Choose a day to become famous

Chapter 506: Grasping the Main Contradiction (8,000 words updated!)

The person responsible for providing action guidance to Lu Yanhe on the crew of "Burning Fire" is Ji Xiaohua.

He is nearly forty years old. He used to be a martial arts actor and has acted in many action movies. They were all small roles. He had no acting skills. As he got older, he began to work behind the scenes.

Lu Yanhe's action scenes in "Burning Fire" are mainly characterized by elegance, mainly to differentiate from Shang Yongzhou's style.

As the main perspective of this movie, Shang Yongzhou is also responsible for the heavy responsibility of revenge. His overall style will be heavier, and his fighting style will be harder and more "punch-to-flesh".

For a commercial film, there must be obvious differences and personalization between the characters.

Lu Yanhe's action design was not actually designed by Ji Xiaohua, he was only responsible for teaching these actions to Lu Yanhe.

The movements were specially designed by a well-known martial artist.

Lu Yanhe practiced with Ji Xiaohua for more than a week. Ji Xiaohua said: "You have learned all the movements, but you use too much force."

"Use force?" Lu Yanhe was a little confused.

Ji Xiaohua said: "This is a very traditional martial arts film, but this is a fantasy film."

Regarding Ji Xiaohua's words, Lu Yanhe still didn't quite understand what he wanted to express, and asked: "Is there any difference between fighting scenes with different themes?"

Ji Xiaohua's expressive ability was not very good. He hesitated for a long time before saying: "One will be more realistic, and the other will be more gorgeous and unrealistic."

It’s all out of touch with reality…

Although Ji Xiaohua was indeed not very good at expressing himself, and the words he spoke did not sound good at first glance, Lu Yanhe still understood what Ji Xiaohua meant.

"You mean that in my fighting scenes in "Burning", my movements should be more transcendent, like that kind of hero who can easily fly across the Yangtze River with a few splashes of water?" Lu Yanhe gave an example, "It means that my current movements are too ugly and not elegant. When combined with the special effects in the later stage, I cannot achieve the desired effect of this set of movements?"

Ji Xiaohua nodded immediately.


"Teacher Ji, please take me to fight again."

Ji Xiaohua nodded.

Lu Yanhe said to Wang Biao again: "Wang Biao, help me record what I did and then record what Teacher Ji did. I'll think about it."

From this comparison, Lu Yanhe could see the difference.

Indeed, although his current movements are very skilled and smooth, compared with Ji Xiaohua's results, the latter's rhythm has a more "handsome feel".

In fact, to put it bluntly, it is this action that will make everyone shine and think he is extremely handsome.

Now I just think his kung fu action scenes are pretty good.

This kind of thing cannot be practiced.

You have to figure it out yourself.

His action scenes in "Phoenix Terrace" were well received at first. However, looking back now, although his action scenes were good-looking, they relied heavily on characters, camera movements and editing, because they were all fragmented actions. Editing, put together frame by frame.

"Fire" is a movie. According to the news Lu Yanhe has received so far, their requirements for the entire action scene are more than twice as high as those of "Phoenix Stage". This is not a question of the difficulty of the action, but the core of "Phoenix Stage" is not whether the action scenes are good or not. It is just embellishment. Therefore, when filming at the time, there was no too complicated design on the lens. It was actually shot on the spot. If it doesn't work, just rely on post-production to cut it to make it look more like the sword and sword, or even use a stand-in and leave blank space.

Wan Hai's design for "Burning Fire" was different. He wanted to shoot the kind of awesome long shots. It’s not just a long shot where the camera sticks there and doesn’t move, and it’s just a long shot where the actors are beating back and forth. It’s also about the camera matching the actors’ movements and scheduling to combine characters, actions and camera movements. The kind that comes together.

To give people a dizzying sense of shock - this is the foundation of special effects blockbusters.

Lu Yanhe very much recognized Wan Hai's positioning of "Burning Fire".

If Wan Hai had told him at this time that in the movie "Fire", character creation was more important than special effects, he would have darkened his eyes and realized that he had taken the wrong role.

That’s not to say that characterization isn’t important in a movie like “Fire.” Of course, it is also important. Classic special effects blockbusters can become classics, and the characters and stories must be standing and memorable. Special effects will always go out of style, but human emotions will not. However, for the current moment, for the movie market, and for the positioning of a commercial special effects blockbuster, the biggest attraction is definitely the special effects picture.

