Damn, should I be so arrogant?

Yu Hua had a lot of thoughts in his heart, but he didn't dare to talk to Lin Fei in one sentence. When his face turned red, he suddenly reacted.

It seems wrong ...

Along the way, Lin Fei is not a fool, how could he do such a rash thing?

There must be something inside.

And it's a big thing that I don't know, even Lin Fei has the confidence to provoke the Dragon Ghost Master ...

"Well, what did you write in the letter?" Yu Hua thought for a long time, and had no clue. He had to ask carefully.

Lin Fei didn't say much, but just glanced at the sky, and suddenly said: "Hurry up, let's leave us little time."


However, Lin Fei did not answer this time. His words just fell, and the escaped light quickly hurried away, leaving Yu Hua to stay behind, a little puzzled.

However, after the reaction, it was also strange in his heart, while speeding up and quickly followed.

At the same time, on the top of the Dragon Ghost Palace.

Here is the pinnacle of the entire Dragon Ghost Fushan, the whole is not big, it is empty on all sides, the endless white clouds are rolling at the end, and the rich aura surrounds all around.

In the middle of the mountain, there is a small pond, the pool water is condensed like an aura, and it is clear and bottomy, with a fresh feeling.

Although the whole mountain is not big, it seems like a fairyland.

Next to the pond, the dragon ghost domain master sat on a futon, a short table in front of him, filled with various jade letterheads, and the dragon ghost domain master was burying it in his hand, holding a jade pen in his hand. , Look positive and focus on these chores.

The Dragon Ghost Palace is too powerful, and the layout is spread all over the world. It needs to deal with too many things. It needs the Dragon Ghost Domain Master to take charge. In addition, in order to prepare for war, various matters have increased tenfold.

So, often he just finished a transaction, and after a while he would fly another letterhead ...

When the Dragon Ghost Domain Master had almost no time to spare, if he had not cultivated deeply, he would have to die alive if he was replaced by a Jindan monk.

Therefore, it is not without reason that the heads of the seven major schools are illegal.

Beside the Dragon Ghost Domain Master, Gu Fei was accompanying him, constantly accepting more letterheads that broke through the clouds and flying from outside, and then continued to give orders from the Dragon Ghost Domain Master, and was quite busy for a while.

At this time, another piece of jade light came through the clouds, and the "sweeping" one rushed in a bit rampantly.

Gu Fei was accustomed to it. He stretched it out and stopped it. He took a glance in his hand and saw that it was a jade slip with no name on it, and it appeared to be a confidential item.

But it is also normal. There are too many layouts in the Dragon Ghost Palace. Naturally, there are some things that are too detailed. He has received five or six copies of such letterhead a day.

It's just that the Dragon Ghost Domain owner is busy now. Generally speaking, he has to deal with the affairs in front of him before getting it. Gu Fei carefully put it on the table with an undisturbed action.

The Dragon Ghost Master took the time to take a look while he was busy, but suddenly his face changed, and he no matter what was in his hands. Instead, he took the jade jade, dived into it, and read it in ten lines.

Seeing this scene, Gu Fei was a little surprised. While standing by and waiting, he could not help but whisper.

The rest of the main faction's communication information failed to insert a team, but this is what is important news. It is so valued that it can also be given priority to the Dragon Ghost Master ...

While guessing in his stomach, the Dragon Ghost Domain Master had finished reading the jade jade, and his face became more dignified.

After reading the jade jade, he clasped it uncharacteristically and ignored other matters. He flicked his finger on the table a few times without saying a word. Cloudy.

This silence is the time of Banzhu, the Dragon Ghost Domain did not speak, but directly made the atmosphere of the whole mountain a little nervous ...

Unconsciously, Gu Fei could not help but feel a little infected, I feel that this time things may be really not small ...

You know, in the past, when the small-scale invasion of the demon world occurred, the dragon and ghost domain masters were still as if they were mountains, and Enron Ruo arranged the next things.

Today, he is rarely hesitant.

What a big deal ...

However, at present, the Dragon Ghost Palace is understaffed, and even if there is something wrong, it may only be able to send itself to lead people out ...

Sure enough, the Dragon Ghost Domain thought there for a while, and then suddenly broke the silence: "Go for me, and call me Li Beixing."

"Yes! Ah?" Gu Fei was so serious that he should respond, and then reacted, looking at the Dragon Ghost Domain Master with some consternation, and his face was stunned.

I thought it was a big event, and the result was called Li Beixing.

Is such a trivial matter necessary to be so serious?

That Li Beixing is just below. A Feijian Biography let him come by himself, or call it by himself?

Is it worthy to be so formal?

At this time, the Dragon Ghost Master frowned: "Ah, what? Did you hear what I said, quickly call me Li Beixing."

"That, it's ..." Gu Fei was trying to persuade him again, but when he heard this, he closed his mouth wisely, but turned away a little inexplicably.

At the same time, beside the Qing Youling Garden, where there are many spiritual plants, only a few cores were thrown on the ground. A hammock was tied between the two towering ancient trees. Li Beixing was lying on top of Erlang's legs. Flickered.

At this time, he was still holding an aura full of red aura, but only a few bites, he threw his palm fruit everywhere, and drew out one from the storage bag, one bite without a bite. .

To say who is the most comfortable in the Dragon Ghost Palace these days, maybe it is Li Beixing ...

After Lin Fei left, he was left here by the Dragon Ghost Domain, which also means a bit of hostage, but the Dragon Ghost Domain Master didn't find it difficult for him, instead he let himself hang out.

Seeing this attitude of the Dragon Ghost Domain Lord, the up and down of the Dragon Ghost Palace, no one dared to bother him.

For a short time, Li Beixing, who was unconstrained, went to the east and west every day. Except for some forbidden places, he visited all over the place.

In this rare idle time, Li Beixing was not idle. In the past few days, he mainly sorted out the treasures, panacea, and spirit stones he had harvested from the head of Heishan to now.

This arrangement didn't matter, but in the end it shocked Li Beixing himself.

Along the way, he and Lin Fei didn't know how many martial arts they offended. They had been chasing or killing others, and had forgotten how much they had accumulated.

Only the spirit stone is roughly counted, and there are also millions of giants, plus a variety of magic weapons that can be realized at any time, the number is even more impressive.

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