Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

Vol 9 Chapter 799: Hard fight (4)

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The "Thunder God's Wrath" radiating a pale blue light looked only a meter long, but the power contained therein was far greater than the same-name ban cursed by Victor before the Royal Observatory in the Imperial City, which blessed the storm field. After the power of the law, the destructive power of Thor ’s Fury has increased more than ten times. Even if a domain powerhouse such as Maha Zulu does not fight against it with his own domain laws, his body cannot withstand such an attack.

However, Maha Zulu ignored the wrath of Thor that had flown in front of him, because he knew that Bai Ruita would definitely make a move for himself. That was the tacit understanding they developed during a long joint adventure. Bai Ruita scored the shot as Mai Hazulu thought, a strange sè color appeared in front of Mai Hazulu, and accidentally wrapped Victor's wrath of Thor into it.

Victor's "Thunder God's Fury" was originally light blue, but now the lightning-shaped spear burst out with seven different splendid colors, which makes it look very gorgeous. However, this change only lasted for a very short period of time, and soon all seven colors faded away quickly, even Victor's pale blue light from the "Thunder God's Fury" disappeared without a shadow. The trace becomes a pure black sè.

The power of the law of the storm domain contained in the black wrath of Thor is completely gone. When it touches the xiong mouth of Mahazuru, it immediately disintegrates into countless small fragments and is everywhere in the air. Sprinkle. Without threats, Mehazulu raised his hands, re-imagined two short spears, and rushed towards Aledia, because he found that only the Aledi among the group of strongmen opposite him now Not only did Ya's strength fail to grow, but she was exhausted. It was a good gap for her to open up the situation.

McHazulu did n’t seem to care about Caleb and Elenduo on both sides, and went directly towards Aledia. Behind him, Bairuta waved his hands towards Calypso and Elenduo, respectively. Magic attack is considered to cover the actions of Mahazuru. Bairuita's spell successfully completed the containment of Caleb and Ellendo, allowing Mehazulu to face Aledia in the perfect defensive position arranged by the five of them, and then Mahazuru's hands The short spear that was transformed was protruding out one after another like a venomous snake, and took Aletia away.

In the face of a strong enemy, Aledia kept a calm in her heart, and no panic appeared. When Mahazulu's short spear pierced at Aledia's xiong armor and lower abdomen, the dark elf realm did not dodge, she just squatted her body slightly, and then concentrated her whole body strength on With his right hand, he punched a punch in the mind of Maharashlu.

The speed of this punch seems extremely slow, but at the moment of the shot, it crossed the constraints of time and space. It even approached its own goal faster than the two short spears pierced by Mehazulu first. Obviously Lydia decisively chose to play with Mahazulu, and forced the strong man in the field of Rakshasa to make his own move.

After seeing Aledia's punch, Mai Hazulu felt a bit hesitant, but after weighing the pros and cons, he gave up the concession, but stabbed toward Aledia's vitality with a rush. Just like this, there has already been such a play that has been exhausted, and if Mahazulu repeatedly gives in, this concern will become his weak point today, and in turn threaten their safety.

McHazuru ’s reaction did not surprise Aledia ’s expectations. In fact, she was also forced to do so because Aledia was not strong enough to let herself retreat under the attack of Mahazuru. Xing used a high-level field power to replace this advanced field power, but Aletia had no choice on the chip. She was well aware of Ryan ’s feelings for her adventurous companions. Ya she dare to sacrifice Victor, Ellendo and others as a bargaining chip, I am afraid that it is possible for Ryan to fight against her on the spot, so Aledia can only do it herself.

Of course, Aledia is not completely despised, and she dared to do so by herself. First of all, Ms. Herist also gave Aledia a means of escape. If she had to do nothing, she had to. Throw everything out of embarrassment and leave. Secondly, with Caleb and others on their side, they may be able to rush to support themselves in time, so as not to show the effect of losing both sides. In addition, the reaction of McHazulu may be just a sham, and it may not be that there is such a plan. Even with the worst results, Aledia feels that she may not necessarily die. The field rule of Freya seems to have a healing effect, and may be able to save her life at the last minute.

