Chronicles of the Kingdom of Heaven

Chapter 1109: Vision crush

"Sorry? Neuropathy ..." Lin Fei shook his head and didn't respond to the little devil's provocation, just like the grown-up saw the little child yelling and scorning it in front of him.

However, at this time, the attack of the little devil has come to a close.


Li Beixing looked nervous, could not help but exclaimed, and could not help worrying about Lin Fei.

At this time, Lin Fei finally got a move.

I saw him single-finger pointing, and in the sky occupied by Aura and Demon Qi, there were suddenly colorful blooms, making the black and white pythons attacking Lin Fei cast off.

Followed, I saw seven visions emerge in the endless aura!

The golden dragon ice snake thunder snake appeared almost at the same time, just like a fierce beast, roaring and tumbling in the aura of the sea, wantonly tumbling, and at the same time, a big sun rose in the sea of ​​spirits, and the sun broke through the thick clouds and shone everywhere.

Beside the big sun, there is a pale cloud that is almost invisible, and there is a small moon hanging in the light cloud, and Qinghui lightly sprinkles everything.

Seven visions suddenly erupted, and in an instant the sea of ​​almost endless auras was stirred up.

Following this, the seven visions quickly penetrated the aura and spread towards the little devil ...

In an instant, the situation changed drastically. Seven visions replaced the aura and occupied the sky. No matter how the big heavenly spirit array behind the little devil's head worked, it could not get back to the situation.

The little devil was caught off guard, wondering if he clearly had the advantage at the last moment, why the situation is now turning sharply, but at this time too late to think, quickly urged the Celestial Array behind him to the extreme, in short, avoid the sharp edge first.

But suddenly, a crisp and broken sound came ...

Little Devil's face changed a lot, and he turned around to see it. It turned out that a spirit stone was broken in the Celestial Array. He calmed down first. It was no big deal to break a spirit stone. He was about to continue to urge the big formation.


Kaka Kaka ...

The sound of breaking was as dense as raindrops, as if every sound of breaking hit his heart ...

The little devil's face suddenly turned pale, and each sound represented a broken spirit stone. Now the spirit stone on the Heavenly Spirit Formation has been broken into seventy-eight percent, and the powder of the spirit stone falls like snow and falls down.

At this time, the Sea of ​​Aura completely lost the support of the large array, and seven visions came and fell, coming down like a mountain.

"I depend!"

The three people watching the battle were completely shocked.

What's the situation?

Ming Lin was still at a disadvantage at the last moment. At this time, he actually knocked the little devil off the dust. This reversal is simply unreasonable!

No matter what camp they were in, the three of them couldn't believe the scene for a while and were speechless.

For a long time, Zhao Shu sighed softly, shook his head and said: "This is nothing like it, Lin Fei is not a human ..."

This meaning is unclear, and I do n’t know whether it ’s me or the little devil, maybe both ...

Lin Fei didn't see anything when dealing with the Shenshi, but once he played against the monks of the same realm, the gap was not at the same level.

The devil even almost fell to the ground with his eyes, and he didn't want to monitor the two directly, and there was nothing to monitor. With Lin Fei's combat power, they still need their help.

It's a little devil, I'm afraid I need to help myself ...

Thinking of this, the devil was shocked in his heart. Now that the situation is reversing, I am afraid that these two people will monitor themselves in reverse. No, they have to take advantage of these two people's lack of response and quickly get out.

Seeing the two men's intently looking at the fight in the air, the devil quietly retreated a few steps ...

But now, the little devil in the air has fallen into the middle of seven visions. His situation is not only bad, but he can't bear to look straight. It is surrounded by ice and fire, and also the sun and the moon, and the omnipresent thunder and shadow. It ’s just a human body. Now it ’s just a little white rabbit falling among lions and tigers. It is ravaged by a group of fierce beasts. Let him rush left and right, but it is just a needless struggle. Whichever beast can beat him with a paw Overwhelming, playing around.

The worst thing is that the seven visions have their own characteristics, but in essence, they are still transformed by sword qi. The little devil's head falls into the legendary sword hell, and he is subject to different sword cuts every time. The whole body was chopped and shivered so that it was not much better than the meat on the cutting board.

Speaking of that, the little devil is just a monk of Jindan, and his body is not as good as Lin Fei's magic weapon. In a short time, he has been bruised.

At this moment, a black figure suddenly appeared in the war situation, a roll towards the little devil caught in the war situation, and he would flee back.

"It's a devil!" Zhao Shu was suddenly shocked and quickly turned his head to look. Sure enough, there was no devil figure. He actually took the opportunity to stir up the battle.

"Want to go?" Lin Fei was not surprised, but just sneered, waved his hand, and seven visions rushed.

"Damn, you owe me a big favor this time!" Said the devil, who was dying in his arms and fell into a coma, and followed a bite. A diamond-shaped token appeared in his hand. The token was made of white bones and was warm. Snowy white, with a big "ghost" written on it, exudes a strong ghost as soon as it is taken out.

The devil touched it reluctantly. Seven visions were on his back. He gritted his teeth and threw the token out with his backhand.


Just listening to a loud noise, the token burst into the air, and I saw a snow-white light rushing out with it, actually forming a white barrier, lying in front of the devil.

Boom ...

At the next moment, seven visions collided in turn, but under the attack, the barrier was only slightly shaken, and the road rippled.

Lin Fei raised an eyebrow when he saw it. In his perception, the barrier was a bit indestructible. Not to mention Qi Daoqi, I'm afraid that even the true method of law can resist it. It seems that this is the life-saving life of the devil at a critical moment The thing that is used to block himself now is a bit wasted, and it is no wonder that he has a pain in his face.

It's just that the two of them are hiding behind this turtle shell, but it's not easy to get started ...

The devil is even more uncomfortable. He looked at the rampant barriers and felt the pressure in his heart. This token was given by the master himself, and was specially used to guard against the Fa.

Do n’t say that Jin Dan was shaken, even if it caused a little fluctuation, it was amazing. However, under these seven visions, the barriers were undulating and even shaking slightly. If you continue like this, the barriers wo n’t last long. He didn't dare to imagine the consequences of these seven sword qi blasting on himself.

Thinking of this, the devil is struggling to maintain the barriers and can only hold hope in case of Lin Fei yelling across the sky: "Lin Fei, stalemate will do no good to anyone, as long as you let us go, I will wait for the martial arts Will care about you again! "

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