To put it more broadly, it is the establishment of this worldview.

Lu Yanhe didn't want his action scenes to become a bug in this worldview.

When he was resting in the hotel, he was almost always doing it. Watch various types of epic blockbusters and acclaimed action scenes, and then just find the feeling.

In the end, Lu Yanhe found the feeling he wanted in the hotel swimming pool.

People float on the water and paddle their limbs.

As he swims, he will have the feeling that he has become a fish and can swim freely in this water.

Of course Lu Yanhe also knew that this was an illusion brought to him by the buoyancy of the water.

Then at that moment, Lu Yanhe suddenly realized.

To make action scenes look good, you need to create a sense of lightness that "gets rid of gravity."


Shang Yongzhou did not come to the crew for training.

He hired a private tutor to work one-on-one at his own place.

This is a personal habit. Lu Yanhe had acted with Shang Yongzhou in "Road to Glory" and knew Shang Yongzhou's acting habits. Shang Yongzhou is a very "selfish" actor when acting. He doesn't care about others and focuses entirely on himself and his role.

Lu Yanhe still remembers that when filming "Road to Glory", Shang Yongzhou was immersed in a state of "don't disturb anyone" for a while, and his whole body exuded an aura of keeping strangers away. .

Lu Yanhe occasionally wonders if people are talking about him even though he joined the team so early. It is because Shang Yongzhou did not join the team, so in comparison, he seems to be particularly active.

Of course, no one would say these words to his face.

It's impossible for him to find someone to talk to him.

Lu Yanhe just prepared his role and did action exercises. Almost a week and a half passed, and by the end of March, "Fire" was about to start filming.

Shang Yongzhou finally appeared on the set.

He only had one assistant and no second entourage.

Lu Yanhe brought up to two entourages to the scene at a time, which was enough to make the crew talk. Shang Yongzhou's attitude made them talk even more.

Wang Biao, who liked to listen to others, told Lu Yanhe several times that everyone was shocked by the number of personnel accompanying him and Shang Yongzhou.

You know, except for the two of them, basically everyone who came to play the movie "Fire" was accompanied by an entourage of four or five people. They haven't started shooting yet. They are just doing action training or trying out Makeup, etc.

Lu Yanhe: "Whatever others say."

Wang Biao: "It's not that simple, Brother Lu. It's said that the two of you did this, which made other actors and actresses complain a lot."

"What complaints do they have?" Lu Yanhe asked in surprise.

"It's just... you two are so simple, and they brought four or five people together as if they were mobilizing a crowd." Wang Biao said, "To put it bluntly, you just want to show off your style, but you two really have the style to return to your original nature, which makes them He behaves like a arrogant nouveau riche."

Lu Yanhe looked at Wang Biao in surprise.

Wang Biao: "Does this surprise you so much?"

"Oh, no, I was shocked by your set of words." Lu Yanhe said, "Your language skills have become somewhat like Sister Ziyan's."

Wang Biao chuckled and said confidently: "Then it is no exaggeration to say that I am a die-hard fan of Sister Ziyan."

"Then if it was Sister Zi Yan, what do you think she would say when faced with this kind of thing?" Lu Yanhe asked, "What would she do?"

Wang Biao thought for a while and said: "At most, they can ridicule them behind their backs. They can't do anything. Whatever they say or do, that's their own business. We will do ours. If they want to show off, then Just pretend, it all depends on how the two leading actors do it, Sister Ziyan will only scold them for being petty."

Lu Yanhe smiled in relief.

"Sister Ziyan will definitely be surprised if she knows that you know her so well. But I agree with you. I also think that Sister Ziyan would scold her like this." Lu Yanhe smiled and sighed, "You It doesn't matter whether you bring four people or eight people. It's not the crew who pays the bill. You pay the wages of the people on your team yourself. You are willing to pay wages to so many people and create employment. I really feel that you have to bring so many people. Talent is convenient, so don’t care what others think. If it’s just for show of style and vanity, it’s really not necessary.”

Wang Biao: "That's right. However, Brother Lu, the crew still has to pay for it. Except for us, the crew pays for the food and lodging of other actors and team members."

Lu Yanhe raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"That's it."

