Chronicles of the Kingdom of Heaven

Chapter 1080: How much is heirloom worth?

Perhaps aware of Zhao Shu ’s gaze, Lin Fei swung a ghost back again, measured the wooden sword in his hand twice, and looked at Zhao Shudao with a smile: “How do you like this sword? My commitment is still valid , How about replacing your baby fragments with this sword? "

"This sword?" Zhao Shui hesitated, but still sneered and shook his head: "I am delusional, but that is the ancestral thing of my blue king city! Every sword wants to change with me?"

"Ancestral?" Lin Fei smiled and said: "More important than your path of monasticism?"

Zhao Shu suddenly suffocated, but did not expect Lin Fei to see through his own thoughts, and for a time he could not refute.

After all, Lin Fei also makes sense. No matter how precious the ancestral heritage is, it is just a dead object. However, the Dao and Dharma conceived in this wooden sword can greatly increase his own strength after achieving the Fa.

With the strength, what treasures can't be recovered? But the ancestral fragments remain unchanged ...


His dad has always been very tolerant to himself, even if he gave up the position of the young city master, he laughed, but when he handed him this fragment, he seemed quite solemn, and he deliberately explained it. Opportunity, if you have the ability to travel all over the world in the future, maybe you can get ...

However, this great opportunity is not reliable in any way. At least I haven't gotten much of it for so long, I am afraid that it will remain so in the next half of my life ...

Rather than pass this fragment on to the next generation, it seems better to exchange it now ...


Zhao Shuzuo thinks right, if the father knows that he has sold the ancestral thing, he is afraid that he will get angry and get into trouble ...

For the sake of the father's body, it was better to refuse.

"Less nonsense, I have said that this is the ancestral thing of my Green King City! Don't blame me again for distasteful ideas."

"Then there is no way ..." Lin Fei shrugged, took out the sword and weighed it a few times, and threw it into the ghost group in Zhao Shu's reluctant eyes ...


Just exploded ...

"You, what are you doing!" Zhao Shu looked at the exploding scene of ghosts, and couldn't believe his eyes for a while.

"It's self-explosive, how is the effect okay?"

Zhao Shu could hardly speak, the effect was not only okay, it was almost immediate.

The question is, should this thing be used this way?

Although it is a blast, and a large swarm of ghosts is swept away in an instant, the sword has completely disappeared!

This is not something that can be described as violent, but it is completely eye-catching!

"Why are you so excited? Don't you want it?" Lin Fei looked at Zhao Shu strangely.

"Then you just blew it up like this?" Zhao Shu said incredulously.

"How do my things matter to you?"

Zhao Shu suddenly stopped talking.

Indeed, you can't control other people's things.

But just not reconciled!

Zhao Shu also said that he was born in such behemoths as the King of the Blues. Since childhood, he has also lived a golden life. However, he has to say that he is not Lin Fei's opponent in spoiling things.

"Huh, it must have been daring to succeed, and I still don't know how to feel secretly distressed ..." Zhao Shu couldn't hold his breath and muttered when he was defeated in his best field.

"Okay, let's keep going ..." Lin Fei actually pulled out another branch during the speech. Although it was not in the style of a long sword, the breath was as good as the one in front.

When Zhao Shu saw the branch, he suddenly glared his eyes, and he looked a little stunned.

"Don't read it, you don't want to change, it's time to go." Lin Fei turned his head and urged.

"You, you ..." Zhao Shu stared at the long sword, somewhat speechless, pointing to the long sword in Lin Fei's hands: "How come there is another?"

"Unfortunately, there is only one left. Why, do you want to exchange it?" Lin Fei weighed the sword twice in his hand and showed Amway, who is indeed the same as his self-explosive sword: "You think clearly, My stock of this sword is running low, and I accidentally exploded it again, but it is really gone. "

"Stock, stock?"

"Yeah, so easy to use, of course, you need to prepare a few more, and in this place, self-detonation is more useful than other magic weapons at critical moments. How about, you also need a few self-detonation? Not expensive, you That fragment can be replaced. "

"No need ..."

Zhao Shu's difficult refusal, the first time he felt he was a bit too poor.

The treasure I missed was in someone else's place, but it was just something that exploded in an emergency. The only ancestral thing in Lin Fei was only a wooden sword.

Of course, the end of 10,000 years of the Qingwangcheng is not so simple. It can be said that there are seven or eight pieces of ancestral things of the same history.

But what about that? Even if you find out more, there are only things that can explode at a critical moment.

This is not a good level!

Moreover, Lin Fei can even use this to explode, so how precious is the thing under the pressure box ...

Zhao Shu felt for the first time that it seemed that he had promised his father to inherit the Green King City.

If it were not for Dad ’s sake, the ancestral things could not be exchanged, he could not hold it at this time, he put the sword down and replaced the sword ...

Zhao Shu was full of tangle, but soon, he had no time to think.

Because the environment in front of him is really awful, despite Lin Fei's wooden sword, he has the magical effect of restraining ghosts.

However, the silver-eyed ghost horses emerged endlessly, constantly emerging from the depths of Leihai, coming under the sky of thunder and lightning, and emerged endlessly. Up to now, Lin Fei even exploded a branch of lightning strike wood, although it was temporarily cleared a large blank, failed How long it lasted was actually filled with ghosts again.

Zhao Shu raised his eyes and looked at the world of thunder and lightning. The silver-eyed ghost horses were in groups, and they could not see the end at a glance. Although the little devil and the devil were not far away, there were countless silver-eyed ghosts in the middle. Foal.

There are ghost spirits and magic lights blooming, and even a white-bone demon phantom flashes. Obviously, the small devil also made full efforts to break out, but the speed of progress is still slow. I really want to wait for him to break out. I am afraid that the stone will wake up early. The daylily was cold.

Moreover, Zhao Shu can feel that the truth element in his body is losing bit by bit, which is a little troublesome ...

It is said that in Jindan's nine-turn phase, monks can communicate with the world long ago, and there will be no depletion of true yuan.

But the problem is that the aura in the head of the Black Mountain is extremely rare, and the four Golden Pills turn nine here, completely pumping out the thin aura around them.

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