Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

Vol 7 Chapter 1: The first glass of wine (1)

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the magician Lane biography!

Ryan and his party walked into the "first glass of wine" wine, this is a very famous wine located in the dock area of ​​Haifeng City, many adventurers who come to Haifeng City to find things to do will order a glass here, and then slowly Kill time until someone hires them.

Under Luke's detailed plan, Ryan's group and Xiaobai have stayed here after they passed the magic teleportation to the sea breeze city. According to Luke ’s plan, they will wait a few days here, and a smuggling ship filled with northern fur will arrive in Haifeng City, and then the owner of the smuggling ship will hire Lion to protect them and those goods to freedom paradise, In this way, the whereabouts of Lane and others will not be too noticeable.

Although Ryan had a lot of slander on the plan, but considering the relationship between Farass and Luke, he finally accepted the plan that seemed really bad as much as possible. As a result, the entire member of the Ryan mercenary regiment plus Xiaobai was mixed in the "first glass of wine" for three consecutive days.

The waiters of the "first glass of wine" are several cute girls wearing rabbit costumes. This cool dress only covers the important parts of the girl's body, and the large naked white skin is exposed to those who do nothing. Adventurers are extremely stimulating, which is probably the biggest reason for the business boom here.

Seeing Ryan walked in, a maid walked up and down.

Ryan and his party have been here for three days in a row, and the girls in the wine are familiar with each other. Ryan is not the kind of bully, plus he is never as obsessive as other adventurers. Holding the girls, and every time they pay a little more for them after giving enough wine, this really aroused the favor of several maids to Ryan.

"Is it still the old rules?" The girl asked with a smile.

"Okay, bother you." As the leader of the entire mercenary regiment, Ryan came out and said to the girl under the age of 20, "Is there any news recently?"

"Oh, that's not the case yet." The girl brought a drink for Ryan and said with some interest. "The ship in the north is almost extinct. It is said that the war is over there."

Seeing himself and his team sitting around a table by the window, Ryan looked up at the window. During the six months that Lane had visited, the terminal was crowded, and a lot of cargo was loaded or unloaded here. Now, the side of the terminal is cold, and the ships docked in the terminal can be counted at a glance.

"Eileen, come here quickly." A bartender on the other side shouted loudly, and the bartender, who was putting a glass of water in front of Ryan, turned around and promised, "Got it, Anna." When the wine girl's name was Erin, she turned her head and said to Ryan apologetically, "I'm so sorry, just call me if you have anything."

Ryan glanced at Irene ’s back, and began to think about how the magic arrays studied last night should be combined to achieve his purpose. Without Victor ’s guidance, Ryan himself must take all the details into account. Although it is very troublesome, this is an experience that Ryan must experience. If Ryan cannot stand on his own, then eventually Ryan can only become a skilled craftsman, and can only repeat what he is familiar with every day, instead of making newer and more perfect works.

Faras looked at Ryan dumbfounded. She and Ryan had known each other for a year. If she said it carefully, Ryan's thinking was the most attractive to her. Elendo waited for someone to talk in a low voice, or sit there thinking about something. Only Colin and Thomas had their eyes twirling around the wine. From time to time, they whispered about the wine ladies who were more in shape. Well, whose skin is more smooth.

Since the time is less than noon, there are not many people sitting in the wine. In addition to the table of Ryan, there are two tables at the door. Seeing the familiar appearance between them, they probably belong to a large mercenary. group. Outside the two tables next to Ryan, six sullen men were talking loudly about which chick was more energetic last night, which made Farath frown in disgust, and then changed his posture as far away as possible. Several annoying guys.

In a corner of the wine, three mercenaries in the same dress were talking in a whisper. One of them was a good-looking lady, which made Colin and Thomas excited. There are also a few adventurers sitting sporadically over the Jiutai, a man in his forties wearing a magic apprentice's robe, which makes Faras secretly funny.

At the strong request of the Magic Guild, Ryan crossed the trainee magician directly from the magic apprentice, and was eventually upgraded to a junior magician and a level of Faras. According to the Magic Guild ’s explanation, although Ryan failed to meet the requirements of the Magic Guild ’s promotion, his record in the battle for defending the imperial capital has shown the strength of this magic apprentice. As for the various requirements that must be met when he is promoted, Ryan is still in his age. Small, it will be reached slowly in the future.

