Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

Vol 5 Chapter 28: Ancient Tombs of Kings (5)

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the magician Lane biography!

"Go to die! Go to die! Go to die!" Mark desperately lifted the warhammer and hit the gargoyle continuously, smashing half of its body into pieces and falling to the ground.

The gargoyle couldn't hold it anymore, it flapped its wings a few times and fell to the ground. Mark raised his warhammer high and smashed it hard, smashing the gargoyle's head. Mark was merciless, he turned the grief and indignation of the loss of his companion into infinite strength, and smashed the gargoyle to pieces.

"Bump, buzz." The sound of flapping wings came again, and the other three gargoyles also "lived" over. They seemed to see the end of their companions, knowing that the opponent had the power to destroy themselves, so they quickly flew in the stone room Moving inside, flying towards Mark from three directions.

Bury issued a command loudly: "Mark, welcome up, fight for time. Dennis, protect ..." Before he finished, I saw a hot ball of fire roaring and hit the stone figure flying from the front. ghost.

"Boom!" The huge cave immediately stirred up the sound of the fireball explosion. Before the scattered fires extinguished, more than ten purple magic missiles, like meteor showers, made a trace of the inside of the cave and hit the other two. Gargoyle.

"Ah ..." What Burry wanted to say next was suppressed by the scene in front of him. Rao was that he had many years of mercenary career, but this scene was still the first time he encountered it. Bury grew his mouth, not knowing what to say.

"This ..." Daphne and Te Dane witnessed this spectacular scene when they heard the sound of a fireball exploding into the cave. Daphne's face was full of unbelievable expressions, while Te Dane was full of excitement, he He quietly reached into his arms, stroking the magic scroll that Ryan gave himself that night, the envy he couldn't express in his heart.

The flame of the explosion disappeared, and the huge cave returned to its original calm, but in the hearts of Bury and others, there was still a surge of ups and downs. There was a pile of broken stones in front of me, and two gargoyles, which had been broken by magic, lay quietly on the ground. The ruby ​​eyes, which should have shone with red light, were dull, and they seemed to tell them, All of this is a masterpiece of this unbelievable young magician.

Daphne's chest kept rising and falling. She saw the gargoyle lying on the floor and remembered her lover. Daphne lost her reason with her grief. She shouted, grabbed the hammer in Mark's hand, and moved towards the gargoyle. Pounced up.

"Go to hell!" Daphne shouted, "Never come back!" With Daphne's figure and strength, it is indeed difficult for some strong men to use the weapon of the Warhammer, but Daphne is in a state of grief, she did not feel it at all. The warhammer was heavy, but it was lifted high and smashed hard.

The hand rises and the hammer falls. This unlucky gargoyle was suddenly smashed to both ends, and even Coveni still couldn't get rid of her hatred. She raised the hammer again and smashed it down ...

Bury stopped Mark and Teiden and whispered, "Let her vent." The two nodded silently. Mark raised the torch and walked aside, while Teiden looked like he was crazy. Daphne, a lunatic, showed a trace of sympathy in his eyes.

Bury turned and walked to Ryan. The little magician in front of him was not as simple as a magic apprentice. Seeing the wise Bury was close to Ryan.

At the same time, Daphne, who had crushed the gargoyle in front of her, crushed the hammer and ran to the other one, but at the moment she lifted the warhammer, the gargoyle lying on the ground suddenly Moved, its eyes gleamed with red light, and flew towards the nearest Daphne.

Bury only saw Ryan in front of him suddenly raise his finger, and two purple magic missiles flew out one after the other. At the moment of the pyrotechnic stone, Bury didn't know Ryan's intention. He just subconsciously focused on the magic missile, watching the missile get closer and closer to himself, closer and closer ...

Seeing that the two magic missiles were about to hit themselves, Bury's ear suddenly heard Te Dane's exclaim, and a thought came out of his heart: "Don't she Daphne ..."

"Swoosh!" The purple missile flew over Bury's ear, and Bury's eyes turned with the missile, and Daphne raised the warhammer in his hand, which was supposed to lie on the ground. Has rushed in front of her.

Bury raised his arm. The bow and arrow in his hand had already been wound. The career of a mercenary for many years made Burry no longer need to spend time aiming. He only had to loose his fingers. The bowstring sounded, and a sharp feather arrow shot out, following behind the purple magic missile of Lane.

"Bash!" Lane's two magic missiles hit the gargoyle's two claws, smashing them, and the feather arrow immediately following Bury hit the gargoyle's throat and was shot fly. Another magic missile flew, hitting one of the gargoyle's eyes, and the shining ruby ​​was suddenly torn apart.

"Boom." The gargoyle fell to the ground again, and this time it didn't move.

Daphne's hands were soft, and she could no longer hold the warhammer held high. The heavy warhammer fell behind Daphne and made a "bang."

Bury turned his head and saw that Tidean had a half-released magic scroll in his hand. It turned out that the third magic missile was released by Tairn tearing off the scroll that Ryan gave him. However, at this time, Te Dyne had completely ignored them. He dropped the half of the reel in his hand on the ground, ran quickly to Daphne, hugged the softly fallen Daphne, and gently put On the ground.

"Are you ok?"

"Te Dane, just a little ..." Daphne said with some fear. "I'm only a little bit away and I went to see Angus."

"It's okay now, you're safe." Then, Te Dane kicked the gargoyle almost killed Daphne's life. The latter was motionless and apparently dead.

"thank you."

"I, oh no." Tedyne took off the water sac around his waist and handed it to Daphne: "This scroll was given to me by the Wizard of Ryan."

"Bash." Daphne heard the words and spouted a sip of water she drank: "That little magician?"

"Yes, he is so powerful that he can make magic scrolls by himself." Te Dane's eyes came out of worship: "Do you know, Sister Daphne. As long as a very powerful magician can still do this."

Daphne was silent.

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