Chatty Hollywood

Chapter 794: the secret to success

? In Charlotte’s original time and space, the last straw that overwhelmed MGM was the "Wind Whisperer" by John Wu——

MGM will invest in this blockbuster war movie that costs more than 100 million U.S. dollars, and it would have meant to be a gamble on the verge of death.

But if the film can be profitable, even if not much, MGM will stay for a while, or even come back to life, there is no problem.

However, in the 21st century, starting with "The True Colors of Heroes" that made "Little Ma" famous all over the world, John Wu's film aesthetics, who has always relied on pigeons and infinite bullets to beat the world, have gradually fallen out of date.

This is true on both sides of the Pacific.

It's just that in the American film market, this was manifested earlier and more obvious...

In short, the same as Charlotte's original time and space, this "Wind Whisperer" released in the summer of 2002 was also lost.

MGM originally planned to bet on a continuation of his life, and John Wu was therefore blacklisted by major Hollywood studios.

However, MGM completely fell this point, but it was somewhat beyond the expectations of the other six Hollywood.

——For a large company like MGM, everyone thought it would only die chronically.

This sudden death has disrupted the original plans of many companies——

You know, because of the previous annexation of United Film Corporation, which was founded by Chaplin and others, MGM was once the largest film and television company in Hollywood, with a huge film library, and a thin camel bigger than a horse.

As soon as it falls, the exaggerated massive film library and various resource reserves have become a huge cake with infinite allure.

From the top six in Hollywood to second- and third-tier film and television companies such as Xinxian and Lionsgate, they all want to take a bite.

——Under this situation, everyone involuntarily competed, and some other things that were originally concerned were relatively relaxed.

Of course, this time period is very short.

——After all, "The Wind Whisperer" was released in early September.

From its poor market feedback, to MGM’s admission of the project’s failure, to the news that MGM’s failure to do so, it was not long before.

Most other film and television companies are also caught off guard and have difficulty responding in time.

However, as a translator, Charlotte knew this.

He had planned to take advantage of MGM’s fall, and the temporary disorder in Hollywood suffered a chain reaction, and fished in troubled waters——

Mergers and acquisitions of other small companies and the establishment of a North American distribution network are the most critical steps.

——Now he succeeded.

It's just that it's unclear whether this kind of out-of-pocket distribution network that is too fast will work.

Therefore, as the first film released by the Ghost Party Studios, the movie "Reaper is Coming" has attracted the attention of major film companies.

As Warner’s producer of the "Harry Potter" series, David Heyman will come to the premiere of this horror film. He also has the opportunity to observe——

If the release of "Reaper Is Coming" fails, and if it succeeds, it means that the Ghost Party Studio has become one of the best in Hollywood second-tier film and television companies.

——After all, the ability to publish profitable movies, coupled with a perverted director like Charlotte who never missed his hand, is nothing more than DreamWorks, which is regarded by the six major enemies of Hollywood.

Of course, this does not mean that once "Death Is Coming" is successfully released, the top six Hollywood studios will treat the Ghost Party studio as a life and death enemy to suppress.

To a large extent, it also depends on the management policy of the ghost party studio in the future——

If Charlotte, the super director, is still willing to cooperate with the Big Six in Hollywood in the future, hello, me, hello, everyone, the Big Six will not mind that Hollywood has another second-tier film and television company;

But if the Ghost Party Studio is as aggressive as DreamWorks, and looks like it will take the place of the Big Six at any time, then the Six Natures will not be so easy to talk.

However, the prerequisite for all of this is that the release of "Reaper Is Coming" can be successful...


"At the moment, Charlotte Booth has picked another good movie!"

Watching the movie being shown, Philip Bierman muttered in his heart.

——Since Warner Bros., who has worked with Charlotte many times, can photograph David Hyman to see the situation, Disney, which also cooperates with the Ghost Party Studios in the "Pirates of the Caribbean" series, naturally cannot lag behind.

No, Philip Bierman is here too.

However, because of the "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" box office explosion, the relationship between Disney and the Ghost Party studio is currently in the honeymoon period, and they have no other ideas.

——It can be said that Philip Bierman's mentality at this time is closer to the crowd eating melons.

What he is concerned about is more about some technical issues——

"This "Reaper Is Coming" is indeed a bit interesting, but in terms of publicity, it is not high-profile!"

Based on his experience in distributing films at Disney, Philip Bierman felt that there was something wrong with the distribution method of the Ghost Party Studio.

"If it is possible to pass some propaganda in newspapers, television and other media before the movie is released-such as the list of strange cases of escaped a catastrophe, but eventually died due to other reasons-then it will definitely allow the audience Being in a curious mind, I pay more attention to this movie..."

Philip Bierman feels that as a horror film with a small and medium cost, it may not be difficult for "Reaper Is Coming" to succeed at the box office, but the current distribution plan of the Ghost Party Studio has not fully tapped its potential.


"The first week's box office was 21 million U.S. dollars!?"

A few days later, seeing the box office report of "Reaper Is Coming", Philip Bierman felt that he had miscalculated——

If the twenty-one million dollars is the first week of the box office of a major commercial production, then it is not an exaggeration to say that it is on the street;

However, as far as Philip knows, the production cost of the movie "Death is Coming" should be just over ten million dollars.

Even if the Ghost Party Studio invests a lot in publicity and distribution, it is estimated that the total cost will hardly exceed 30 million.

what does this mean?

This means that "Reaper is coming" may be released for two to three weeks, up to a month or so, and the cost can be recovered through the North American box office.

You know, these R-rated small and medium-cost horror movies often don’t need to be too high at the box office-they make money from offline DVDs and and now "Death is Coming" The box office results are quite good, and the Ghost Party Studios will definitely make money producing and distributing this movie.

And the profit ratio will be very good!

"Why is this so?"

Philip Bierman was puzzled.

However, he quickly realized that studying this kind of issue technology is not the most important thing he should do at this time——

"Although the Ghost Party Studio has North American distribution channels, they still have nothing to do with the overseas market-I have to hurry up and grab the overseas distribution rights of the movie "Death Is Coming"!" ()

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