After reading the news in silence, Vodka couldn't help but sneered: "Heh, really a stupid woman... She couldn't even do a small thing like a bank robbery, and even took her own life into it. "

"Just like that, want to save her sister from the organization? It's really funny."

"Now it's okay, you don't have to deal with it by your brother."

With that, Vodka picked up the phone and made a call to Gin.

However, there was the sound of a cell phone outside the door.

Vodka quickly hung up the phone, and then went to open the door.

Sure enough, the gin was standing outside the door.

"Big Brother." Vodka shouted.

Gin came in and sat down on a sofa. He said, "Have you read the news?"

Vodka closed the door, then walked over to the wine rack, and while pouring the wine, he said, "I just watched it, and I was about to inform you, but I didn't expect you to come here."

After pouring a glass of whiskey, the vodka added three more pieces of ice to it and placed it on the gin table respectfully. He said: "The news reported that there were three robbers, two men and one woman. A man and a woman died..."

"So, you think Akemi Miyano is dead?"

Gin took a sip of whiskey.


Vodka was silent for a moment. With his experience with Gin for so many years, he knew that once the other party uttered a rhetorical question, it meant that things might not be that simple.

Vodka asked cautiously: "Does... Big Brother thinks that traitor will intervene here?"

Gin didn't speak, but just watched the TV indifferently, watching the news reporter report the traffic accident caused by the robbers.

"Isn't it possible? My people have been staring at Akemi Miyano... who has been in contact with is recorded one by one."

Gin continued to watch TV, and slowly said, "Akai Hideichi, I have this ability."

Vodka nodded and said, "I know what to do."

After speaking, he immediately picked up the phone and made a call, and he whispered:

"It's me... yes... there is something for you to do. Do you know about the bank robbery that just happened? I want you to check the female corpse for me immediately... if it's charred, wouldn't you use DNA for matching? As for the comparison target, I will send you her detailed information later. And... in half an hour, I want your answer."

After hanging up the phone, Vodka called out the detailed information of Akemi Miyano and sent it over.

Then he said to Gin: "Brother, I won't have a reply until half an hour."

"Then wait for half an hour." The gin is still very reasonable.

Seeing how good the gin was drunk, he poured himself a glass of vodka, and he said to one side, "Big brother... that guy who ran away, do you want to send someone to deal with it?"

"The money he grabbed from the bank is on him?" Gin asked rhetorically.

"No...just now it was reported in the news that all the billion yen that was robbed was found in the car. Thanks to the special cash box, the impact of the explosion was carried. Otherwise, all the billion yen was It was blown up." Vodka said.

"Since there is no money, there is no need to bother." Gin said, "We have a lot to do."

"A lot... refers to?" Vodka said curiously.

Gin didn't answer, and the DNA matching results are different, so the things to do will be different.

If the DNA match results are the same, then you have to stare at Akai Shuichi.

Upon hearing the news of Miyano Akemi's death, he felt that he would risk his return to Japan.

Someone must be sent to look at the major airports, and once Akai Hideichi's whereabouts are captured, then he will be hunted down.

If the results of the DNA match are inconsistent, there is more to do.

Not only had to give out false news announcing Miyano Akemi's death, and trick Akai Hideichi back to Japan, but also had to look for Miyano Akemi's whereabouts.

Vodka watched the gin and didn't say anything, he didn't ask much, drinking silently, and occasionally looking at his watch.

Finally, after half an hour passed.

When Vodka was about to make a call, he called the phone first.

"How does the comparison result? Okay... I see."

After vodka hung up the phone, he said to Gin: "Brother, the DNA matching result has come out, 100%... it can be confirmed that the charred female corpse is Akemi Miyano."

Gin nodded and said, "Well... you send someone to the major airports to stare at. After Akai knows this news, he will definitely rush back to Japan."

"I see."

Vodka then understood what the gin's phrase "There are many things to do" means.

Indeed, compared to Hideichi Akai, the robber who escaped is not worth mentioning at all!

Chapter 210:

"Welcome home, Mr. Lin."

Inside the Suzuki Hotel, after seeing Lin Yi, the manager smiled and greeted him. He greeted Lin Yi like a friend, "How are you doing?"

"You haven't had a good time recently. A friend of mine passed away." Lin Yi said.

"So...that's really sorry to bring up your sadness." The manager bowed and apologized.

"It's none of your business, you don't need to apologize..." Lin Yi said with some amusement. He felt that the Japanese bowed at every turn. Wouldn't their waists be strained?

"Still the same as before, suite?" the manager asked.

"Yeah." Lin Yi nodded, then looked at the woman wearing sunglasses and mask behind him, and said, "My friend is going to live here for a while..."

"I see, please register with me."

The manager made a please gesture to the woman in the mask.

The female was taken to the VIP window at the front desk, and then began to check in. Because the manager was there, many complicated procedures were skipped in one step. After registering her information, the female took off her sunglasses and mask and showed it to the reception After a glance, he took it again.


"Welcome back...what did the manager just say?" After entering the suite, Mingmei took off her sunglasses and mask, and said in a joking tone, "You can see that you come here often."

Lin Yi didn't answer this question. If he accepts this question, it is estimated that he will enter the interrogation mode again.

He directly hugged the other person and put her on the sofa. He said, "Well, you are free now! Think about how you will live in the future."

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