China Entertainment: Director’s happiness is so simple

Chapter 438 The Origin of Letting Bullets Fly

Jay dragged himself into the office, sighed with emotion about the new building, and then asked: "Is that 599 in the parking lot yours?"

"You discovered this."

"Who else can park there but your car?"

Jaylen asked, "Why don't you drive a Lamborghini? I think it's more suitable for you than a Ferrari."

"They are all cars, as long as they can be driven."

"That's different, let me tell you, Lamborghini has more control."

Jay then started talking about cars.

Lu Ping'an showed some knowledge about cars before filming "Initial D", but didn't say much.

In addition, he usually drives an A6 and does not have a sports car to his name, so Jay rarely mentioned cars later.

Now that Lu Ping An has changed cars, Jay, like Liu Qianqian, seems to have finally found a new common topic with Lu Ping An.

Then we talked about this topic endlessly.

Next he chatted about sports cars for half an hour.

This made Lu Pingping start to reflect.

He feels that he should be quite boring in the eyes of outsiders.

Also, I rarely reveal my hobbies outside of movies. Apart from the occasional painting, there really seems to be nothing else.

Just like Yan Danchen occasionally complains, Lu Ping'an's brain is made of film, and even when he does it at night, it feels like a movie.

So giving away Liu Qianqian's car makes her image more vivid and more approachable?

In this case, show more personal hobbies.

Let’s talk music.

never mind.

Talking about music with this guy is just sick.

Lu Ping'an cleared his throat, and then said to Jay: "Actually, I also like airplanes, and I'm planning to buy two."

Jay: "Let's talk about movies."

safe trip:"."

I can't talk any more today.

Forget it, let’s talk about movies.

Then the two started talking about movies.

Jay just finished his concert in Beijing yesterday. Today he came here not only to attend Lu Ping'an's birthday party and talk about "Wonderful Night 2", but also to talk about his new movie "The Untold Secret".

"The Untold Secret" has been filmed, and the rough cut of the film has been completed and sent to Lu Ping'an a few days ago.

Lu Ping'an has also watched it. He said: "The plot is okay, and the other aspects are not big problems, so don't worry."

"In terms of box office, what do you think the results will be?" Jay looked forward to it.

"It's hard to say. In my opinion, the biggest problem with this film is actually your problem."


"Yes, if you cross over from a singer to a director, everyone will always feel a little confused."

"No way."

"There is no best, but you have to be prepared."

"I'll put your name on it."

"Wouldn't that make it my work?"

"What should we do?"

"The movie is good, but the box office sometimes doesn't mean much. I suggest you go ahead and get it yourself, but lower your expectations. Don't go for hundreds of millions as soon as you get it."

"Several billions?!"

".How much did you originally expect?"

"I would be very satisfied if there were 50 million in mainland China."

".I thought forget it, don't worry, I'll help you with the distribution. If you can't do it with 50 million, I don't have to do it."

"That's good, that's good."

Jaylen was completely satisfied now.

That night was Lu Ping'an's birthday, and a group of friends gathered in the courtyard for a barbecue party.

During this time we continued to talk about movies.

But compared to "Wonderful Night 2", everyone is actually more curious about Lu Ping'an and Jiang Wen's new movie.

Jiang Wen said in the media that Lu Pingan wanted to bury him alive. The first reaction of people who knew Lu Pingan was that there was a new movie, not a joke.

As for Jiang Wen losing tens of millions to Lu Ping'an?

Everyone knows that 10 to 20 million is nothing for their relationship.

Lu Pingping did not hide this either.

"There are indeed new movies."

These words directly aroused the interest of Chen Kun and other actors present.

"My schedule is quite empty recently!"

"And I!"

Mr. Zhou also raised his hand: "I am also very empty."

Lu Ping'an smiled and said, "None of you can do it. This is Jiang Wen's one-man show."

"One man show?"

Zhang Songwen was the first to react, and then he was full of envy, "Isn't this a movie with only one person?"

Lu Ping'an nodded: "Smart, it's a one-person movie, but there will be a few actors who use their voices, but not many lines."

Everyone was amazed and signed up one after another, and then said they must watch it.

