Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 340: Never been together

Qi Dinghang's face was gloomy, and the eyes that looked at Qi Yongjia were also rare and severe. He stretched out his hand to adjust his clothes, calmed down and said, "What can they have to do? Yaoqin died more than ten years ago."

"She was dead, but that girl is almost in her teens this year, just about to reach adulthood."

Qi Dinghang's eyes shrank slightly: "You mean..."

"Dad, you never thought that the girl is likely to be the illegitimate daughter of you and her?"

Qi Dinghang was stunned again, only to realize that his son had misunderstood something, and immediately chuckled out: "Hahahaha. It turns out that's what you think."

Qi Yongjia looked at his father's laughter, frowned, and didn't understand what he was laughing at.

After Qi Dinghang laughed enough, he looked at Qi Yongjia faintly and sighed softly: "She can't be my illegitimate daughter, because Yaoqin and I have never been together in a real sense."

This can be replaced by Qi Yongjia's dumbfounded. From a young age, he knew that he was just the crystallization of his parents' political marriage, and his parents didn't have much affection for him.

Although he has not treated him badly over the years, he has never been close to him.

Even because his mother was playing very openly outside, his father also opened one eye and closed one eye. In recent years, he has basically not gotten close to his mother, and on the contrary, he has become closer to his father.

Later, when he grew up, he accidentally saw the picture in his father's study.

Qi Yongjia always thought that the woman in the photo was Bai Yueguang's true love in his father's heart, but it was a pity that she could not be married in for reasons such as status and status, so he married his mother.

This woman is his father's true love, and it is even possible that the two of them have bred a love crystallization, but she is only the product of political marriage, which makes him somewhat psychologically imbalanced.

But now, Qi Dinghang actually told him that all this was just made up by his brain?

"How is this possible? Dad, you and her are not..."

"Isn't it?" Seeing the doubt in his son's heart, Qi Dinghang was both angry and funny, and helplessly told the truth of the year: "I met Yaoqin before your mother, and I fell in love with her at first sight. But. She didn't like me. Later, because of various things, I had to follow the wishes of my elders to marry your mother and give birth to you."

"But, Dad, you have obviously liked that woman for so many years..."

"Yes, I still love her, even if she has been dead for more than ten years, I still miss her."

Qi Dinghang admitted it simply, but Qi Yongjia became more and more puzzled: "In that case, why are you and her..."

"I like her, but she doesn't like me. This is the most basic reason. Yongjia, there are many things in the world that you can't get if you want. Yaoqin's temperament is stronger than you think. Like or dislike, no one can force her to do what she doesn't want to do, and the same is true of feelings. I chased her for several years, but she remained unmoved, even sternly refused. In the end, I had to let go and marry your mother. ."

But this letting go has become a devil for his life. Maybe he really complied with that sentence, and the unreachable will always be in a commotion.

Qi Dinghang thought that after so many years, he gradually matured and his feelings for her gradually faded.

But unexpectedly when Qi Yongjia mentioned it, he realized that the so-called forgetting was nothing more than his own self-deception.

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