Chronicles of Heaven

Chapter 692: Trident

Wu Hao looked at Linghu Qingqing, and then looked at Xiahou Rulong, and became angry and sullen on the ground.

The battlefield of the size of the battle of a hundred miles was shaken, and the ground '哗啦啦' fell into a few dozen feet. The dust mixed with the whirlwind '飕飕' rushed, and was smothered by thousands of rushing light columns. .

"You, too embarrassed, too treacherous..." Wu Hao screamed with anger: "You, **** it!"

Roaring for a while, the monk was anxious, pulling the floating blood, and suddenly a blood spurted out.

The boulevard of the fox under the Qing dynasty continued to play a role, his limbs have been almost reborn, only the calf below the knee has not grown, but the wound is also rapidly creeping, a section of granulation is constantly born.

He was breathing heavily, his eyes fixed on Xiahou Rulong.

At this moment, at this moment, this situation, this scene, Linghu Qingqing and the rams are also in a mess, and paws, do not know how to be good.

Dawei has the most people to survive. They all have a strange and mysterious mystery. They really fight, and they can’t win.

Not to mention, there are also a large number of variables in the Dawu Shenguo.

These guys, impulsive, arrogant, without a brain, are a group of humanoid mad dogs. No one knows what they will do in the next quarter of an hour. In particular, they are all seriously injured now. What do you do with the tyrant who was seriously injured?

Dignified Dawu Emperor, directly blew!

God Emperor!


Really, the skull is broken. Linghu Qingqing sneered at the behavior of this group of people in Dawu, but... what can I do?

Slowly and slowly, the foxes and greens with the Qingqiu Shenguo retreat, but the group of people have taken the life-saving avenue Baodan, the power of the drug is working. At this moment, it is better to restore a little more strength, so don't worry about what to do.

If you want to work hard, it is desperate.

But before you fight hard, you can recover a little more strength, that is the best.

"Li Guang, Zhao Wei, Xiang Feiyu, they are all stunned." Linghu Qingqing said with a low voice: "Otherwise, with Li Guang's arrow, Zhao Wei's law, Xiang Feiyu their death... We It can also increase the odds."

The ram's eyes were sour, and a drop of tears slowly slipped.

Wenchen, that is, the contest will be more emotional, even if it has experienced countless storms and obstacles in the court, and used to live and die, at this moment, the rams are still feelings of enthusiasm, and shed a tear.

"It’s all my Qingqing’s cadres. It’s a pity, but it’s a pity.” The ram whispered to himself: "The old man has been working for a lifetime, and he has never been able to do it. He can’t think of it. The day."

"Really, insulting." The ram squinted at Xiahou Rulong and others: "Really, don't want to be a decent... How can you surrender? How can you repent? Dawei's guys, their Are the celebrities doing the pies and feeding the dogs?"

Xiahou Rulong’s ear pointed. He heard the whisper of the ram’s three thoughts. He smiled and seriously nodded to the ram three: “Old is not a thief, and the old man is a lot older. , 100,000 years older than you, the old man is naturally a thief."

"An old thief, what kind of slang, what more decent? If you feed the dog, you will feed the dog. Even if there is no face today, the future generations of my great Wei will be grateful to me for what I am doing today."

After Xiahou Rulong, a Xiahou's ancestors shouted: "But the ancestors sacrificed, but the blood of the children and the children continued. Even if they turned their backs on the truth, they would be like this."

The foxes and the rams are not vocal, and people are shameless. Do you use ‘skin’ and other things to restrain people, is it not a waste of words?

Linghu Qingqing sighed: "Prepare to be desperate, what is the bottom of the box, see no one, even if it is a damaging, devastating means, come out... For example, 尉 朕 朕 朕 know you guys The family has a 'residual soul'."

In the crowd, a white-haired old man's face was pumping. He opened his mouth and wanted to distinguish one or two, but when he thought about it, he closed his mouth again.

Linghu Qingqing smiled coldly: "The remnant soul, almost reached the power of the town's artifacts, that is, four thousand years ago, the northeastern Zhangzhou dragons turned over, you get the congenital Lingbao from the cracked Bailongjiangkou stop?"

"Look, I have been in charge of the military for so many years, and there are still some things that can be done by the spies of the military. This remnant of the soul, don’t hide it. You have been covering the land for so many years, for no reason. Teenagers, girls are missing, they are all taken by you to feed the souls?"

The old ancestors of the 尉 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻

Surrounded by yin, the small whirlwind ‘咻咻’ in the flat was rolled up, and everyone felt a burst of creeps, as if behind him, there was an invisible face blowing into the vest.

