"That's right, but this place still can't stay...After eating the pizza, let's leave." Lin Yi said.

Shirley frowned: "Leave here...where to go?"

"Go to a friend's house."

Chapter 1014


The phone rang.

A slightly bloated middle-aged woman took out her mobile phone and connected to the phone.

"Hello? Husband, when will you be back tonight?"

"I'm afraid I won't be able to go home today. This morning, the whole Osaka is messed up. I guess I won't have time to go home in the next two days." There was a low voice on the other end of the phone, with bursts in it. exhausted.

"Well, I just watched the news. I crashed into a lot of cars and killed a lot of people. I heard that there was a big explosion even in Shinsaibashi Mall... Did the terrorists do it?" the middle-aged woman said worriedly .

"It should be... If you are not a terrorist, you can't make such a big noise. However, no one has been caught yet. A lot of corpses have been found. I don't know why this happened suddenly. During this period of time. , Don’t go out if you have nothing to do. Now Osaka is not safe.” said the voice from the other end of the phone.

"I see...Will He Ye ask for leave from the school?" This middle-aged woman is Yuan Shan He Ye's mother.

"This is okay. The modified high school is far away from the site of the incident, so it shouldn't be affected... But if you are really worried about He Ye, please ask for leave. It won't affect the number of classes for a few days." Yes, it is the chief inspector of the Osaka Prefecture, and Ye's father, Ginjiro Toyama.

"Let me discuss with Ye and ask what this child thinks." Mrs. Yuanshan warned, "After work, take care of your body and don't get tired."

"Okay... Stop talking, I have to go to a meeting."

As soon as the phone was hung up, footsteps came from upstairs.

He Ye came down from the second floor. She looked at the wall clock on the white wall and frowned, "It's almost eight o'clock. Dad hasn't come back yet?"

Mrs. Yuanshan hung up the phone and said, "Your father is not coming back these few days. Work is too busy... Let's eat first."

The Japanese are used to eating cold food, so Mrs. Toyama went into the kitchen and brought out the food directly.

Sit down at the dining table, and Ye picked up the bowls and chopsticks and said, "I'm starting."

While eating, she asked: "Has any case happened recently?"

"It's not just a big case..." Mrs. Yuanshan sighed and said: "It's a terrorist attack!"

Then, Mrs. Toyama told Kazuha what happened in the area of ​​the Empire State Building in Osaka this morning.

After she finished speaking, when she thought that she could not go out these days, she complained: "I really hope that those people will be arrested soon!"

"Unexpectedly, such a big thing happened!" After He Ye heard this, he couldn't help being startled, and even stopped with his chopsticks.

Then she worried: "These people are so dangerous. Not only do they have guns, but they also kill casually... Dad shouldn't be in danger, right?"

"If you are a policeman, how can there be no danger? But your father is the inspector general, who is mainly in charge of directing, and will not run in the front line...so the danger is not great." Mrs. Toyama's words did not know that it was comforting. I still go to comfort He Ye.

In short, because of this topic, the atmosphere at the dinner table became a bit heavy.

Both mother and daughter have no appetite for food.

At this moment, bells rang outside the hallway.

Dingdong Dingdong——————

"Huh? It's so late, who will come to the door?" Mrs. Yuanshan put down the dishes and chopsticks curiously, got up and went to the entrance to open the door.

Her husband is a detective, so Madame Yuanshan would not be so reckless to open the door without looking at the cat's eye.

Through the cat's eyes, Mrs. Yuanshan saw a man and a woman. Both of them wore masks and hats to cover up their appearance. They looked sneaky, not like good people.

Upon seeing their dress up, Mrs. Yuanshan immediately became vigilant. Without opening the door, she asked directly: "Who do you look for?"

The man said, "My name is Lin Yi, and I am a friend of Ye."

"Then you wait a moment." After Mrs. Yuanshan wrote down her name, she returned to the living room and asked He Ye, and said, "He Ye, there is a man named Lin Yi at the door looking for you. Do you know him? ?"

"Lin Yi?" He Ye was stunned, she didn't expect the other party to ring her doorbell!

She nodded quickly and said, "Yes, he is a friend I knew when I was in Tokyo!"

After speaking, He Ye Bu waited for her mother to say something, so he quickly put down his chopsticks and ran to the hallway.

"Why is this kid so excited? Could it be - --" Mrs. Yuanshan watched He Ye hurriedly ran to the hallway, frowning, things were not simple.

Mrs. Toyama is also a woman from the age of sixteen, so why doesn't she know the girl's thoughts?

He Ye ran to the hallway with excitement, and when he thought of Lin Yi suddenly coming to him, his heart surged with uncontrollable joy, and sweetness filled his heart!

However, after opening the door, He Ye found that Lin Yi did not come alone, but also brought another girl.

At this moment, part of the joy in her heart was washed away, but even so, she was still very happy!

After all, loving this kind of thing will greatly reduce a person's IQ after getting to the brain.

"Yi! Why did you come to Osaka?" He Ye ran to Lin Yi's side and smiled stupidly. Even though the other party was dressed up in disguise, she could recognize him all at once!

Shirley glanced at He Ye, a little bit impressed by her, but the girl's heart was really big enough, she could still smile so happily by standing next to her.

"Come to Osaka to find someone." Lin Yi took off his mask and hat. He pointed to Shirley and said, "This is my friend. Just call her Shirley."

"We accidentally ran into a thief on the road... The wallet and mobile phone were stolen. I remembered that Xiaolan told me your address before, so I came to you. Will it cause you trouble?"

"Of course not! Let's talk about it in advance!"

He Ye greeted them enthusiastically to come into the house, and introduced Lin Yi and Shirley to her mother.

As soon as Mrs. Yuanshan saw Lin Yi's real face, she was immediately handsome by the other side, even more male star than male star.

Then she instantly understood why her daughter ran to open the door so anxiously when she heard this boy named Lin Yi had arrived.

If you are a sixteen-year-old self, it is estimated that you will do the same too!

1015.Chapter 1015

"That's how it is."

He Ye told her mother about the encounter between Lin Yi and Shirley.

"It turned out to be like this..." Mrs. Yuanshan nodded suddenly. No wonder the other party didn't call Heye before he came. It turned out that he encountered a thief and the phone was stolen.

"Luck hasn't been very good recently, and I have always encountered all kinds of things." Lin Yi gave a wry smile.

With his words, Shirley couldn't help but curl her lips, feeling that Lin Yi seemed to be saying that she was causing him trouble.

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