Chatty Hollywood

Chapter 798: exchange

? "Is it you, Lord of Hell?"

Although no person can be seen, Charlotte can judge the identity of the other party all of a sudden with the help of her feelings.

"Are you still interested in watching movies?"

"After I met you, I am somewhat interested!"

The Lord of Hell smiled,

"However, I'm not here this time to watch a movie-you haven't forgotten our previous bet, right?"


Charlotte nodded.

"After "Reaper is Coming" was released some time ago, I was preparing. However, before that, I have another thing to tell you-I guess you will be interested."


The Lord of Hell is noncommittal.

"Let's talk to a place where we can speak openly!"

Charlotte smiled in her heart, but directly used the magic of the wall painting to enter the world of the wall painting with the Lord of Hell together with the Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers.

"In this way, our communication can be smoother!"

Looking at the top of the hillside, watching the battle of the Helm Valley below, which has been going to the end, Charlotte confronts the Lord of Hell, who has already revealed the form of a dark shadow on one side.

"Have you heard of demon?"


The Lord of Hell was silent for a while,

"Are you talking about ordinary monsters in folklore, or—"

"It's a demon!"

Charlotte interrupted very directly.

"Since you are silent, it means you should know something, right?"


The Lord of Hell is noncommittal,

"But what are you asking me for?"

"Because I met a demon!"

With that said, Charlotte roughly told the Lord of Hell about the experience of encountering the snake demon Lilian and the bat demon before.

"If the information they gave is true, then I believe that you, as an existence that has also existed since a long time ago, should have encountered them-at least, you should know the existence of demon."

"...You guessed it!"

After a little hesitation, the Lord of Hell nodded and said,

"However, I know, but it does not mean that I want to tell you specific information."

"I had expected this before."

Charlotte shook her head.

"But, whether you want to tell me more things, do you want this thing?"

With that, Charlotte reached out and took out a small black ball--

"The spirit body of the bat demon I just talked about. After this guy was sealed by me, he went crazy."


Looking at the small black ball in Charlotte’s hand, the lord of **** seemed to have a hint of interest.

"You can drive such an old, immortal monster crazy, you guys are getting more and more important."

"you flatter me."

Charlotte arched her hand unceremoniously.

"So, do you want this guy?"

"...What do you want in exchange?"

"You are so witty!"

Charlotte smiled.

"But if I want something too strange, you will definitely refuse it?"

"What do you say?"

"Then what if I want to use him in exchange for the soul I sent to the gate of **** before?"

Charlotte looked at the Lord of Hell specifically,

"Can you accept this exchange condition?"

"...You should know that souls that have reached the world of death are not allowed to return to the world, right?"

The Lord of Hell said solemnly,

"Death is irreversible-this is the rule of death. Even if I am the Lord of Hell, I cannot violate this rule."


Charlotte doubted,

"If this is the case, then from ancient times to the present, those rumors of resurrection, and those legendary treasures or spells that can reverse life and death, what is going on?-If you really follow this rule completely, these Rumors should be difficult to keep spreading, right?"

"What do you know!?"

The Lord of Hell yelled angrily,

"Fear and escape from death are the nature of human beings-fear and the reality of death, which gave me infinite power as the lord of hell; and the escape from death in the human heart is the source of all kinds of rumors of resurrection- —This is against the rules of my death, but I can’t stop it.”

"In other words, immortality or resurrection from the dead may seem to be related to death, but it actually conflicts with the rules of you, the lord of hell? It's not your responsibility?"

Charlotte nodded.

"I can understand this-there are always exceptions in this world, right?"

"Exceptions are not so easy to do!"

The Lord of Hell is gloomy and authentic,

"If you want to bring something back to life, it will violate a lot of world laws-are you sure who you want to bring back to life?"

"Not sure!"

Charlotte shook her head directly.

This categorically negative answer made the Lord of Hell a little dazed for a while.

"Since I'm not sure, then you ask me what to do when I get back to life?"

"Who said I want to bring back to life?"

Charlotte rolled her eyes.

"Moreover, the souls of most people actually dissipated at the moment of death. Even if it is you, there is no way for them to reappear, right?"

"The only things you can really control are those souls that have become ghosts and later thrown into the gates of **** for various reasons, right?"

The lord of **** nodded,

"You are right-but since you know it very clearly, what do you want to exchange with me for the soul of this bat demon?"

"Didn't I say--"

Charlotte gave a wry smile.

"A soul that I sent to the gate of **** before-I don't need to bring it back to life, but just need his remaining soul imprint."

"I see!"

The Lord of Hell understands,

"You want to investigate some things through the soul imprint, right?-This is barely an equivalent exchange. However, after the soul enters my **** gate, it is no longer in an active state. If you want to They know the scene behind the gate of hell, it's impossible."

"I can think of this."

Charlotte nodded.

"This is not a problem."


The Lord of Hell was silent for a while, and finally said,

"So, who do you want?"

"Ghost Tiger, Wei Changhui!"

Charlotte said a name directly,

"That guy should be the first powerful ghost I sent into your **** gate? Of course, it's okay to say that the gods are-after all, when I was annihilated, he was already facing" He "transformed."

"Wei Changhui?"

The Lord of Hell nodded.

"This guy is not a powerful ghost, but he can. When do you plan to do this exchange? Soul exchange is not something that can be done anywhere. At least, this kind of paintbrush world is not good. !"

"Then it's the same place!"

Charlotte’s words are a bit ambiguous, but they mean completely different things.

"Where I knocked him down at the gate of hell, let's exchange him again!-See you in Vianes Valley three days later!"

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