Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

Vol 9 Chapter 1: The war is on again (1)

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"Wow wow!" The cry of the baby came from Vivian's bedroom. Faras smiled and took the crying child out of Ryan's arms and hugged him in his arms. The little guy who was still crying miraculously stopped crying, and instead looked at Faras with a pair of big eyes. This made Ryan, who was a father, complained a lot, and he wished to raise his palm and teach him this. Little guy.

"Sister Fanny, I didn't expect him to be so close to you." The elf queen Fria, who was sitting on the side, said with a smile.

Faras nodded, and her face was full of joy. Since she could n’t leave the Imperial Throne for too long, there was no way to spend 10 months like Vivienne having a child for Ryan, although they said they are all Young, but this must be said to be a huge regret in Farath's heart. Fortunately, Vivienne's child gave Farath countless comforts. Farath treated him no differently from his own birth.

"You father, do you think of a good name?" Farath said to Ryan with a little jealous expression: "The children have been in the world for several days. Why can't you be a father? What about consciousness? "

Ryan said bitterly, "It's really not my business. I have several names, but they are not satisfied. Besides, the child is still young, this is not busy at all, but for his future, I have I do n’t know if you agree with a plan. "

"Plan? What plan?" Vivian is the child's biological mother, and naturally cares most about this matter. After hearing Ryan's words, she immediately asked.

Ryan sat by the bed, took Vivienne ’s hand and patted it gently to show her comfort, and then he said, “He is a boy, and he will certainly take on the responsibility of men in the future. I can certainly take care of it. He, but he can't let him live only under my wings for a lifetime. The experience of life requires him to experience and accumulate on his own, but his own strength can lay a solid foundation when he was young. "

"Are you going to teach him magic? Isn't that ..." Faras looked at the baby in his arms, and hesitantly said, "Is he too young? Are you in a hurry?"

"No hurry, no hurry." Ryan said with a smile: "You should already know the situation of the magic moon city, where the curse" Jiao Jie Mo Yue "can allow him to bathe under the fluctuation of magic power when he is small, waiting for him After growing up, I will give him personal enlightenment, I believe he will become another legendary mage in the future. "

"Ah ..." After Vivian heard Ryan's words, her first reaction was to be reluctant to be separated from her child, but she thought about it, and she was lucky to have a boy. I am afraid that from this moment on, this boy will suffer hugely. Pressure, the future of Cassano may be all pinned on him, if his own strength is not strong enough, then the future may not be so easy to go.

Seeing Vivian ’s embarrassed expression, Ryan smiled and explained to her: “It ’s not that you ca n’t see it forever, and you do n’t send it right now. You should be well-cultivated now. Why do n’t you have a full moon? Anyway, anyway. With Fulia's care, you don't have to worry about anything. If you miss him, you can let Fulia take you to the past or let him come back. "

Under Ryan ’s comfort, Vivien let go of her heart. At this time, in Farath ’s arms, she took the child from Farath ’s arms, preparing to breastfeed him, and Farath gave Ryan a wink and pulled He and Freya went out.

The three of them walked side by side in the aisle outside, and Farath whispered to Ryan and Fria: "I believe you already know that. In the afternoon three days ago, the pioneer of Senat crossed the dividing line and began to enter the imperial capital. The garrison troops of the Imperial Capital naturally wanted to fight back, so in the evening the two sides broke out in a fierce battle in the town of Mori. "

"At present, the Senat side has directly invested 100,000 troops. The Mori defense line is under great pressure. However, the brother-in-law has deployed a lot of materials and moved to the front line with the Fourth Army. I believe that Senat's army can be firmly blocked. In the south of Mori town, without the support of free paradise businessmen behind the scenes, Senat could not hold on for long. "

"Now what we are most worried about is the action of Mochizuki City. Their army has been concentrated outside the border of Cassano and can attack at any time. Lion, I know that Cassano is taking the elite route, but Mozuki City ’s There are as many as 120,000 troops in the army, and there are Catherine, Blair and the magic army. I am worried that you are under too much pressure! "

Without waiting for Ryan to speak, Fria rushed and said: "In fact, our biggest concern should be the position of the battlefield, because once Mochizuki City attacks Cassano, then the future battlefield must be inside Cassano, and it may even be Near Iron Fist Castle, even if we win, the loss is huge. Instead of letting Mochizuki decide the location of the war, we should take the initiative to open a second battlefield in the south of Mochizuki, and launch an offensive from the weak defense area of ​​Mozuki. Cooperate with several legends to force the Moon City Magic Guild to compromise. "

