Chronicles of the Kingdom of Heaven

Chapter 1094: Phoenix World

At this time, Lin Fei no longer hesitated, his sword radiated out in his hand, and in an instant, it quickly expanded to a wide range of ten thousand feet. It turned into a magnificent day and was about to fill half of the life and death sword territory. At that time, I finally swallowed that phoenix.

Dayi was completely transformed into a **** furnace, burning flamingly, but he could still see a **** bird, struggling and tumbling in day sun, and a clear phoenix sound came, but in that voice, it was full of misery, and it was gradually Weaken.

"It's time." Lin Fei's heart was filled with joy, and the endless yang surged between his waves. The mountains at the foot of Lin Fei used as a medium to continuously attract the magma under the ground, and finally poured into the sun.

At the same time, the two sword lakes shook violently. At the end, the two suddenly changed into two huge grinding discs, which sandwiched the day. As the rumble sounded, the two grinding discs slowed down. Slowly rolling, forming a great terror, rolling towards the phoenix in the sun.

Lin Fei turned the Tianfu Futu to the extreme, and the heavenly Fuzhuan flew into the giant mill and poured into the sun, forming a chain of Fuzhuan, wrapped around the body of the phoenix, and constantly tightened.

Under Lin Fei's series of methods, the long-consumed fire feathers could not be tolerated. At this time, the sound of the phoenix in the sun was gone, but it became miserable and weak.

After half an hour, the sound of Feng Ming completely disappeared, Lin Fei slightly relieved, and under the wave of his hands, the two giant mills suddenly separated, and turned into the appearance of positive and negative sword lake.

The day furnace was also transformed into a red light, and flew back to the sword lake, floating up and down.

In Lin Fei's hand, however, there was an extraordinarily gorgeous red gold lupin, the surface was bright and colorful, and there was red gold shimmer.

This is not so much a lupin, it is better to say that it is made of some kind of **** gold. The roots are like golden needles, and the sharp edges of the lupine seem to kill people.

"Finally, it's all right ..." Lin Fei took a breath and weighed a few lupins. There was no sense of lightness in his hands. Instead, he was heavy, really like holding some kind of divine gold.

In order to deal with this fire feather, it is too difficult, almost the most difficult treasure refining Lin Fei experienced.

Even if there are such magical skills as the Heavenly Buddhism, the gap between the dharma body and Jindan is still unmeasurable, and the last means are exhausted, plus the innate restraint of the sun's sword gas, it can be considered to suppress this fire feather.


Lin Fei played the Chijin Lupin easily, which contained an extremely manic power. As long as he sensed with the consciousness, he could see a flaming phoenix entrenched in the sea of ​​fire, and the high temperature inside can even burn.

This kind of power is also among the lowest in the Yellow Realm. Nowadays, the material is limited, and it is only a rough embryo. When it is refined again, it may grow into a magic weapon of the Profound Realm. If the material is sufficient, it even has the potential of the situation!

However, after relaxing, Lin Fei did not show much joy, but instead looked up at the distance ...

At the same time, a few small worlds are separated from the realm ...

This is a world full of fire and black smoke, volcanoes everywhere, flowing magma everywhere, under high temperature, the air is slightly twisted, ordinary mortals ca n’t even stay here for a while, they will evaporate due to high temperature Bloody death ...

The ground here is dry and cracked black and red. Naturally, there is no grass to grow. On the largest crater, there is a very tall towering treasure tree!

The leaves are reddish gold, the trunk is dark, the canopy is huge, and it goes straight to the sky. The branches extend endlessly like a spider web, as if propping up the sky!

"Who is it! Dare to steal my stuff!" A young girl's voice suddenly sounded in the crater, clearly clear and pleasant, but now it is full of anger and endless coercion, making the whole world tremble in this voice !

A young girl with fiery red pupils stood in the sky, looking at the age of seventeen or eighty, but her delicate little face was full of majesty and anger. Under her anger, the red gold crown of the towering treasure tree shook and stirred a little. The sky is full of red gold leaves, as if the sky is changing.

As long as the monk with a little brain sees this scene, he will never think that this is a little girl.

If Lin Fei is here, he will immediately recognize that it is more than a little girl. Under the delicate young girl's body, there is a terrifying monster or god!

It was a phoenix who had several ties with him ...

But that was all evil. Basically, Lin Fei was desperate to get rid of the phoenix surveillance, but the result was always entangled.

Until now he was caught in the sea of ​​magma. After hesitating, Lin Fei chose to refine the fire feathers.

But the result is similar to what Lin Fei thought. After this fire feather refinement, it really surprised the Phoenix ...

At this time, the flames around the little girl were born out of thin air, falling into the rain and falling into the air. The eyes were like divine light, as if they could burn the space, and they could see the scene outside the void.

Then, the little girl withdrew her gaze, but her face became more and more indifferent, but there was a monstrous anger hidden in the cold voice: "Seven bird fan? What humiliated my family, you dare to let it reappear! It ’s so ignorant of the sky and the earth! ”

As if influenced by the anger of the little girl, tens of thousands of volcanoes erupted at the same time within a radius of a million miles, the sky was full of fire and the sky was red, and the space was slightly twisted. For a time, it seemed that the world was destroyed.

But as the little girl snorted, the volcanic eruption stopped suddenly. If it were n’t for the magma everywhere, it seemed that nothing had happened just now.

Followed by, the little girl frowned white, and suddenly opened her small mouth, but actually spewed out a beam of magical fire, a mysterious red gold rune with a red seal, and the space suddenly appeared black cracks, as if it could not bear this rune. The existence of the seal.

The little girl's face was still cold, she stretched out her jade hand, and gently pushed towards Fu Zhuan, Fu Zhuan disappeared silently and silently in the space, as if she had launched this world ...

That Fu Zhuan seemed to be a wandering passenger, passing through several small worlds in succession. In the process of crossing the world, there were two or three strong and unwilling will sweeping Fu Zhuan, but they all let go by default.

Of course, let it pass. Phoenix ’s attack is a cross-border chase. Fu Zhuan is nothing. The power of crossing the world is terror. Phoenix is ​​so expensive. It shows how firm the will to kill the enemy is. Going to find trouble, it is simply a sick brain.

It's just that the person being chased is going to be out of luck. It has been practiced in vain for thousands of years, but it is destroyed once ...

At this time, Chijin Fuzhuan had already arrived at the top of the Black Mountain, but it was silent, and there was no slight coercion, and Fuzhuan's overall shrinkage was more than half, which was caused by consumption when crossing the border.

However, at the beginning of the advent, it seemed to be blocked by some kind of force, far away from Lin Fei, but only a little circle in the place, Fu Zhuan had a goal, and he turned and broke away.

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