"Sister Ziyan said at the beginning that it was unnecessary for you to do this. You have already paid tens of millions of dollars in salary, so why would you care about food and accommodation?" Wang Biao said.

"It's okay. What you need to do as a person is to be honest and upright." Lu Yanhe also said, "I can feel comfortable receiving tens of millions in salary because I know that I am worth the salary and I can bring them higher profits." But asking the crew to pay for you to stay in a four-star hotel, I do think this is more than what they pay for the cast, but it's not as hard for you to live in an ordinary hotel with the crew and then travel back and forth. I pay for it myself, I feel at ease, and I don’t feel like I owe them anything.”

Wang Biao sighed.

"Brother Lu, your theory is very sound, but your ideas are very twisted." He complained bluntly.

Lu Yanhe: "...Sister Ziyan will sigh with emotion when she hears your words."

These comments about him are exactly the same.

Wang Biao chuckled.

Lu Yanhe added: "You might as well write a book called "The Master of Tucao". Maybe you can become a best-selling author."

Wang Biao: "Brother Xiao Lu, do you actually recognize me so much?"

Wang Biao's face was full of surprise.

Lu Yanhe opened his mouth and wanted to ask, can't you hear that I'm complaining about you?

Why do you look so flattered and praised? !

Depend on!

The phone suddenly rang.

Yan Liang sent a message to the group of three people: "Gold Rush" will be broadcast tonight. Please go back and help me forward my promotional Weibo.


"'Gold Rush' is an action-adventure TV series starring two actors, Wan Yun and Yan Liang."

Linyu stood in front of the camera, somewhat uncomfortable.

However, she had written all the manuscripts in advance, so she didn’t have anything to say just because she was nervous.

This is a recording, so Linyu doesn't have to worry about bad consequences if she says the wrong thing.

This program "Film and Television Critic", which was launched on Yuehu TV, has already recorded and aired two episodes.

Basically, we record once a day, and the recorded material is handed over to Yuehutai for post-production.

In this way, Linyu doesn't need to go to Yuehu Terrace to record.

It just so happens that I caught up with the launch of "The Gold Rush" today.

As a commentary-based program, one purpose was set during the preparation of the program: although this is a Yuehu TV show, you can also comment freely on non-Yuehu TV dramas.

This is not a supporting promotional column for Yuehu TV series, but is intended to be a truly influential and appealing film and television review program icon.

"Let the audience trust our taste, gather a large number of viewers with the same taste, and form a commentary program that can guide the development of film and television dramas."

This is what Linyu said at the preparatory meeting.

When Linyu said this, people from Yuehutai and other senior officials laughed on the spot.

Obviously he thinks this is the arrogance of young people.

Linyu didn't care.

She calmed herself down and continued to face the camera and said: "The most worthy of our attention when "The Gold Rush" is launched is definitely not the two male protagonists, although their two names are enough to bring huge attention to the show. Chinese-language dramas have emerged in various genres and themes in recent years, but the action-adventure genre, especially the treasure-hunting themed action-adventure genre, has never appeared in the past five years. I dare not say that it has the same characteristics. It has pioneering significance, but in our current film and television environment, it must be representative.”

"This drama was shot on location in Southeast Asia. After the filming of the male protagonist Yan Liang, his image of being thin and disfigured even became a hot search topic. It is precisely because of this incident that I have expectations for this drama, instead of just treating it as It is defined as a gimmick. Of course, the show has not yet started airing, so it is too early to make a conclusive evaluation of it. Let us watch it first and discuss its quality tomorrow. "

The recording of "The Gold Rush" is finished.

Linyu breathed a sigh of relief.

She didn't record fifteen minutes in one breath, but recorded it piece by piece.

She is not a professional host, but she is still in the adaptation period.

Chen Siqi had been standing behind the camera watching just now. Now that the camera had stopped, she walked over and asked with a smile: "How does it feel to be an anchor? It's your third day, you should be a little used to it, right?"

"Not at all." Linyu said, "I still stutter a little from nervousness."

Chen Siqi: "You can do it."

"Fortunately, it's only a fifteen-minute program." Linyu said, "What do you think?"

Chen Siqi: "I think it's good. We are not professional hosts to begin with, and we don't have such high requirements for ourselves from the beginning."

Linyu smiled.

Chen Siqi: "Come on, now you are the face of the film and television review section of our "Jump Up". Let's take this opportunity together to open up new markets for our "Jump Up"."

