But before that, you must surrender the **** stone ...

The old man did not continue to bother Lin Fei, but turned his head and looked at the bright moon in the sky, a fiery color flashed in his eyes ...

At the same time, the crack behind the old man was still expanding, and gradually showed a corner of the Dao realm. For a moment, it seemed that the two worlds collided. The whole space suddenly trembles, and even the dark clouds beside the moon have scattered a little ...

Seeing this scene, the old man was very happy. He has collected the movements of the **** stones for thousands of years, and he admits that his powers are inseparable, and now it seems that it is not much different from what he expected.

The old man did not hesitate, reaching out, Daojing space continued to squeeze in, and the sky around the moon seemed to be broken gems, and thin cracks appeared everywhere, Daojing space continued to squeeze from the cracks. .

All he has cultivated in the space, as long as the Daojing space is fully entered, it is not difficult to devour the God Stone.

It ’s simple to say, but it ’s hard to do. The Montenegro opened so many times. He spent a lot of young people trying to find out such a safest way.

Now he finally waited for Lin Fei to send it to Shenshi. This is his chance to wait for tens of thousands of years!

"Come on, come on, you and I should have become one!" Daojing space entered more and more. The old man looked up to the moon, opened his arms, his old face glowed with radiance, and his eyes were full of fanaticism, as if the whole People are getting younger.

"Old maniac ..." In this scene, Lin Fei whispered quietly: "He has lived on the dog for tens of thousands of years, and really can't count on him."

"What do you say!" Although still fighting against Shenshi, the old man's ears were extremely sharp. He also heard Lin Fei's words, and suddenly turned his head, his face gloomy and said: "Dare to say the word and disrespect three times and five times. Calculate the general ledger with you! "

"You still worry about yourself ..." Lin Fei didn't care, and rolled his eyes and pointed his finger behind the old man.

Sure enough, the moonlight in the sky suddenly flourished, constantly resisting the invasion of Daojing space, and even the cracks in the space were gradually healing.

The old man suddenly changed color, his face hesitated a little, and suddenly he gritted his teeth, and actually cut his finger directly, squeezing a drop of silvery blood from it.

The old man has long been in harmony with the realm of the Tao. It is not a pure human body. This drop of silver blood has been transformed by his origin. One drop can make the vitality hurt, but now he can't care about this.

I saw the old man's fingertips stained with silver brilliance, and then clicked a few times in the air. Under his fingers, the void was easily poked out of several small deep caves, and the cracks did not break in the caves. Open, so that Daojing space continues to squeeze in.

Under the destruction of the old man at all costs, the entire Daojing space is squeezed in, and the sound of rumbling sounds between heaven and earth.

Until the silver light of the old man's fingertips subsided, the space of the Dao's environment in which the old man lived was completely infiltrated ...

When the old man saw this scene, his pale face was full of excitement. According to his deduction, the space where the Shenshi is located is extremely unstable. As long as the Dao State appears, it can squeeze this space or even replace it. He It is also logical to get the opportunity to merge the God Stone!


"Who did this old guy get the information from?" Lin Fei looked at the excited old man pitifully, but shook his head.

At this time, the old man was immersed in victory and could not extricate himself, and could no longer hear Lin Fei's voice.


The bright moon in the sky suddenly condenses, and the light shines out lightly. Numerous lines slowly shrink and condense, and the entire space is no longer shaken, but it becomes stable like a rock in an instant.

"This, how is this possible, not right, not right." The old man suddenly looked stagnant, his face full of anger.

He has already brought in the entire Dao realm, according to his carefully prepared push plan, at this time the Shenshi space should not be able to bear it, and then it was just propped up and collapsed.

Why is it calm now ...

No, it was n’t just restoring calm. The Shenshi started to fight back, and countless moonlights spattered, eroded and plundered Dao realm space ...

All this is like a ... trap?

Thinking of this, the old man suddenly felt cold all over his body. At this time, he did not care about the distress, and immediately scratched his fingertip again, squeezing a drop of silver blood from it ...

With the appearance of this drop of blood, the old man's face became completely disappointed, as if he had aged for thousands of years in an instant, but he could not care about this, and raised his hand to put the blood bomb into the Dao realm ...

Sure enough, the Dao realm seemed to be supplemented, the entire space suddenly rose, and returned to the omnipresent moonlight ...


Moonlight is permeable, and it is endless, without hurrying and slowing down the Daojia space. Instead, the magnificent Daojia space is completely supplied by the elderly, and it seems that the subsequent lack of power ...

"I thought there could be any means, but it was really not saved ..." Lin Fei saw this scene and shook his head, with some pity.

I didn't expect the old man to solve the magic stone at least once, but at least it should be weakened a bit, but I didn't expect the old man to be too confident in himself, not only did not try to find out the reality of the magic stone, but also caught the other party's trap. To be refined ...

In order to prevent the **** stone from being replenished, Lin Fei really wants to share a slice of soup ...

"It's up to you ..." Lin Fei took out the doll in his backhand and weighed it a few times, suddenly feeling that he had a deep connection with the environment space, and he was relieved in his heart ...

This doll was refined by Zhao Minghai, which naturally contained his soul traits, and Daojing was originally left by Zhao Minghai, plus Lin Fei had a fairy in his hand. In this way, Lin Fei used the doll to collect Daojing space It's a breeze.

At the same time, seeing that Daojing space was constantly eroded by moonlight, and all the cracks in the space disappeared, the old man's heart was cold ...

He thought he was calculating step by step, facing God Stone for ten thousand years, but now he knows that his own power is not on the same level as God Stone ...

In fact, it may be that God Stone is too far away from him, and he has never ignored him. This time it is just that he has thrown himself in the net ...

Now because of this accident, he hasn't dared to swallow the **** stone, as long as he can reserve a little Dao space and escape from here ...

However, at this time, a voice came from his ear ...

"I said, are you in a hurry to come and go?" Lin Fei didn't know when he was in front of him.

"Fuck me!" The old man was anxious, and now he went out for a while, maybe he could bring out a little more space for the environment, which is closely related to his survival. Now Lin Fei dares to block the road, the old man even kills the heart It ’s all there.

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