Chronicles of the Kingdom of Heaven

Chapter 1089: Work together

He thought about it, first took out a Bingling Pill and swallowed it, and immediately formed a layer of armor formed by frost, and the breath he exhaled formed ice in the air.

But his movements were not stiff at all, and he took out a nearly transparent ice silk shirt, which was covered by his body and became invisible immediately. Then he took out a whole piece of ice jadeite and placed it around his waist, a coolness around him. Suddenly spread, the surrounding snowflakes fell, and suddenly turned into a small piece of ice and snow ...

Then, he took out a sullen skull and held it in his palm, pushing all the yang around him by three points, and then stopped a little.

By this time, the eyes of several people could not help but turn around the little devil head, these few things are not mortal, obviously the collection of the Three Demon Sects.

Li Beixing's eyes almost burst into light. He worked hard for so long in Montenegro, so it might be better to grab a little devil.

But the idea was to turn around in my head, and it disappeared wisely ...

"Come with me." Behind him, the little devil was full of confidence, and he stepped into the flames first.

Some people took the lead, and a few people were happy, all followed.

There is a world of flames all around, hot and difficult, but there is a small devil opening the way, the flames are suddenly separated from the line, everyone shows their magical power, and they jointly support a space, which actually blocked the flame erosion, except for the extremely hot, nothing special.

The little devil is even more relaxed in it, under the hood of equipment, even the sweat does not shed.

"That's the fire spirit?" The little devil's eyes suddenly stared and looked forward.

Magma surged like a sea wave, with a beast-like shape hidden in it. At the end, a fire python condensed by flames and magma appeared, standing tall and swimming in the sea of ​​fire, the snake body was actually coiled around everyone.

"Yeah, sure you don't need our help?" Lin Fei looked at Xiao Detou again.

"If you don't use it, you don't need it, as long as you deal with these fire spirits, I will return it to you." The little devil refused decisively. This fire python looks quite powerful. They didn't go too far before, so they all Never met.

But now it seems that it is only the realm of ghost kings, even if the number is larger, it is just a bit of trouble, not to mention only one end ...

"Then ask for more blessings."

"Pretend to be a ghost ..." The little devil whispered, seeing Lin Fei's persuasion three times or five times, he always felt something was wrong, but a ghost king, no matter how powerful, it would only take a little more effort, it would not hurt himself ...

But soon, the Fire Python no longer waited, and rushed directly towards the little devil in front.

"Death." The little devil sneered. The skull in the opponent pinched a handprint. In the two eye sockets of the skull, two deep red lights suddenly appeared, followed by expanding with the surging yin. , Greeted the fire python ...


It seems a bit wrong ...

His skull is not so powerful, he can swallow a ghost king in two or three mouths, but how can this fire spirit be stunned, even if he did not dodge, he rushed up directly?

Can't find death?

This situation is really strange. There is a hint of warning in the mind of the little demon head, and he suddenly retreats back subconsciously, while pouring more real elements into the skull ...

Then, just when the two were about to meet, the skull just opened its mouth wide and was about to swallow the Fire Spirit, and only heard a loud noise from the "Boom", the Fire Spirit actually exploded ...

This fire python is a fire, and it was originally the realm of the ghost king. At this time, it exploded, and the power was extremely violent. The power that erupted at that moment suddenly rushed to the little devil through the skull ...

There was a sudden flash of cold light on the little devil's head, and he took the violent heat wave hard.

In fact, if he hadn't made many preparations and took a step back at the last moment, he might be injured ...

Even so, he was burnt black and even more embarrassed, but now he has no time to bother about this ...

The little devil still felt a little dazed.

what's going on?

It shouldn't be!

Is it easy for the fire spirit to grow from a newborn spirit to a ghost king? No matter how cruel it is, you have to kill your life. As a result, the two meet, and if you do n’t say anything, you will explode?

What kind of play is this?

This fire spirit is wrong!

It was not until Lin Fei reached out and slapped his hand, that was the reaction: "It's just a ghost king, can't you keep it up?"

"Don't talk about a ghost king, ten heads is not a big deal, but it's a bit strange ..." The little devil woke up from contemplation, and he rarely wanted to discuss with Lin Fei.

However, Lin Fei did not have the interest of chatting, but patted his shoulder: "Those who want to talk about it later, you better solve the ten heads in front of you."

"What?" Suddenly the little devil was startled, and then he followed it, suddenly swallowing ...

Perhaps it was because of the fluctuation caused by the self-explosion of the fire python just now. At this time, a snake body appeared in the sea of ​​fire. Several snake heads protruded from the magma below. .

Without exception, they are staring at the little devil ...

The little devil frowned slowly, but it would be okay if it was only the ten-headed ghost king, but in case they all used the same style of play, they would explode without saying anything, who could bear it?


A moment later, a dense bombing sounded, and thousands of characters and seals flew in front of the little demon's head, blocking the explosion, but the defense formed by that seal was also indefinite in this explosion.

After a while, the two finally offset.

However, the skull in the hand of the little demon suddenly sounded a crisp cracking sound, followed by a crack on the surface, like a spider web spread all over the skull ...

Although it will not be completely scrapped, it will not take a few times to see this shattered appearance ...

When the sparks dispersed, the little devil appeared ...

It was gray-faced and ragged, but it was just looking miserable. In fact, it was because the explosion was so violent that it didn't have time to take care of its appearance. In fact, the breath remained stable.

"Do you want to continue?" Lin Fei asked with a sympathetic look at the little devil.

Zhao Shu and Li Beixing looked at the little devil immediately, but hoped that he would continue to brave himself. Anyway, there was a little devil on the front, and they were unharmed.

However, the little devil hesitated for a while and came here. It is a pity that it was abandoned halfway. In the end, he still gritted his teeth and said: "Continue, but this time I will try my best to deal with it. The rest will be left to you ..."

"No problem, then take care of yourself ..." Lin Fei glanced at him, but did not persuade him, and then glanced at everyone: "It is rare that someone takes the initiative to strike, and everyone has to work together."

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