At the school, Lin Yi had already taken sick leave, and it was proved that it was prescribed by the school doctor, 50,000 yen each! Expensive!

As for Xiaolan and Yuanzi, Lin Yi just said that there was an important thing to deal with. They wanted to ask, but in the end they didn't ask.

After all, they haven't explained the situation of their family. The reason why they didn't say it was that they couldn't find an appropriate reality and didn't feel the time.

Before meeting Akemi, Lin Yi began to wonder how to impress Miyano Akemi.

Do you know the primordial effect?

The so-called primordial effect refers to the formation of the overall impression that is dominated by the first impression.

Simply put, your overall impression of a person often depends on your first impression of him.

This is a very common type of social perception deviation. Once the first impression is established, it has a strong directional effect on the understanding and organization of the information obtained later.

Whether your image is good or not determines whether someone will fall in love with you at first sight!

So, don't think about letting girls understand your soul deeply... Everyone is very busy.

Because of this, Lin Yi left a very deep impression on Miyano Akemi.

Before the formal meeting, meet her by chance?

emmmm...... has effect, but not much effect. The most important thing is to deepen the impact. It is like after you have seen the advertisements of Macau casinos, you think of Macau when you see the casino, and then think of the three big things without leaving a point.

Anyway, the effect of chance encounter is too bad, it can only be used as the next strategy.

So, how about hitting up a conversation?

This doesn't work either. He approached her as Kano Kano's boyfriend, and even touched up with her beforehand, which would definitely leave him with a "fathearted" impression.

Although this is indeed the case, these bad things must always be hidden. Isn't that the way people do?

Therefore, the plan to strike up a conversation will not work either.


Would you like to perform in front of her to help the grandmother who doesn't want to cross the road?

Reflect your kindness in this way?

Well, after this method works, she herself is also a kind person, and kind people are always attracted to each other.

This method is much better than the first one, and it can be tentatively set as a medium policy.

No matter what... I went to her directly and told her straightforwardly that I came from 30 years later. I know what is about to happen to you...

Then Mingmei will react in the following ways.

First, believe in yourself, and then act under your own guidance, successfully escape the clutches of gin, and have the opportunity to meet her sister again in the future.

Relying on her eloquence and predicting a few more snatches of the robbery, she believed that she was not difficult.

Second, ignore yourself, think that you are a chatter, and leave without giving yourself a chance to speak.

This is a reaction when you are in a bad mood. If you catch up again, you will be stubborn, and it is estimated that the gin will send a black man in a van to gang up on him.

Third, after listening patiently, and then politely but perfunctorily said that I know that it is improper to walk away.

This is the reaction of normal people...

However, the problem arises.

Is it enough to help her get out of trouble and solve the worries of life?

Not yet, I have to enter her heart and break into her world!

Otherwise, what should she do if she suddenly flies to the United States to find Shuichi Akai after she is safe?

Then I'm pretty miserable, and I can make a debut with Wakamatsu Junsu in the combination of Yang Yang and Big Big Wolf.

Therefore, this plan is also passed.

Finally, Lin Yi came up with a good way!

I thought about this method carefully

"Yes... yes... this should work."

After having an idea, Lin Yi immediately began to make preparations!

Two days later.

At 9:15 in the morning, it was cloudless, and it was really nice weather.

But he told Lin Yi that the weather made him unhappy. He had to take off his peaked cap and stuff it to the office workers passing by: "I'll give it to you."

The office worker looked at Lin Yi in a daze, then looked at the hat in his hand, but he couldn't react for a while.

Lin Yi put on the headphones, played the most popular song at the moment, and walked towards the residential area next to him with a book.

He walked and stopped from time to time.

He stopped again before reaching an intersection.

Two or three seconds later, he made a call and then moved on.

At exactly this moment, a car had just arrived at the intersection, and when someone came out, the owner of the car hurriedly stepped on the brake.

However, it was a little late after all, and the car didn't have time to stop completely and banged Lin Yi out all of a sudden.

Fortunately, the brakes were timely and the impact was not very strong. Lin Yi rolled on the ground for a few laps before stopping.

The owner of the vehicle that caused the accident hurriedly got out of the car and came to Lin Yi's side and asked anxiously: "You...are you okay?"

"No... nothing serious."

Lin Yi glanced at his clothes with some pain: "But it happened to the clothes."

The owner took a look at the other party's clothes and found that there were scratches on both sides of his arms and the chopsticks. It is estimated that the other party fell before and protected his head with his hands in time.

This made her really relieved.

"It's okay... I'm sorry, someone called me when I was in the car just now, so I didn't notice you..." the owner said apologetically.

Lin Yi faintly replied, "Well, be careful next time you drive."

He didn't say much, stood up silently, and went to pick up the book.

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