Chronicles of the Kingdom of Heaven

Chapter 1126: Fight a fight?

I saw that the magic head of the little demon head glowed with aura, and he continued to draw on the gold grass sky runes, and the aura of light formed a complex rune, which disappeared immediately. After the last rune was painted, the little demon head was relieved. .

Just about to send the letter, the little devil was hesitating again, gritted his teeth, and scratched his fingertips directly, squeezing a drop of extremely red blood from it. As the blood oozed out completely, the little devil's face suddenly turned pale, The weak breath was three points weaker, but he was dripping firmly on Fuzhuan.

Jincaotian Fu suddenly had a great aura of light, which turned into a blood light, and broke away at a speed that was invisible to the naked eye.

"Hurry up, hurry up ..." The little devil looked at the blood away, eagerly, muttering to himself.

Today, this kind of tremendous change has long exceeded the capabilities of these younger disciples.

At this time, the seven major factions need to work together, and even the top fighting power can be exhausted in order to cope with the past with confidence.

And looking at Fu Li from the realm, the Gu Yue real person of the Three Demon Sects, has this prestige and strength to call out.

Of course, the little devil also has selfishness, and there are opportunities in the crisis. Once there are any benefits to be taken, the real people of Gu Yue can come and take the lead.

Although the message just came out, the little devil looked at the sky immediately, looking forward to Master's arrival ...


"Haha, this kid is really good, there is news so quickly, huh? This time Fu Zhuan is so fast, fortunately the old man has been arranged." In the mountain and river mirror, a blood light flashed forward in the misty mirror. In an instant, it spans hundreds of miles away.

However, Lord Liufeng seemed to have been staring for a long time, and stretched out his hand in the mirror unhurriedly. The next moment, he pinched the blood in his hand and took it out of the mirror.

"Oh? Jincao Tianfu? No wonder at this speed, it seems that the little guys are eager to ask for help, and they have also invested their blood." Lord Liufeng reached out his hand and suddenly smiled.

But at the next moment, his smile suddenly converged and became serious. He took Fu Zhuan and glanced a few times, frowning and said, "Is it important to send a letter with the essence and blood?"

"Take it all, there is nothing more to grind, open it and see if you know it." Xuan Yao Sect Master impatiently urged.

The Master of Six Peaks was not in a hurry, and he turned Fu Zhuan carefully twice to confirm that there were no omissions before opening it.

There is a blank space in Fu Zhuan, but the three of them are not surprised. Three powerful intellects are detected at the same time, and they are swept dozens of times on Fu Zhuan in an instant ...

After a while, the three consciousnesses were taken back, but there was silence ...

After a long while, the voice of Lord Liufeng said dryly: "This is not true, what knowledge can a few juniors have, may be wrong, or eager to ask for help, exaggerating?"

Long Guiyu's face was somber: "This seal was originally intended to be given to Gu Yue, and the kid could not lie."

"The existence of more than two Fas ..." Xuan Yao Sect Master also looked ugly: "Otherwise we go to Gu Yue to confess, relying on the three of us, this matter is probably hard to be good."

"Look for Gu Yue?" Lord Long Guiyu sneered: "Now look for him, do you think he will give up?"

"What can we do then?" Xuan Yao Sect Master frowned: "The two strong men above the Fa, can't be dealt with by only three of us."

"Why not?" Long Guiyu master glanced at him: "Though the two existences are powerful, they are fighting each other. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, which necessarily contains great opportunities. The three of us are qualified to fight for one. Luck. "

"Fight a fight? But ..." Xuan Yao Sect Master frowned, a little hesitant.

"Dragon Ghost Lord is right." Lord Liufeng narrowed his eyes and suddenly cut the railroad: "Our three families have been in decline for a long time, and they have been suppressed by the Three Demon Sects over the years. If there is no change, it will be even worse in the future. A million-year plan to influence martial arts! At that time, I will wait for the real sinners of martial arts. "

Hearing the four words of Wannian Dajie, the Sect Master Xuanya suddenly changed his face, as if there were any special meanings in these words.

Under the gaze of the two, his face was uncertain, and he suddenly gritted his teeth and said: "I did not say no, as long as the two of you do not flinch, I will keep up!"

"Then leave, but there are rules and restrictions on the top of the Black Mountain. I'm afraid I can't easily enter, and I will see the opportunity to act when the time comes." The Dragon Ghost Domain stubbornly stubbornly left.

The remaining two suzerains glanced at each other, and they no longer hesitated, and turned into a shadow of black and white, and escaped into the sea of ​​clouds.

The summit of the Six Peaks is completely silent, and only the mountain and river mirrors are standing quietly, the clouds are misty, and the mist is mysterious.

At the same time, after the small seal heads issued the Fuzhuan, it was a dilemma.

It's not a matter of embarrassment, war is flight, but the question of how to escape ...

The battle that took place in the sky has nothing to do with them. If someone rises up in the sky and accidentally sees them and comes up for a while, then they will be killed unjustly ...

"Let's scatter and run away. In case anyone is affected, that's also our own life." Xiao Detou glanced at the three people and said with a deep voice.

Now that the disaster is coming, several people agree surprisingly. When the voice fell, several people nodded, and immediately turned to escape and flew away.

apart from……

Li Beixing ...

He stayed in place, his face tangled, the scene of the war above his head, which may affect him at any time, but he seemed to hesitate, as if he did not want to escape.

"Damn, this life is up to you!" Li Beixing looked at the sky and suddenly gritted his teeth. He actually gave up his escape, and Wang Tian's figure stood upright, and there was a show of determination.

At the same time, several people escaped dozens of miles, but at the same time discovered Li Beixing's anomaly. After being surprised, for a moment, they couldn't help but a little respect.

Staying at a critical moment to help, but also quite loyal, they looked at Li Beixing this person one-sided.


Li Beixing's decisive body didn't hold for a few seconds. He only listened to the thump, and the whole person lay down on his back, burying the whole person in a mess. For a while, he was hiding quite rigorously, even his feet were careful Indent and hide ...

"Sure enough ..." Zhao Shu turned back silently, shook his head, but there was no surprise in his heart, which was in line with Li Beixing's style.

The two demon heads also noticed that they suddenly looked weird, but they didn't have much control, and turned to escape desperately.

Li Beixing, who pretended to be dead, saw a few people in the distance, but sneered in the ruins: "You know a fart. After Lin Fei lost, I was here to save him. He owes him a lot of lives, hey, forget it, can I return one or the other, and slowly return the rest. "

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