Zhenhai County Expressway.

7am, in front of a tunnel.

Wang Fan, wearing a dark green hoodie on the back of his clothes, squinted his eyes and scanned the rearview mirror.

In the direction of his rearview mirror, there were four cars following him at this time. These cars were following him closely on the expressway without overtaking.

It had been more than half an hour.

Wang Fan felt a little bored, so he simply put out the cigarette butt in his hand and threw it out of the car window.

"Follow me? I dare to die, do you dare?" Thinking of this, Wang Fan couldn't help but smile.

These inspectors' cars followed him so blatantly, obviously there was someone blocking the way ahead. Of course, he would not be stupid enough to drive to the toll booth.

Although he was wanted, he felt peaceful in his heart.

He opened Weibo and found that there were countless news about him.

"The martial arts master Feng Yuxiu is wanted! He is currently stuck on the highway!"

"In modern society, murder is against the law. No matter what kind of martial arts you are, the Inspectorate will not let you go."

"Feng Yuxiu is about to be arrested! The serial murders have finally come to an end!"

Wang Fan suddenly smiled sarcastically when he saw this scene. What is the saying that knights break the law with force ? It has existed since ancient times. It means that real knights often violate the criminal law because of violence. This is also one of the important reasons why the real national martial arts have been lost. In order to maintain social stability, the real national martial arts are of course not allowed to appear on the streets, otherwise the whole society will be in chaos.

"However, the previous dynasty suppressed the national martial arts too harshly, and it was indeed a closed-door rubbish dynasty.

Seeing this, Wang Fan yawned out of boredom, and then saw that the cars behind him suddenly reached the overtaking lane!

They were actually getting closer to Wang Fan's car.


Wang Fan was immediately surprised, because this is a highway, and you can drive together on the highway?

After the car behind came to the side of Wang Fan's car, it actually drove side by side with Wang Fan, and even shouted with a loud speaker.

It was a female voice.

"Feng Yuxiu, although you killed two people, at least people know about the existence of Chinese martial arts! But you are on the wrong path. If you surrender, we will definitely give you a lighter sentence. Feng Yuxiu, you still have a chance, don't give up on yourself!"

The voice in the car made Wang Fan shake his head.

He killed two people, whether it was intentional or not, he would be sentenced severely.


After Wang Fan replied, he closed the car window.

Feng Xiaoxiao, who was beside the car, was almost mad at Wang Fan's words. She gave good advice, but Feng Yuxiu didn't listen.

"Feng Yuxiu, if you don't obey, we can only take violent action!

Feng Xiaoxiao suddenly made up her mind and said,"Intercept!"

The person on the other end of the intercom responded, and then Feng Xiaoxiao's car began to slow down. A black car overtook it and began to move closer to Wang Fan's car!

They actually wanted to intercept?

Wang Fan narrowed his eyes when he saw this. He had already expected this to happen.

"There is only one way to go."

He looked at the side of the highway, which was the entrance to the tunnel, and there were endless mountains next to it.

If he continued to drive forward, he would be stopped.

Secondly, he would break through the barrier and be stopped at the toll station.

What's the matter?

Bang, bang, bang.

His heart was beating very fast at this time.

Because being caught would mean death, and he would also lose his identity as Feng Yuxiu.


At this moment, Wang Fan felt a sense of urgency in his heart, and then the car suddenly hit the car in front. It immediately hit the trunk of the car in front.

There were bursts of smoke and flames!

Then he turned the steering wheel sharply and hit the guardrail next to him.

The railing beside was knocked crooked, and the car rushed up the mountain.

The car began to flip over because of the high speed.

The inspection car was soon knocked crooked, and Wang Fan was naturally not feeling well, and even had wounds on his body.

But this little pain was nothing.

At this moment, Wang Fan was ruthless, gritted his teeth, and then made a bold move in the rolling car.

He stretched his legs straight and grabbed his hands to the side.

Then he flew out of the rolling car.

Jumping out of the car on the highway.

And at a speed of more than 100 kilometers per hour, jumping out of the car!


Seeing this scene, Feng Xiaoxiao, who was driving, was immediately stunned. Then, because of her distraction, she crashed directly into the car in front of her!

Boom, boom, boom.

Waves of collisions sounded. On this highway, several cars collided in a chain reaction because of Feng Yuxiu's bold move.

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