In order to allow Ryan to accept this promotion, the president of the Magic Guild even came forward in person. After less than 1 minute of conversation, Ryan had to agree to the promotion of the Magic Guild, because the president of the Magic Guild only said one sentence: "You don't want to be promoted with such strength, do you have to watch the fools who falsify them?"

In fact, if it were not for Victor and Ryan ’s strong opposition, the Guild of Magic would not mind turning Ryan into a magister directly. Victor did n’t want Ryan to lose himself in such a boring thing, and Ryan ’s idea was more straightforward. Walking on the street, a magician could be more noticeable than a magic apprentice, if he really wears a magician ’s The emblem went out, and even if he wanted to keep a low profile, Ryan was not the kind of person who found himself a bunch of troubles for some illusory fame.

So when Faras saw someone wearing a magic apprentice's robe, he remembered Ryan's previous experience. Ever since, people who can achieve the status of Ryan under the status of magic apprentice, I am afraid that they will find no one else? I wonder if the magic apprentice also defeated the lich and slaughtered the orcs?

Faras thought of the funny part and couldn't bear it anymore. She laughed out loud at once. She didn't care about the smile. The flowery appearance made the person who saw this scene lose his heart for a short time, even the person sitting in the corner The face of a good-looking maid also showed a jealous look.

The six mercenaries who were talking about women all grew their mouths and stared at Farass. Their saliva filled the table without realizing it. Faras once again looked at the six mercenaries in disgust and turned his body to the side, and the six mercenaries couldn't bear it anymore, stood up straight and walked over to Ryan.

Perhaps it was too obsessed with the beauty of Faras. The six mercenaries did not notice that Ryan ’s table was not so annoying. Two junior magicians and a priest. How could a general mercenary regiment have this? great power? The six mercenaries came to Ryan's table. The chief of them wiped his messy beard and coughed heavily, but he didn't get a response. His face suddenly couldn't hang, and the chief of the nose hummed. A companion behind him immediately stood up and said, "Hey, where did you guys come from?"

Unexpectedly, Colin and Thomas jumped up in a "puff". Their faces were full of excitement, and they kept saying, "Great, great, and finally someone came to the door, Boss, you do n’t allow us to provoke trouble, but others always make us have some color for him? "

The six mercenaries stared at Colin and Thomas blankly, and an ominous hunch appeared in their hearts. The headed one quickly waved and said, "What the **** are you, ah, I'm just asking." When Colin held a short bow in his hand, and Thomas directly figured out a crossbow, the leader was startled. He finally understood what he had felt just now, and his hunch had long been told To myself, the group of people in front of me is definitely not annoying, but unfortunately, I now know that it is too late.

Although he hated the six mercenaries very much, Faras whispered, "Don't kill anyone."

After receiving the confirmation of Faras' disguise, Thomas said directly to Colin: "The four on the right belong to me, and the two on the other are yours."

Colin's voice immediately sounded: "Absolutely not, half a person."


Seeing that his party was divided by others, a bit of anger suddenly burst into the heart of the leader, and he didn't take himself as a person too. He said threateningly, "We are from the Haifeng City Double Axe Mercenary Corps, I am the famous blood-faced Charlie. I have killed more people than you have ever seen. You ... If you dare to hurt our hair, our head will not let you go. "

Colin and Thomas glanced at each other, and put the weapon in their hands on the table in a tacit understanding. This action appeared to the leader Charlie to be a weak performance. He suddenly became arrogant and said: "You apologize now, and send this woman ..."

Before Charlie finished, Colin and Thomas moved in unison. The two elite shooters of Thor ’s Fortress are not just masters of archery. In fact, their own martial arts skills are also very good. Especially after following Ryan, the test of life and death often makes them soar. The support of the two, but their unscathed record is enough to prove their strength.

In order to please Farath, Colin and Thomas attacked the most annoying Charlie, and Colin's unlucky jaw in front of him in a boxing suddenly broke his six teeth, and the six broken teeth shouted With some blood flew into the air. And Thomas is even more absolute, kicking directly under Charlie's crotch, making the man who screamed like a fake scream.

This collation is released.

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