"Liang Qing's family... You Liang's family is not strong. After so many years of hard work, you have accumulated three good hands of the gods and gods. What makes the difference is that the three gods and the realm are actually in this battle. All survived."

Linghu Qingqing did not return to say: "From today, you Liang is the top door of my Qingqiu Shenguo. Hehe, the three gods and the ancestors sit in the town, look at our Qingqiu Shenguo, now together It is also the seventy-seven gods."

"You Liang is so arrogant... You got the inheritance of the Taifo Buddhist Gate "Beat Victory in the Buddhist Scriptures"? It is said that it is comparable to the Supreme Harmony of the Nine-Tong Xuan Gong... Hey, powerful, powerful."

"My Qingqiu is on the verge of desperation. Are you Liang, or is it the loyal minister of Qingqiu?"

The three tall men and three feet away, the body is lean, and the middle-aged man with a slightly ape-like form looks at each other. Coughing, Liang's three ancestors, the most respected Liang He, said with a smile: "Your Majesty, the minister is loyal to Qingqiu. Just, Taikoo inheritance, too much, too..."

Linghu Qingqing sighed softly: "Hey know, you know, there are good things, you have to hide and hide, and the money is not white."

"But it is at this critical juncture... Zhu Aiqing, it should be desperate."

"Liang He, if we can live out, the straight-line descendants of the family, pick nine men and nine women, and marry you Liang." Linghu Qingqing said sincerely: "From today, you Liang, with the country Hugh, are you happy?"

Liang's three ancestors looked at each other and gladly bowed down to Linghu Qingqing.

"Chen and so on, fearing...chen, etc., are not willing to take care of it? Chen, etc., swear to loyalty!"

Liang’s three ancestors are happy and happy, and this is indeed an unexpected joy. Liang is not a powerful gate. In the former Qingqiu Shenguo, Liang’s ranking of the door is in the top 100. In the top door where there is a god, the overall strength can only be regarded as the middle and lower level.

However, the situation has changed dramatically.

Seeing that, inexplicably, Liang has become one of the most popular ancestors of Qingqiu Shenguo, and can also marry the royal family... Lianghe’s three ancestors did not have much ambition and could become a royal family. It is quite appropriate for the country to let the family rest with the country.

The atmosphere of the three ancestors became thick and hot, and their eyes were slightly reddish, staring at Xiahou Rulong and Wu Hao.

In order to be able to live on their own, for the prosperity of the descendants of the family, the three old guys are desperate.

Their skin quickly turned into dark gold, and a dark golden Buddha light spewed out of them, like a flame, wrapping them all. Behind them, there are nine round-wheeled Buddhas, and in each of the Buddha's light, there are the gods and gods in the ancient legends of the Eight Dragons.

Their bodies began to swell, from a high point of a foot, quickly expanded to a hundred feet up and down.

The three slowly stood up and slammed their feet.

The breath of the three people suddenly rose. It was only the cultivation of the three heavens in the Ming Dynasty. They suddenly had a high-definition monkey with a high-definition, and then the monkey’s shadow rushed into the three ancestors. .

The atmosphere of the three people of Lianghe soared, and in the blink of an eye, from the three heavens of the gods, they quickly turned to the seven heavens and eight heavens of the gods, and finally reached the extreme of the nine heavens.

Although it is still not as good as the Ten Commandments of the gods and gods after the ten-party slaughter of the Ten Commandments, it is only slightly worse.

The three men joined hands, but they did not meet the martial arts two men who were seriously injured and vomiting blood.

The ram’s eyes were suddenly brightened. He laughed loudly: “The monk, the situation at the moment, can you see it clearly? It’s clear that Xiahou Rulong is the strongest of them. It’s better for you and me to join hands and kill the group of Dawei. Hypocrites, thieves and villains, then, we will divide another victory and defeat, and then decide a life and death?"

Wu Hao and another Wu family ancestors who could stand up and look at the Qingqiu people, and then look at the Wei Wei and other people stationed in the military city, grabbed the scalp with force.

It seems that both sides make a lot of sense.

But... who should I listen to?

Xiahou Rulong’s face suddenly changed, he was about to speak, and the ram’s three thoughts had already robbed him before he laughed: “The monk... you are the great man, the most willing to enmity, the revenge not staying overnight... the people around you Still lying there, remember who hurt them?"

The monk and another ancestral ancestor's eyeballs were instantly congested.

The old white faces of Dawei, they used intrigues and tricks, and counted so many people in their own family, let them vomit blood and lay on the ground.

Da Wei...the enemy!

