After reading the introduction of this skill, Qin Shou couldn't help but praise:"Awesome! I didn't expect this skill to have such properties!!"

Especially the probability of increasing the quality level of dishes by +20%, that is the most eye-catching part!

For example, the quality of the dish you made was originally B, but after using this skill, it was directly upgraded to A when it was judged! It must be a huge help to the chef!!

Although the probability is only 20%, what if your luck explodes? No one can say for sure!!

"Good skills! Okay! I'll redeem it!!" Qin Shou clicked the"Redeem" button without saying anything!


"The exchange failed, the host does not have enough points! The host now has 1120 points, and still needs 380 points!"The system poured cold water on the slope!

"I'm taking the test! System, are you kidding me? You recommended me to redeem, but I don't have enough points! I'm so depressed!"Qin Shou was speechless!

"Host, you are too anxious!

I haven't finished yet.

Skills combined with the host's cooking will greatly improve the quality of the host's dishes.

The same is true for a good piece of equipment!

For example, a chef's knife, a pot, and the like!

These are all ways to improve the quality of dishes.

I believe the host will slowly experience it in the future!

" The system paused, and then said:"Since the host is exchanging skills for the first time, the system decided to give this [Instant Knife Cutting Method] to the host for free!


Before Qin Shou could react, the system's voice rang in his mind again:"Ding Dong! The system will give the skill [Instant Knife Cutting Method] to the host. Does the host accept it?"

"Nonsense, I will definitely choose to accept it!"Qin Shou chose yes without hesitation!

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the host for learning the skill [Instant Knife Cutting]! At the same time, the achievement task 0667 achievement task [the first skill】!"

0667 Achievement Mission [First Skill]: Chefs have various skills, please learn the first skill immediately!

"Ding Dong, complete the 0667 achievement task [First Skill], the host gets 100 points (current points 1320 points), experience points increased by 100 points (current experience points 4000/5000)!"

"Ding Dong! The host's level has been upgraded to level 12! HP+42, MP+23! The system rewards 80 points, please keep up the good work!!"

"The level has been raised again! Haha, it's so satisfying!!"Qin Shou was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth!

This God of Cookery system is really honest and actually gave a skill for free!

After getting the skill given by the system, Qin Shou's confidence increased greatly! He is more confident in making this magical mapo tofu!

"Hehe, let's try this skill first!" Qin Shou took a piece of tofu and threw it into the air!

At this moment, Qin Shou quickly used the knife in his right hand!

"Look at my [Instant Knife Cutting Technique]! Ha!!"

""Shua shua" several flashes of light flashed by, and a piece of tofu was cut into many small square pieces by Qin Shou in less than 2 seconds!

Just at this moment, Liu Aling happened to see this scene! She couldn't help but be surprised!!

Liu Aling was shocked when the little chef's knife skills became so powerful!!

"All the ingredients are ready, let's start now!" Qin Shou said with full enthusiasm.

Liu A Ling returned to her normal color after a moment! But she was still very surprised in her heart. She always felt that the little chef was like a different person! Although she thought so in her heart, A Ling did not show it. She did not want to continue to disturb Qin Shou's cooking!

Then put the cut tofu in clean water! Add appropriate amount of salt and soak the tofu completely!

After about 15 minutes, Qin Shou took out the tofu soaked in salt water and drained the water for later use.

Then the knife skills were used again. Qin Shou chopped the beef into minced beef, cut the garlic into garlic paste, and cut the onion into chopped green onion.

He also added an appropriate amount of clean water to the cornstarch to make water starch


Everything is ready! Now let's start cooking. Turn on the fire! The heat must be right when making Mapo Tofu! Put the wok on the stove, and it must be a big wok! This way you will have enough space to stir-fry the tofu without damaging the shape and taste of the tofu!!

Heat the wok and pour in the oil. When the oil is heated to seven layers, Qin Shou will put in the minced beef and start stir-frying!

"Let’s start! First, the beef! Then add the bean paste! Red peppers, and sweet noodle sauce! Stir-fry quickly!!"Qin Shou kept frying the ingredients inside, and a strong aroma came out of the pot!

"Okay, now comes the soul of Sichuan cuisine! Doubanjiang!!"

After putting the Doubanjiang into the pot, the pot began to boil!!

A pungent spicy smell came towards us!

"This spicy taste is the first taste of Mapo Tofu, spicy!!"

A Ling on the side was counting:"Good! The first taste is spicy!"

Then Qin Shou added a little pepper and continued to stir-fry!

"The next step is to fry it until it has a bright color!!" Qin Shou said as he poured in the broth that had been prepared long ago and added salt to taste!

""Next is tofu!!"Qin Shou waited for the tofu to boil before pouring it in!

Continue to stir fry gently with a spatula a few times to evenly coat the tofu with the sauce!

"Then add wine and seasonings to taste it!"

Qin Shou took a spoonful of the soup and tasted it!

""Yes! Good! This is the taste! Cook it over low heat for a while! Add soy sauce, and then pour the young garlic leaves on it!"

Qin Shou couldn't help but sniff the pot, and the aroma of young garlic leaves and the smell of the pot came to him!

"Hmm~~ the fragrance of the garlic leaves!! This fragrance is the second, fragrant!! At the same time, the red color of the pepper, the white color of the tofu, and the green color of the garlic leaves make up the third flavor!!"Qin Shou raised three fingers!

A Ling, who was standing by, was also inspired by Qin Shou's enthusiasm for cooking. She knocked on the pot with an iron spoon and said happily:"Three flavors, three flavors, now there are only three flavors left and it's complete!!"

"Then put the water with cornstarch into the pot!! This is almost done!! Add oil along the edge of the pot and start to simmer immediately!!"Qin Shou hit the pot with a spatula and continued to simmer for a while!!

"When the Mapo Tofu is done, the pot is so hot that it is almost burnt. This is the best taste and aroma!! This is the hottest delicacy, the hotness of Mapo Tofu!!"

Qin Shou said, and A Ling knocked on the pot with a spatula and counted:"Four flavors!!"

At this moment, Qin Shou's sweat has already flowed down his forehead, but he didn't notice that he was very serious at the moment!!

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