Aletia ’s thousands of years of experience allows her to consider these factors in a very short time. Although she has done the same thing, but the real death is that the possibility of never turning over is not very high. You should know that Aletia is facing a strong player in the advanced field that is far more powerful than his own. If there is no Calipers and others next to him, Aletia does not even have the qualification to fight back. Escaped, now has the opportunity to equalize, win or die with the opponent, which is already a pretty good ending.

As Aledia thought, she and Maha Zulu would have to die with their opponents, but their companions would not want this to happen, and they were holding Caleb ’s White Tower to lose their things and move towards Aledia released a new spell, and he also released another spell to Victor, who is preparing to support Aledia, in order to maximize the possibility of Mahazulu winning in this duel. .

Bairuita relaxed his restraint on Caleb, and Caleb didn't continue to attack Bairuta for the first time, but sent a powerful blow to the back of McHazulu. He wanted to force Maihazu Lu gave up Aledia, otherwise even if he could not kill the Rakshasa demon, he would definitely hit this opponent with Aledia before and after the front and back attack. As for the adult red dragon transformed by Ellendo, he spread his wings towards Bai Ruita flew over, his body tinged up again in flight, and the two wings behind him shook rapidly, launching a "Dragon Wing Slap" towards Bai Ruita.

There was chaos on the scene, everyone's goals were different, the enemies were mutually restrained, and the companions cooperated intimately. Everyone was trying to save their companions or attack the enemies. Once caught in a choice, he was able to feel the impact of Caleb from the rear. It was clear that if he did not change the current situation, then when McHazulu ’s fist grabbed Aledia ’s heart at the same time , Ellendo's punch will also crush his spine.

Although it may seem cost-effective to exchange one's life with one's own half-residue, but Maha Zulu is a strong player in the advanced field. This intermediate exchange will actually make him exceptionally disadvantageous, not to mention that Maha Zulu is still around. During the siege of the enemy, Bai Ruita may not be able to protect him after he was seriously injured. I am afraid that he will have to leave this life here.

So Mahazulu had to change his mind temporarily, but he did not withdraw from this, but instead suddenly accelerated his body and rushed towards Aledia's side. This move by Mehazulu is a bit risky, but it also contains a reward that is definitely worth his risk. If he can pass through the last barrier of Aledia unharmed, he can all the Caleb and others Leaving behind him, facing the elven woman with poor strength that can affect the battle situation, Mahazuru believes that this woman has absolutely no strength to share with her. When the time comes, either kill the target or siege to help. Mahazuru can depend on the specifics. Situation in order to get the maximum benefit in return.

Aledia had already guessed the intention of this Raksha demon when she saw Mahazuru change her direction, but her strength was inferior to that of Mahazuru, who could quickly withdraw to change the direction of attack. Lydia couldn't do this neatly, and needed a little more time. Do n’t see that Aledia is just a little slow. This is an opportunity that can be used in the duel of the field. Maihazulu can use this opportunity to use all means to mobilize his strength. His own Aledia dug out a flaw in a perfect defensive formation.

"Keep off!" Caleb, who attacked Mahazuru's back, lost his goal because of the sudden turn of Mahazuru. He yelled at Aledia, who immediately followed the direction of the empathy Side avoidance, followed by Caleb's body and Aledia passed sideways, and returned to Fuliya at the fastest speed. Although Mahazulu took the first step, he had to penetrate the gap between Aledia and others, which would inevitably go a long way and waste some time. Caleb asked Aledia to give up his way forward. He replied to Freya at a straight distance, so although Caleb started a half-shot slower than Mahazuru, it was still in Mahazulu. He blocked his way before.

After seeing Caleb blocking his route to move forward, Mahazuru sighed slightly. He still wasted a good opportunity, but this did not cause any loss to Mahazuru, so He moved slightly, gave up moving on to attack Flia, and turned towards Victor's position, who was using his magic to support the attack on Allendo and Maihazulu of the White Tower. Victor had to stop this reinforcement move and turned to fight the machetes that had been transformed by Maha Zulu, and Elendo, who lost Victor's help, did not feel like a single one because Aledi Ya has arrived at his side and back, and together with Ellendo, who has transformed into a red dragon, began to attack Bairuta from left to right. q! .

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