The moment he saw Ye Nan’s skillful movements, Kohei Sojin knew that the young man named Ye Nan in front of him was definitely not simple.

Although this boy is only about the same age as him, his cooking techniques are very mature, without a trace of unnecessary movements, he is simply the most professional chef!

This made Kohei Sojin subconsciously think of his father Sonichiro Nainaichiro.

Could it be that this guy named Ye Nan in front of him is comparable in strength to his father? Kohei Sojin was taken aback by his thought, and quickly drove this thought out of his mind and concentrated on cooking.

Kohei Sojin is still like this, let alone Megumi Tasho.

Tasho Megumi was originally a shy and introverted personality, she did not speak, but just flashed those big eyes, full of shock.

“Ye, Ye Nanjun is so powerful, this cooking skill is really powerful.” Tian Suoe could only sigh in his heart, and those big eyes were full of surprise.

Ye Nan has already conquered Tashoe Megumi with his performance!

This time, Ye Nan wants to make ‘caramel custard pudding’, which is also a dessert in Western cuisine and is popular and sought after by countless people.

Ye Nan had already boiled the caramel, added milk to the caramel liquid, stirred well, and added some condensed milk to ensure sweetness.

Next, Ye Nan beats the eggs into egg liquid, blends them with caramel, and puts them in the oven.

Ye Nan’s movements were very fast, and it was now roughly completed. During the time he waited in front of the oven, Kohei Sojin was still busy.

Finally, only a clanging sound was heard, and it was oven time.

At this time, Kohei Sojin also wiped the sweat on his forehead and said with relief: “It’s done!” ”

Ye Nan and Kohei Sojin finished cooking almost at the same time.

The caramel custard pudding made by Ye Nan was put out, and a sweet smell covered everything and filled the entire room.

This rich fragrance spreads, and you can feel the sweetness of the pudding when you smell it.

“So fragrant.” Crimson couldn’t help but twitch Qiong’s nose, only to feel as if saliva flowed out of her mouth.

Remembering the taste of Ye Nan’s previous two foods, Crimson couldn’t help but make up the taste of this pudding and swallowed his saliva.

“What a gluttonous child.” Ye Nan smiled slightly, then noticed Crimson Sand’s look, and quickly handed the pudding to Erinai and Crimson Sand: “Come on, taste it to your heart’s content.” ”

Crimson blushed slightly, but could not resist the call of food, picked up the pudding and tasted a small sip.

The pudding is full of elasticity, and it jumps slightly the moment the spoon touches, and the crimson sand tastes a small mouthful, and the moment the red lips touch, it feels an indescribable taste.

Sweetness diffusion.

The sweetness of the pudding is not the sweet to greasy type, but belongs to the right type, directly melted in the mouth, with a strong fragrance, which makes the eyes of the crimson sand shine.

It’s like walking on the clouds and being in paradise.

It’s so delicious that it explodes!

Every bite is a treat.

Can’t stop at all!

After taking a bite of Crimson Sand, he immediately began the second bite, the third bite… And Erina, who was next to her, originally wanted to refuse arrogantly, but after seeing Scarlet’s performance, she couldn’t help but taste it.

Erinae only took a bite and shuddered.

Ye Nan, this guy, is really annoying, why is it him every time, it’s the food he makes….

Erina’s cheeks couldn’t help but feel hot, and her eyes became watery, and she didn’t know if it was tears or what, but she was completely immersed in the enjoyment of this food.

“Too, that’s great.” Crimson couldn’t help but whisper, only to see that the pudding in her hand had been completely eaten, Crimson still had an unfinished expression, such a delicacy simply can’t eat enough!

Erina, too, has a look of enjoyment and lust, but because of the illusion of God’s tongue, Erina’s heart is still ashamed and indignant.

After eating this caramel custard pudding, Erinai and Crimson only separated from the amazing taste in half a sound, and they both looked at Ye Nan with a complicated expression.

Especially Erina, looking at Ye Nan was even more contradictory.

On the one hand, Erina’s mind felt that Ye Nan was a bastard, while on the other hand, Erina’s divine tongue could not resist Ye Nan’s food at all.

A smile appeared at the corner of Ye Nan’s mouth, and he looked at Kohei Sojin again: “Kohei Sojin, let’s try your cuisine next.” ”

Hearing Ye Nan say this, Kohei Sojin was also very confident, and directly served the dish, he said: “I also made egg bibimbap for three, please taste it together.” Kohei Sojin also invited Ye Nan.

Of course, Ye Nan would not be polite.

“Chicken, egg bibimbap?” But he was stunned when he saw Scarlet Sand, and Erinai was dumbfounded.

Is there any mistake that it is actually the simplest egg bibimbap?

“It’s not a simple egg bibimbap, this aromatic taste, like chicken juice, well…” Ye Nan glanced at Kohei Sojin’s dish and said in a low voice.

This time it was Kohei Sojin’s turn to be surprised, Kohei Sojin was stunned, this guy actually just looked at it, relying on his sense of smell to distinguish his cuisine?

That’s right, in his secret egg bibimbap, there is a lumpy chicken sauce as meat jelly, completing the transformation of egg dishes.

In this regard, Kohei Sojo is very confident, his dish will definitely not lose to anyone, even Ye Nan in front of him!

“Hmph, I’ll just try it hard.” Erinai stepped forward, and she also sensed that something was wrong with this dish.

Ye Nan also picked up the bowl and wanted to try the taste of this bibimbap.

I don’t know if Kohei Sojin egg bibimbap is stronger, or Ye Nan’s caramel custard pudding is better?


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