It seems that the Iron Triangle, which was once out of bounds in the past, is gone forever, and in the future, it will only be the one-man show of the little devil.

For a time, many people were quite in agreement with the words of the Dragon Ghost Domain Lord. After that, Fuli left the world to rely on the little devil to compete with the outside world.

But the little devil didn't pay attention to everyone's thoughts.

In fact, even if he knew it, he would replace Lin Fei's credit, but it was firmly on his head. Before Lin Fei did not appear again, he could only continue to wear ...

It ’s better to accumulate more treasures now. When I see Lin Fei again, I ’ll talk better. The little devil also understands that Zhao Shu and the two will also take the initiative to help because of their thunder.

At the time when the little devil was too busy to communicate, what happened in the head of the Black Mountain gradually spread out.

Like throwing a stone in the lake, the aftermath quickly spread ...

Soon, the big factions in the Fo Lili realm with tentacles all over the place received the news ...

Three demons, one in a dark room.

There is nothing here, walls are impervious on all four sides, and even the sun can't shine into it.

There was only one person sitting in the entire dark room. He looked like a 40- to 50-year-old, with a thin figure and a plain face. At this time, his eyes were closed and his face was expressionless. Indifferent temperament.

Suddenly, the man's face moved slightly, followed by opening his eyes, making his eyes different, actually gray, but there was no emotion in his eyes, and there was a faint breath of silence, which was like the eyes of a dead man.

At this time, on the wall in front of him, a golden light slowly emerged into a font.

After a while, the walls were covered with gold characters, all of which were in the ins and outs of the top of the Black Mountain. The details were insignificant and detailed, and even Li Beixing ’s monastic life was listed one by one ...

The man looked at it quietly for a while, and after reading it, he went expressionless, just waved his hand, and all the gold letters disappeared.

Follow, you must close your eyes and continue to close, as if none of this can disturb his mood.

Suddenly, the gold word on the wall turned on again.

But this time, it's about another thing ...

After the man finished reading, he did not continue to retreat immediately. The gray eyes moved slightly, and then stretched out his fingers. While sketching in the air, he said three names softly: "Dragon Ghost, Liufeng, Xuan Yao."

Suddenly, there was a smile on the corner of the man's mouth, perhaps because his face was stiff for too long, but the smile was a little stiff and a little scary.

"Stop me?" The man whispered, and then clicked on the word "dragon ghost": "The two wastes don't have such guts, do you want to resist me? Don't worry, wait for me a few days"

When the words fell, the word "Dragon Ghost" was crushed by him, turned into countless light spots, and disappeared into the air.

Following this, the man no longer ignored, closed his eyes, and fell into retreat again.

At the same time, under a waterfall.

The water flow crashed down from the heights, sounded like a thunderstorm, but the bottom of the waterfall was aura, and it was so rich that it was unclear whether it was water vapor or aura.

Lin Fei sat cross-legged by the waterfall. After he was taken away by Zhao Minghai, he left Heishan directly and arrived at this place.

Originally, this treasure of cultivation was occupied by a group of monkey demon, but when Zhao Minghai came here, he naturally waved his hand to rid the monkey group and occupied it.

But now, Lin Fei is deaf to the sound of thundering waterfall in his ears, and is not interested in the rich aura.

In front of him, there was a big round stone that didn't slip in autumn. Lin Fei had seen it for a full day, and for the first time he felt like he couldn't get started.

After Zhao Minghai drove away the monkeys, he didn't have much time to say anything, and suddenly it turned into boulders in front of him. Lin Fei froze on the spot.

For a whole day, he didn't know how many methods he used, but he couldn't figure out the nature of this boulder, as if this is a piece of stone everywhere, no difference from the ordinary stone at the bottom of the waterfall ...

"Damn, even if you want to change the stone anyway, give me a letter." Lin Fei said a few words to himself, but there was no way.

Now that they suddenly disappeared, the seven factions will doubt that the **** stone is in their hands, and a search is indispensable. At this time, Zhao Minghai becomes a stone, and if there is a combination of law, Lin Fei can't deal with it.

After all, the law is different from ghost emperor demon emperor.

The strength of the law is the second, and the combat power is second. The important thing is that the endless array of magic weapons and spells. Every monk who can become a law is different. At least he also has a great sense of his own Taoism and law. Before you actually start, you will never know what the true combat power of the position is.

The ghost emperor and demon emperor are much more upright, and they wish to expose their full strength as soon as they appear.

In contrast, Lin Fei is more willing to deal with honest demon,

Fortunately, Zhao Minghai's extraordinary means, and finding this place is quite secret, so that people outside can not find it.

However, after waiting for this day, Lin Fei also lost some patience. The aura here is very ample and suitable for cultivation. Moreover, this time there are many gains at the top of the Black Mountain, so I simply sorted out the harvest first.

Thinking of this, the next moment, Lin Fei descended into the underworld ...


"The ghost party meets the master of the underworld ..." As soon as he appeared in the underworld, an enthusiastic shout came.

Lin Fei froze for a moment before he reacted. Was this actually welcoming himself?

It's no wonder that Lin Feihui didn't respond for a while. Although this is his site, I really want to say that he still enjoys this treatment for the first time.

Just look at what the goods that Nether Earth has collected before ...

Either ghosts or monsters, or simply strange things like coffins and flying knives.

No matter which one, it is nothing polite. Until recently the immortality was collected, it was extremely cold. After coming in, no one settled down next to the house, more than Lin Fei, the master of the underworld.

It wasn't until the early days of Nether Earth that these guys were truly settled.

But he was greeted by this kind of mountain call as soon as he came in. For the first time, Lin Fei was a little flattered ...

"It doesn't have to be this, get up quickly." Lin Fei looked at the person in front of him. This was the old man of the ghost party. Unlike the outside world, he had a warm smile on his face and stood respectfully in front of Lin Fei. There is also the arrogance of the outside world.

"Thank you Master Master Xingtu." As he said, the old man on the ghost side stood up, but he didn't mean to step back. Instead, he stepped forward and respectfully said: "The old dead body has no long objects, but there are a few small things around. , As a gift of thanks for living grace, please do n’t quit.

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