Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

Vol 8 Chapter 388: To the legend

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Ryan gently pushed open Vivienne's bedroom door and slowly walked in. Then carefully closed the door to prevent it from making any noise. . After com triggered a ban on Freedom Paradise, the first thing Ryan returned to Cassano was to visit Vivian and the children in her stomach.

It was already late at night. Vivienne had fallen asleep long ago, not knowing that Ryan walked into his room, and Ryan took a chair and sat beside Vivienne's bed, silently watching her fall asleep This woman in. Perhaps because of pregnancy, Vivienne's skin became smoother and smoother. Even during sleep, Vivienne's face still had a faint smile. Maybe she dreamed of the happy moment when the future child was born?

Ryan felt the tranquility from Vivienne, and his heart became joyful and serene. Ryan, who slaughtered the enemy on the battlefield, was gone. Instead, he was a kind prospective father and a husband who protected the beloved woman. This experience in Freedom Paradise also filled Ryan ’s heart with great pressure. Today he can use forbidden spells to destroy other people ’s cities. Then another legendary mage can use similar methods to turn the Iron Fist castle into ruin. He The magic circle arranged here can't resist that powerful force.

This is the reason why Ryan came to Vivienne for the first time after he came back, because when he saw his beloved woman, his baby, his parents, his friend, Ryan He will continue to walk on without hesitation, even though his hands are already covered with blood now, but Ryan doesn't care, and will never regret it.

Ryan gently put his hand under Vivienne ’s clothes, and slowly felt her slightly swollen abdomen, his children will grow up there slowly, and come to the world after a few months, This is definitely the happiest moment in a man's life. For the happiness of himself and those around him, Ryan secretly determined that he must give important people around him sufficient self-protection before the child is born, otherwise a small assassin may destroy his happiness forever. .

Determined, Ryan pulled out his hand little by little, then bent down and kissed Vivienne gently, and then walked out of the room without any regrets. When Ryan reappeared under the moonlight, his temperament completely changed. At this moment, he was no longer the ordinary teenager immersed in happiness, but the Cassano overlord who had the power to kill and decide.

Ryan strode toward Caleb's residence. He decided to ask his teacher about the secret methods he had mentioned. Although according to Caleb, this method of sharing power had many limitations, but Ryan did With another idea.

Lane remembers that the female thief Alina, who had ventured with herself, has now transferred to a magician, learning from Victor at the Royal Academy of Magic, and Lane himself changed from a warrior to a magician. So simply let all the people around you change jobs, and then use the diary that Ryan has sorted to help them increase their magical power as quickly as possible. At the same time, Ryan will share the mana to Vivienne with the help of the secret method mentioned by Caleb, so that they can have the ability to protect themselves at the fastest speed.

This will cause Ryan to pay a heavy price for consuming a large amount of mana, but Ryan does not care because his own recovery ability is very strong. After mastering the "spiritual oscillation" of Teacher Dranai, Ryan has very little mana. At the time of exhaustion, even if he released a banned spell not long ago, he still has plenty of power to control the attack range and intensity of that banned spell.

Sometimes Ryan himself is also strange. When Professor Dranai gave him the secret method of "spiritual oscillation", did he already consider the future growth of Ryan, maybe he had already used the prophecy on Ryan at that time. Ryan's future achievements, so he suddenly took the student Ryan. Of course, all this has become an unsolved mystery with the death of Dranai, and Ryan himself will not bother the Dranai teacher buried with Jessie, he has already paid for this continent The happiness of one's life should be well rested with the beloved woman.

When Ryan stepped into the courtyard where Caleb lived, he found that his teacher was standing in the moonlight and waiting for his arrival. Ryan first paid a ritual toward Caleb, and then carefully described his entire process in Freedom Paradise. And described all the details of the power comprehension that he got.

After listening to Ryan ’s description silently, Caleb nodded and said, “Very well, Ryan, you are now a true legendary mage. The road ahead is full of countless possibilities for you. You find yourself. Is there a way forward? "

"I think about it. I want to learn the kind of technique you have said, which will allow the most important people around me to borrow my power." Ryan replied without hesitation.

"I want to remind you that although you have reached the level of legend, you can borrow your power in a secret way, but there are too many restrictions in it, and once the person who borrows your power is hurt, you I will also be seriously injured. "

"It doesn't matter, because I don't intend to use this technique blindly." Ryan suddenly laughed: "I told you that I was already writing a diary, which recorded my experience along the way. Now I have Successfully stepped into the realm of legend, look back and take a closer look at the road I walked, it can be said that it is full of thorns everywhere. However, if you let others follow this path I walked, the hardest part of the journey is instead when starting."

"Oh? Go on!" Caleb raised his eyebrows, vaguely guessing what Ryan meant.

"Yes, the hardest thing here was that when I first had the magical power to release Arcane Missiles, I spent several years on my own, and my student Barbara still spent almost half a year with all my help. "Lane talked to Caleb, but didn't know what the result of his words would be:" So I plan to sign a temporary soul contract with the most important people around me. Lend them their own strength and help them spend their first hard time as a magician ”

"According to your statement, at my current level of legendary mage, 1% of the power is not worth mentioning at all, but my advantage is better than the number, and this just provides them with the most basic for practicing. Mana. I believe you are also well aware of how long it takes a magic apprentice to be exposed to magic until the first magic missile is released, and I can help them skip this step. "


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