldn't help but tentatively said, "Brother, if we don't stop Lin Fei again, it's really too late ..."

When I wanted to come to Song Tianxing, this was plainly obvious. No matter whether it was my duty as Tianfeng Peak or Wang Lingguan ’s experience with Lin Fei, I could not sit back and watch Lin Fei and do something unreasonable ...

Moreover, that Yu Hengfeng was opened under Luo Yuzhen's order, and Qiu Yuehua and others were also arrested under Luo Yuzhen's order.

Lin Fei is careless now, and may have just returned and offended Luo Yuzhen ...

For Yu Hengfeng, who is at the forefront of the storm, now is the time to bear the burden of humiliation. Finally, he came back to a disciple who can do the master, but once he came back, he offended Luo Yuzhen. That was even worse ...

"Why stop Lin Fei?"

Who knew that Wang Lingguan asked such a sentence directly after opening his mouth.


"Ah, what? For whatever reason, those people forcibly broke into Yu Hengfeng. That's why I didn't take Jian Zong into my eyes. As a disciple of Heavenly Criminal Peak, if you don't expel, you're already considered negligent. Would you like me to take the initiative to help them? It is a joke! If Luo Yuzhen came to you in the future, you would tell him, these are my original words, my Tianpufeng asked Jianzong's Tianpufeng, not him Luo Yuzhen's Tianpufeng From now on, the disciples of Tian Xingfeng will no longer obey his assignment. "


Hearing this passage, Song Tianxing was completely unable to react.

This ... what happened just now?

Even if you directly support Lin Fei's troubles, even point the finger at Luo Yuzhen?

For a time, Song Tianxing was a little bit dumbfounded. He came to Brother Wang to help stop Lin Fei. Why did Brother Wang instead look like a war?

Is this a bit unscientific?

"Yes, but Luo Yuzhen is an expedient measure after all, and the detention of Yu Hengfeng and others are also good intentions ..."

"The expedient measure?" Who knows, Wang Lingguan's smile became a little cold when he heard this, and he looked at Song Tianxing suddenly and asked, "Don't you remember, when the real person of Qianyuan inherited the position of master, What is it like? "


Song Tianxing was a little puzzled when asked.

As a true disciple of Wen Jianzong, of course, he was very clear about the legendary scene that year.

At that time, the head of the previous generation, Kunwu, the real person failed to break through the dharma body, and the heart demon countered, killing the teacher and apostasy.

For seven days and seven nights, he traversed the northern border, raging everywhere, and no one can control it. From the Changsheng Palace to Bulaoshan, it was because of the real people of Kunwu that he suffered a lot of losses.

In the end, it was the siege of the monks from the whole north that caused the crazy Kunwu real person to fall.

However, after that, the Nine Gates sent out to be aggressive, asking for the body of Kunwu real person.

At that time, the situation facing Jianzong was quite similar to what it is now.

Because the real people of Kunwu were crazy, the elders of the twelve peaks at that time were all injured to varying degrees. Except that the real master of Kunwu fell directly, the other elders were all closed scenes, even if they were sober, in terms of combat power. Also suffered a lot of losses ...

Just when the whole Sword Sect was silent, the young Qianyuan real person at that time stood up ...

This young man who was originally optimistic about Kunwu's real life and said that he would be able to practice in the future faced the intimidation and coercion of the nine major schools. Eight turns from Jindan to the Fa ...

Immediately afterwards, this young man who was always quiet and silent at that time, facing the crowd, said very calmly ...

"I can't resist all of you, but I can drag the first three opponents to death."

This simple sentence, with the calm face of the young man, made everyone unable to doubt. Under this sentence, the strong determination was revealed.

Then, a group of masters, you look at me, I look at you, no one wants to rush up, the current three unlucky eggs ...

In the end, the two sides insisted on a full day, or ended with the gradual departure of a group of masters ...

After this battle, although Qianyuan real people said that it was because of the reversal of the practice, overdraft potential, and the future was ruined, but the scene that came forward also made him take over the position of the leader.

And this performance of the year was gradually passed out as a group of masters left.

The whole Luofu Realm knows that asking the young new instructor of Jianzong is actually a ruthless man who takes his own life and future and does not take it seriously ...

"Brother Wang, what do you mean ..." Song Tianxing is naturally very familiar with his own experience, but it is a bit inexplicable. What is the meaning of his own brother ...

"My meaning is very simple." Wang Lingguan sneered: "The same is the law, how could Qian Yu Yuan teach what he could do? Luo Yuzhen couldn't do it? Don't tell me any expedient measures, ask Jianzong's expedient measures There are many, but it does not include the Dakaishanmen, let anyone search. "

"Ask the position of Jianzong's teaching position, it has never been an easy position to sit. Now Luo Yuzhen is far worse than the Qianyuan real people at that time. At least, I am not able to dispatch him."

"Now ..." Song Tianxing was completely confused.

Originally, when I came just now, I just wanted Brother Wang to stop Lin Fei from coming.

But now it seems that Brother Wang directly passed Lin Fei, but pointed his finger at Luo Yuzhen ...

For a time, Song Tianxing was a little confused ...

Now, what should I do now ...

"So, Master said that it's really not unreasonable for you to drop the chain at a critical moment ..." Wang Lingguan said a little bit hatred of iron and steel: "Now in this chaos, we are not representing ourselves, but the entire Heavenly Penalty Peak With regard to the attitude, whoever can save and ask Jianzong, Tian Xingfeng will help him, who will harm Jian Zongzong, Tian Xingfeng will be against it, and now all we need to do is wait and see.

"But there is only one person in Lin Fei, in case the other party has a dead hand?"

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