"Okay." Linyu nodded.


"The Gold Rush" is simulcast on Taiwan and the Internet.

The TV station is Jinkou TV Station, a second-tier satellite TV. The prime-time ratings are currently only about 0.2%.

"The Gold Rush" was broadcast exclusively here, and was later launched on video websites at Lingdian.

Yan Liang was very nervous.

Although he is the second character in this drama, he is still the protagonist.

Moreover, he really put a lot of effort into this drama. At present, 99% of actors in the country have not suffered as much as he suffered in "The Gold Rush".

Of course, Yan Liang is also very lucky that he can act in a drama like "The Gold Rush" that has basically not appeared on the market in recent years.

The genre itself is an attraction.

On the night of the broadcast, Lu Yanhe turned on the hotel TV and tuned to the Jinkou TV channel to watch the show live.

The live broadcast room, which I hadn’t logged in to for a long time, suddenly became lively.

Lu Yanhe said: "The drama starring Yan Liang will be broadcast tonight. You can watch it with me."

In the barrage room, many people were lamenting: In the past, when watching Lu Yanhe's live broadcast, you could only see Lu Yanhe almost motionless, but today, because Yan Liang's new drama has started airing, you can see Lu Yanhe's reaction when watching the drama.

Someone asked: Do you think Lu Yanhe would have any big expressions or movements when watching the drama?

Some people say: He is not a sculpture, of course there is one.

Some people said: That's not necessarily the case. He usually seems quite calm.

Some people said: Then you must have not seen him show off his tricks. After he won the Best Actor, he returned to the set and asked everyone to call him Best Actor. Have you forgotten that part?

Someone asked: Huh? Has he ever done something so... "shameless" (double quotation marks)?

Someone said: Brother, no need to put double quotes, he is just a bit shameless in this matter.

Someone said: I used to think Lu Yanhe was aloof, he was a very cool young actor.

Someone replied: Let me tell you, sometimes he is quite aloof.

Lu Yanhe looked at the messages that were being posted quickly in the barrage room, feeling a little helpless and speechless.

"I'm still watching. When you are talking about me, can you take my face into consideration a little bit? I want face too."

The barrage became even more explosive.

Lu Yanhe muttered: "You promised to worship me like an idol?"

He scratched his head and sighed: "People's hearts are not as old as they used to be."

At this time, "The Gold Rush" was launched.


"Yan Liang's figure... is okay." Lu Qingzhen looked at Yan Liang on the TV screen in shock. The latter was taking a bath in the bathroom, with his upper body exposed to the camera. Lu Qingzhen's eyes widened, "He actually has eight-pack abs. This kid has eight-pack abs." !”

Chen Ziyan sat cross-legged on the sofa and laughed when she saw Lu Qingzhen's stunned look.

"Look at you like that! Can you be more reserved?"

"It's just you and me here. I'm so reserved." Lu Qingzhen stared at the screen and said, "Why is Zhou Ping'an so lucky? He lost Li Zhibai and Ma Zhiyuan. I thought Yan Liang's qualifications were relatively average. It’s not a good card anymore. Now that his figure is exposed, I can guarantee that as long as Zhou Ping An manages it well, his figure will definitely become a hot topic and he will probably attract a wave of fans.”

Chen Ziyan: "Yan Liangneng debuted at the age of fifteen and has been able to keep his footing until now. Moreover, the people around him have always been Li Zhibai and Lu Yanhe. Even so, he has not become a background because of this. You It’s enough to see that this kid has something of his own.”

Lu Qingzhen: "Of course there is something. If you don't have something, you can't be an artist. But to be an artist, you have to have some special charm. In the past, I really didn't think his star charm was very strong. Now it seems that he just took the wrong route. , he shouldn’t be an idol. Damn it, I actually feel the allure of male hormones from him.”

Chen Ziyan: "So Yan He said that he would also write action movies for him in the future."

"Ah?" Lu Qingzhen was surprised, "Is Yan He planning to write an action movie?"

"Yes." Chen Ziyan nodded, "He has actually written a martial arts script, but as you know, there are still some differences between martial arts and action movies. This martial arts script is really well written. In my mind, it is a film that can A text comparable to "Rouge Button".

"So exaggerated?"