Wu Hao Yang Tianxiaoxiao, he reached out and grabbed the sky: "Wu Dan, help me stare at the small group of Linghu Qingqing, they are not good things."

Wu Dan’s low roaring, he slowly, a little difficult to move the steps, step by step to the fox green and the ram and other people, Shen Sheng: "You, do not move, let the monks to kill those Little white face."

The green eyes of Linghu flashed, and a hint of joy appeared on his face. Then he quickly suppressed it and restored his expressionless expression.

The ram three flashed a scorpion and hurriedly said: "Wu Dan, it is worse than... We join hands?"

The ram thinks that it is very appropriate. The monk is not necessarily able to pick up Xiahou Rulong. If Wu Hao and Wu Dan are sacrificed by Xia Hourulong for a very small price, then Qingqiu can It’s too much trouble.

The best thing is that Qingqiu and Dawu joined forces to kill the most dangerous Dawei people.

Then, there are three rivers in Lianghe... The Qingqiu Kingdom has taken an absolute initiative, and any plans are easy to handle.

The martial arts sneered a sneer, and he screamed: "I don't need you to help with these little shards... You, your brain is too active, and you have too much to lose, and you don't believe in your words anymore."

The ram hurriedly cried: "Wu Wu, your weapons have been destroyed. It is better to borrow some of your weapons. If you are unarmed with Xiahou Rulong, you can suffer a big loss."

Since the monk still refuses to cooperate with his own, then he will find ways to strengthen his combat effectiveness.

As far as possible, let the monks weaken Xiahou Rulong's strength and be able to kill a few Wei's ancestors. That is the best.

Wu 亣咧 狞 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , In the hands.

As soon as this trident appeared, the entire battlefield of the duel was frozen for a hundred miles.

On the ground, a layer of frost spread rapidly, and there was a thick ice block nearly one foot deep covering the entire battlefield.

Afterwards, the ice layer continued to deepen, and a horrible piece of frozen gas continued to spew out from the Trident. When it passed, the air was frozen and the blue crystals of the blue sky continued to fall.

"This... is too unfair!" Linghu Qingqing, Gongyang Sanxuan, Xiahou Rulong and others, muttered to himself.

The Ten-party slaughter of A, this is an unprecedented Xeon artifact, free of charge to the Dawu Shenguo blessing.

How many violent members of the gods who favored Dawu, and there is another powerful artifact that they have never seen before, but powerful and terrible?

This trident is an artifact of the main attack!

Xiahou Rulong’s face was as white as paper. He suddenly regretted it. Shouldn’t he just abandon the agreement reached with Linghu Qingqing?

Seeing this trident, Xiahou Rulong, who had just responded to a small part of the mana, suddenly felt that this battle would not kill him.

If, if they abide by the agreement with Linghu Qingqing, they will surrender to Linghu Qingqing, isn’t it... now there is Linghu Qingqing in front, helping them to fight this terrible artifact projection?

"Old... ancestors..." A Xiahou's god, the ancestors of the gods, stammered and asked Xiahou Rulong: "This, this trident, never seen, unheard of it... What happened to the gods? ?"

Xiahou Rulong’s face was indefinite, and he murmured: “No matter what happened to them, let’s live and say the other!”

Wu Hao laughed, his hands raised the Trident, and swayed a cold light. He stepped under the wall of the military city and went down.

An iceberg descends from the sky, and the iceberg is transformed into a long-awaited ice knife in the air, and it is heavy on the military city.

The cold whistling, the cold gas into a whirlwind, wrapped in countless ice crystals wrapped in the entire military city.

The city defense ban on the military city 咔咔咔 的 不断 不断 不断 不断 不断 不断 不断 不断 不断 不断 不断 不断 不断 不断 不断 不断 不断 不断 不断 不断 不断 不断 不断 不断 不断 不断 不断 不断 不断 不断 不断 不断 不断 不断

In the military city, more than a thousand Wei Wei’s half-step gods and plains generals were shivering and the body was covered with a thick piece of ice.

Even the ancestors of more than 200 gods and gods, there are fifty or sixty people who are covered in ice crystals. They are so cold that they can't breathe and can't speak.

Xiahou Rulong shouted, and a hundred gold armored warriors wore ice crystals, and slowly jumped out of the city wall and rushed to the monks.

The monk is also hung with ice crystals, and his body keeps swaying.

When he saw the golden armor, he sneered a little, and it was a little difficult to lift his strength and swept out.

A cold light spurted out, and a hundred gold armor battles were wrapped in thick ice, and they could no longer move. Not only that, but these golden armor battles are constantly screaming and shattering, and there are a lot of cracks in the body.

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