So the next afternoon, when Jiang Wen came to the Xingchen Studio, he saw Zhang Songwen and about ten people already there.

"You're all here to see my joke, right?"

Jiang Wen laughed.

Everyone also laughed.

But then Jiang Wen pulled Lu Pingping over for a private chat.

Lu Ping'an thought he was going to talk about the script, but Jiang Wen said, "I can't act in this film."

Lu Ping'an's eyes widened and his face was full of "???".

Jiang Wen was a little embarrassed and said, "I originally wanted to tell you yesterday, but I got drunk with my father-in-law last night, and my phone ran out of battery during the day."

Lu Pingan interrupted: "Old Jiang, if you have any difficulties, just tell me."

"Then I'll tell you." Jiang Wen lit a cigarette, frowned and sorted out his thoughts, and then said seriously: "You still recognize me as your friend, right?"

Lu Pingan nodded.

Jiang Wen continued to ask: "I am not your teacher now, but we still have some teacher-student feelings, right?"


"Then do you think I can really make you suffer?"

"Isn't this over?"

"You went over, but I didn't. You wanted me to go over, I know, but I don't want to just go over."

Jiang Wen blew out a big puff of smoke and continued, "I've been thinking about the box office these days. You didn't blame me. I saw it. But after all, this is a loss of 18.6 million. It's a trivial matter to you. You don't have to worry about it." If you don't care, you can use "Buried Alive" to comfort me, but I can't. I can't accept it with peace of mind. Oh, I've lost a lot of money to you. It doesn't matter to you if I play a niche role for you and you can't make much money. It’s a movie with benefits, and this matter is over? After it’s over, I still get the benefits, and you still can’t get anything, so what have I become? There is no such thing in the world! Even if it is, I, Jiang Wen, don’t recognize it!”

"What does this mean? It's normal for you to make a movie for free after you lost money."

"Not normal! It's so fucking abnormal!"

Jiang Wen put out the cigarette butt and said seriously, "You really don't know how much money you won't make by filming "Buried Alive", and it means nothing to you now?"

Lu Pingping stopped talking.

It really means meaning.

In fact, it really doesn't make much sense.

The reason why Lu Ping'an came up with "Buried Alive" is indeed as Jiang Wen said. The key point is to use the word "Buried Alive" to tease and comfort, and to pass the idle time in the current nine-to-five work. As for the movie itself, it is not very value.

As for the movie itself, the most it embodies is "one person's movie", which makes the outside world think that Lu Da is a great director. However, this is not a subversive "great work", and it will not produce much benefit in the future. .

For example, the profits that movies can generate, the reputation of Lu Ping'an and Jiang Wen's professional abilities, the academic inspiration for film, and the significance to society are all relatively useless.

So Jiang Wen continued: "That's why I can't act. This is wasting you in vain."

With that said, Jiang Wen took out a book and handed it to Lu Ping'an, and then said: "I will use my own way to earn back the face we have lost!"

Lu Ping'an took the book. The title was "Ten Chapters of a Night Story", written by Ma Shitu.

This book is the original work of "Let the Bullets Fly".

So the “origin” of this great work is me?

Jiang Wen then talked about the adaptation of this book.

Of course, there are still many differences between the current thinking and the later finished film.

But that's not important.

Because Lu Ping'an knew that Jiang Wen would eventually do it.

After a moment of silence, Lu Ping'an smiled and asked Jiang Wen, "So, you want to make money standing up?"

"Yes! That's well said!"

Jiang Wen laughed, and then said firmly in a Zhang Mazi-like tone, "This time I'm just going to stand and make the money!"


Lu Pingping did not refuse.

It's not because "Let the Bullets Fly" is going to make a lot of money.

But because of Jiang Wen's integrity and his cherishment of friendship.

So he accepted it directly: "Then I will replace him now."

"I have a suggestion."

"you say."

"Let Awen come on."

"Okay, I've been playing with me for seven years, but I haven't gotten any big benefits. I have to compete for awards."

"I have another suggestion."

"Just say it."

"I'll guide."


Lu Ping'an laughed and scolded, "You still haven't changed!"

"If I change, I won't be me anymore!"

Jiang Wen stood up with a smile. This time he looked at it and finally felt completely relaxed.

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