The ghost emperor obviously knew what was happening outside. At this moment, he appeared to be trembling, feeling Lin Fei's seemingly calm eyes, his body shivering, trying to explain two sentences, and suddenly felt the strange monster. Gazing lightly, he was afraid to raise his head when he was in a dilemma.

For a while, this nominally highest ghost emperor left only the fear of being sandwiched on both sides ...

"Don't embarrass him, he's not cheating on you, we were indeed companions a long time ago, but only later ... something happened." Speaking of which, the demon shook his head, seemingly unwilling to mention more, and then Continue to say: "In short, you and I have a place to cooperate, for example, you and I want to get a treasure in the blood river ..."

"Dare not show up, and dare to talk to me about cooperation, you are really sincere." Lin Fei sneered.

"Oh, you are still asking for ideas." The demon possessed was not angry, but only grinned, and his face covered with blood showed a bright smile.


"Don't mention this first ..." The demon didn't talk about it, just talking, with a sense of everything in his grasp: "I will talk about what can give you, I know you are following the bloodstream , Looking for the trace of his free array, as long as you cooperate with me, I can help you get his free array ... "

"You know a lot." Lin Fei narrowed his eyes.

It is arguable that one of his biggest secrets is chasing the blood river by himself to find his freedom map. Whether it is Li Beixing or Yu Hua, he knows nothing about it.

In other words, there is no possibility of leakage.

However, this demon never met himself, how could he know so clearly?

Seeing Lin Fei was a little vigilant, the demon was not surprised. It seemed that all of this was in his expectation, and he said in a hurry: "You should have found a few pieces of his free array now. You ’re not surprised, why would his free array become fragments? "

"I want to know more now, what are you." Lin Fei narrowed his eyes and stared at the other party, as if he wanted to see through the other party's details.

The demon is not afraid, standing there and letting Lin Fei go to see it, it does not matter with a smile: "I advise you not to do these useless things, the longer you are here, the longer you get, you get the freedom of him The lower the chance of graphing. "

However, after a long while, Lin Fei still didn't mean to respond, just staring at him there ...

The demon was a little dissatisfied, just to say a few words, Lin Fei finally responded ...

Lin Fei looked strange and asked: "I said, wouldn't you be a magic weapon?"

As the voice fell, the impatient demons suddenly froze ...

For a moment, countless fallen demon corpses clashed, and a cold, biting, fierce intention rushed through the dark mist, rushing all around, making all the creatures of heaven and earth lying on the ground, daring not to speak out.

This is a level of coercion, but it has never been revealed. Until Lin Fei's sentence fell down, he made his mood surge and reveal it ...


The demon quickly calmed down ...

After a little silence, the demon's body could not bear this coercion, the body had cracked like an old bark, and eventually collapsed.

But soon, another demon body stood up, looked at Lin Fei for a long time, and suddenly shook his head and smiled: "In fact, as long as you and I cooperate, this thing could not have concealed you, but I did not expect to be caught by you In a word, it's awkward ... "

"Ha ha……"

"I know I'm not perfect in covering up, but I won't be noticed so quickly, so ... how do you know?" Speaking of this, the demon looked at Lin Fei's eyes, already full of puzzlements. Doubts, after all, this is one of the cards he prepared, who wanted to finalize it at the last time, who knows it better than Lin Fei ...

This shock to him is far more than just so calm on the surface.

"Regarding the secrets of his Freedom Array, few people know about it from the realm, you can know so clearly, maybe some magic weapon that was trapped in the blood river with his Freedom Array, hehe, I am I'm lucky, I guessed wildly and guessed ... "

Lin Fei's remarks were a lot of chances, but they can barely be said in the past. At least the demon no longer questioned after listening ...

But the demon didn't know that Lin Fei's speculations had a premise.

That is, Lin Fei has the nine-character mantra ...

You should know that Zhu Tian Fu Tu was originally the art of the first refiner in ancient times, and even the existence of Jiu Zhong Tian Que can be refined. However, the nine-character mantra was originally created to make up for the defects of Zhu Tian Fu Tu and restrain all magic weapons.

It can be said that the nine-character mantra is the natural enemy of all magic weapons.

Although the other party is indeed hiding well, but also can not block the perception of natural enemies ...

After confirming the identity of the other party ’s magic weapon, the subsequent guesses are logical ...

As a magic weapon, he can tell the secret of his free array stuck in the blood river, and at the same time his real body is still missing, and he comes to ask for cooperation,

A series of clues added up, Lin Fei guessed, maybe the other person's real body was still trapped in the blood river.

Therefore, it is not that the other party does not want to manifest himself as this, but that he cannot appear.

But the guessing is just a guess.

It wasn't until the face of the demon changed, that Lin Fei knew that he was guessing the eight or nine ...

Of course, the hole cards about the nine-character mantra are exposed ...

After all, what Lin Fei experienced in the end when the cooperation reached the end was not too much.

"Actually, I didn't even want to hide you, I just wanted to wait for your agreement to cooperate ..." The demon didn't seem to care about Lin Fei seeing his true body, but just shook his head and smiled: "You guessed it right. He is a prisoner of free array ... "


"Yeah, for us magic weapons, that blood river is a prison, and it is a terrible prison."

Speaking of which, the demon sighed and continued: "It's a long story, almost seven thousand years ago, I fell into the blood river. At that time, he had been in the free array for many years, and it was itself The seal is extremely weak. "

"But half-step congenital is half-step congenital after all. Although he is constantly absorbed by the blood river, he has not yet reached the point of fragmentation ... But then I do n’t know what happened. The huge waves in the blood river are almost endless. Squeeze us all ... "

"He was weak in his free array, and in that aura sucked up, the life was forced to shatter. I lasted longer and my magical power was special. Taking advantage of the instability of the blood, the true spirit took the opportunity to possess himself. On an outside creature, escaped, until now ... "

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