"Good! That's it." Ryan clapped his hands, agreeing: "At least fighting in Mochizuki City, we have no worries at all, as long as we carefully monitor each other's legendary strong, so that they will not be out of our vision. I believe that each other ’s concerns are the same as ours, and it ’s impossible for them to leave Mochizuki City and let us raze to the ground, and then run to the Imperial City or Iron Fist Castle to turn this place into ruins. So Fria said that the other party ’s compromise is The most ideal and the easiest goal to achieve, after all, there is not much conflict between the imperial capital and Mochizuki City in their interests. "

"Of course, in order to avoid some accidents, we can be fully prepared first." Fria immediately added after Ryan: "Vivienne, their mother and son and other important people can go to the emperor first, I believe that with Vick With the protection of many masters, they can be absolutely safe. In fact, if we have time, we can spend a huge amount of manpower and material resources to build a palace in the Iron Fist castle to defend against the curse of bombardment, just like the original Temple of Apocalypse. "

"Okay, it's not too late. Let's start right away!" Ryan said.

"No, this is not enough!" Faras and Fria said almost in unison: "In this way, I am afraid that the enemy has not yet entered, we first messed up, we must plan to leave step by step, and also have to be reasonable Excuses! "

After Faras and Flia finished talking together, they looked at each other and smiled. Apparently they thought of going together again, and Ryan also scratched her head and said, "Well, it's still you who are right, Fanny is often not with me now. By your side, Fria, you are my best staff! "

After sending Faras away, Ryan immediately began a series of arrangements with the help of Fria. First, in the name of Vivian ’s need for recuperation after production, the mother and son of Vivian and Ryan ’s parents were secretly sent to the magic circle. After finding the excuses, he found various excuses to transfer important characters such as Adams, who had little power to protect themselves, and then went to the imperial capital in secret.

After having no worries, Ryan could devote himself to the war against Mochizuki City. The three elite troops of Cassano were secretly dispatched and turned to the west of the mainland, while the defensive vacancies they left were It was handed over to the Jonas Corps dispatched by the imperial capital. Considering the personal friendship between Ryan and Jonas, this arrangement is the most appropriate. Otherwise, if there is any conflict between the garrison of the imperial capital and Cassano, it will cause an uproar, and the emperor will take the opportunity to annex Cassano. Not a good idea.

Just as Ryan and his party secretly went to the rock fortress in the Hengduan Mountains, the only pass of the dwarven rule, the Thor fortress in the northern part of the mainland launched another fierce battle, and the two sides of the battle were the orcs and wild bears. The clan and the three clan alliances.

Accompanied by a rhythmic horn, Anasita, the chief of the Crazy Leopard clan, Ignati Woods, the chief of the Serpent clan, and Alexandra, the chief of the Black Hawk clan, stood side by side on the high plains, looking over the northern Great Plains Orc Barbarian Clan Barracks. At the time, the beast emperor Andreas pointed out that all the enemies were extremely invincible. The three clans at that time did not dare to violate the beast emperor ’s military order. It was just that when the barbarian clan attacked the emperor capital of humans at all costs, at great cost This gave the three major clans the opportunity to seize the opportunity to capture the huge victory of the orcs going south.

However, four years later, when the leaders of the three major clans saw the army of the Barbarian tribe again, they found that they were wrong. At first, the Beast Emperor did not retreat to the north because of the lack of strength. It was a premeditated. plan. Over the years, in order to weaken the human threat to the north, the three major clans kept organizing troops to attack the imperial capital south, but they often returned with feathers, but at this time the Barbarian clan forcibly unified the orc tribe by force on the north side of the prairie. Not only did the troops not weaken, but they also regained their strength by annexing the strength of other tribes, even more so than they did a few years ago.

"Roar !!!" There was a huge roar in the air. Even if it was tens of kilometers away, the three clan warriors who were in the fortress of Thor were very discolored. Even the three clan celebrities famous for their military power Nasista was also taken aback. He carefully distinguished the call for assistance, but it came from the barracks of the Barbarian Clan, which made the uneasy feeling in his heart grow stronger.

"Damn it!" After all, Alexandra was much older, and he had already vaguely guessed what the sound was coming out. He stomped his cold feet heavily and said bitterly: "I didn't expect this The legendary ancient Warcraft was also found by the Wild Bear Clan. Damn it, how could they tame such a terrible monster! "

"What is that?" Ignatius asked.

"The legendary ancient Warcraft that even dragons can tear into pieces, Behemoth behemoth!" Alessandra replied feebly.

(Bless everyone a Happy New Year!)


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