Lu Yanhe has written many scripts, but in their eyes, although every script is very successful, there are still differences between scripts. They all agreed that the script of "Rouge Button" is the best text.

Now Chen Ziyan actually said that Lu Yanhe had written a martial arts script comparable to the text of "Rouge Button", which shocked Lu Qingzhen.

Chen Ziyan: "I'm not exaggerating with you, it's true."

"Then once this script is circulated, won't people be beaten crazy?" Lu Qingzhen said, "For "Rouge Button", Chen Bige and Huang Kairen won two Best Actress trophies and one Best Actor trophy, which is very important."

"Yes, that's why we haven't dared to release this script until now, otherwise there will definitely be a lot of people calling to pester us." Chen Ziyan said, "We can only release it for now."

Lu Qingzhen: "Absolutely. According to this, the three of them will have a clear path from now on. One will take the idol superstar route, one will take the legendary actor route, and the other will be a commercial action superstar. These three people will not all be crowded in the future. Join the top circle of actors in our entertainment industry, right?”

"Who says it can't be done?" Chen Ziyan said, "They all have very good qualities and good temperaments. After so many years since their debut, everything that should be stable has been stabilized, so they won't face the kind of ecstasy that comes after suddenly becoming famous and destroying themselves. As long as they take a more steady path, the future will be bright.”

"Zhou Pingan... tsk tsk, the day the three of them stand on the top of the pyramid will be the day Zhou Pingan is lamented by everyone as being blind. After all, these people were all brought out by him, including Ma Zhiyuan, we We must also admit that Ma Zhiyuan is already at the top of the list among male idols, and he was beaten to pieces by such an ace lineup.”

Chen Ziyan: "How do you know he doesn't regret it now?"

She is an agent herself, and she knows very well how agents think about issues.

Based on her understanding of Zhou Pingan, she believed that Zhou Pingan must have regretted his bowels countless times in the dark.


"On tomorrow's hot search list, I must see three hot searches related to Yan Liang, Yan Liang's figure, Yan Liang's acting skills, and his role in the play."

Zhou Pingan explained his work on the phone.

"I don't care what method you use, I must see these three related hot search terms on the hot search list tomorrow."

After saying that, Zhou Ping'an hung up the phone, and then dialed the missed call just now.

"Xiao Lei, I was answering the phone just now. Where are you looking for me? Haha, yes, "The Gold Rush" will be broadcast tonight. Oops, I have already received six interviews. I really can't schedule it at this time. ”

"Yes, yes, of course Yan Liang needs your coverage now. Let's do this. You give Yan Liang the headlines, and I will arrange an exclusive interview for you for fifteen minutes. How about it?" Zhou Pingan said, "Don't worry, I will do what I say. "

One night, until the first episode of "The Gold Rush" had finished airing for two hours, Zhou Pingan was still on the phone.

The ratings and popularity of "The Gold Rush" are much better than expected, especially for Yan Liang... The scene of him taking a bath and his eight-pack abs were posted by some marketing accounts, and many people who did not watch TV also enthusiastically forwarded it , joined the discussion.

Yan Liang's popularity soared quickly.

According to data monitoring, Zhou Pingan found out that there were more than 200,000 people watching the premiere of "Gold Rush" with Lu Yanhe in his live broadcast room.

Lu Yanhe's live broadcast room had never had so many people watching online at the same time.

Lu Yanhe said: "Sure enough, there must be some content, so you will stay in my live broadcast room to watch. More than 200,000 viewers, my live broadcast room has never had so many people!"

The barrage of comments: Although your face is handsome, we can't stare at your face for an hour.

Zhou Pingan immediately sent another message to his colleagues in the publicity team: Lu Yanhe's live broadcast room watched the premiere of "Gold Rush", and the online audience exceeded 200,000.

Zhou Pingan explained: This one will be released through all channels.

If you need to take advantage of it, do it without hesitation.


That night, the ratings for the premiere of "Gold Rush" came out.

The first episode, a total of one hour, broadcast three five-minute advertisements in the middle, and the ratings started at 0.37%, and finally rose to 0.62%.

The increase is gratifying.

For Jinkou TV, this is simply a great event like manna from heaven.

They are not a first-tier satellite TV station, and the average ratings of prime time are only about 0.2%. Such a start result really surprised them.

According to such popularity, maybe the ratings of each episode in the future can break 1.

If it can really break 1, then "Gold Rush" will become the highest-rated TV series of Jinkou TV in the past two years.

For a non-first-tier satellite TV station, the ratings are so bleak.

However, the people of Jinkou TV are also shocked.

Because, from the data they monitored, most of the popularity of "Gold Rush" was contributed by Yan Liang.

They bought the TV broadcasting rights of "Gold Rush" at the beginning. Yan Liang was certainly one of the reasons, but they did not expect that he could carry the topic of "Gold Rush".

After all, except for the drama "Friends", Yan Liang's other starring dramas were not very popular, and his ability to carry a drama was really average.

When did Yan Liang's appeal become so high? -

"You are getting better and better."

After Lu Yanhe completed another training, Ji Xiaohua praised Lu Yanhe.

"Thank you." Lu Yanhe laughed and breathed a sigh of relief, "It's a bit hard to find the feeling of this action scene."

Ji Xiaohua was also outspoken.

"Because you don't exercise much, your limbs, sensitivity, and coordination are not very good. It was very difficult to fight at the beginning, and you didn't know how to use your strength."

These days, after getting along with Ji Xiaohua, Lu Yanhe is also familiar with Ji Xiaohua's speaking style.

He is like this, he says whatever he wants, no matter if you are a big star male lead.

But because of this, Lu Yanhe still trusts him. Generally, Lu Yanhe will listen carefully to what Ji Xiaohua says, and then correct his performance. Seeing that he attaches so much importance to his opinions, Ji Xiaohua is more attentive to his guidance.

"Burning Fire" is about to start filming. Lu Yanhe asked Ji Xiaohua: "Brother Xiaohua, if the film starts shooting later, will you follow the crew?"

Ji Xiaohua nodded and said: "Yes, you can come to me if you have any questions."

"Okay." Lu Yanhe said, "I will come to you to practice martial arts when the time comes. If I don't practice for a day, my movements may be deformed."

Ji Xiaohua nodded.

Lu Yanhe asked again: "Brother Xiaohua, why don't you become a martial arts instructor?"

"I can't design good-looking movements." Ji Xiaohua said, "I can only fight myself, but I can't design movements for others."

Lu Yanhe heard this and didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Then Brother Xiaohua, you should continue to act." Lu Yanhe said, "I see you still fight beautifully."

Ji Xiaohua waved his hand and said: "I am this age, and I can still fight for a few years. It is better to transform now and find a job behind the scenes, so that I can have a job in the future."

Lu Yanhe listened to Ji Xiaohua's words and thought about it.

"Brother Xiaohua, have you watched "The Gold Rush"? "Lu Yanhe asked.

"I saw it." Ji Xiaohua nodded, "A good brother of mine also played a role in it."

"Really? Do you think a play like "The Gold Rush" is an action play?"

"Of course it is not. Although there are many fighting scenes in it, its main form of expression is not action scenes." Ji Xiaohua said without hesitation, "The fighting in it is just to make the environment look more chaotic and more barbaric."

Lu Yanhe was surprised.

He had always thought that Ji Xiaohua was not the kind of person who was very good at expressing himself, but his eye for identifying a play seemed to be quite accurate.

The reason why Lu Yanhe asked Ji Xiaohua this question was because Lu Yanhe saw many people saying on the Internet that the action play "The Gold Rush" was filmed very well, which surprised Lu Yanhe.

Now it seems that even a professional action actor like Ji Xiaohua thinks that "The Gold Rush" is not an action movie like him.

What is the definition of an action movie?

Is it the length of the action scenes?

Lu Yanhe thinks that Ji Xiaohua's definition is very accurate. What is the form of expression of a play? If the main form of expression of a play is action scenes, then it is an action movie. For example, Jackie Chan's action comedy movies. Many Hollywood blockbusters also have a lot of action scenes, but people don't classify them as action movies, but as police and gangster movies, adventure movies, etc.

Lu Yanhe suddenly understood.

Looking back, why did Ji Xiaohua say that he fought too hard in the fighting scenes?

Because in those scenes, the style and feeling of those actions are the main form of expression of his character.

The actor's performance must grasp the main contradiction.


Continue the activity of adding more chapters, the rules of adding more chapters are the same. Now the monthly ticket is 979.

Recommend my old book "I Became the Scandal Heroine Overnight". (End of this chapter)

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