Chatty Hollywood

Chapter 789: Split

?Of course, no matter how things change on the other side of the Pacific, it will have little effect on Charlotte for the time being.

——After all, it is not after 2012 when the scale of the Chinese film market has been evenly divided with that of North America.

The first thing Charlotte has to deal with is Disney’s plan to shoot "Pirates of the Caribbean 4" because of the unimaginable success of "Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Gathering of Souls"——

"This fantasy story about pirates is actually finished by the time the third part is filmed."

When Charlotte was talking on the phone with Robert Iger, chairman of Disney Pictures, he was very straightforward.

"It is certainly not impossible to continue to expand the world view and continue to write stories, but from my point of view, it is not very meaningful-of course, if Disney wants to continue, I will not object, but I have no plans to continue directing. NS."


Robert Iger on the other side of the phone gave a wry smile.

He had long expected that Charlotte Booth might have this idea, but the sturdy box office results of "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" still made him unable to help but give it a try—

What if it succeeds?

However, the facts now prove that although Robert Iger is on his way to the pinnacle of his life, he can't get what he wants after all.

"Also, although there is no Charlotte Booth, the chance of success will decrease, but as the fourth installment of a big hit series, the problem is not expected to be very big. At most, the box office revenue is not that exaggerated."

Mr. Chairman of Disney Pictures consoled himself,

"As long as the cost is controlled, the prospects are still very good-the "Terminator" series has left James Cameron, and the filming of "Terminator 3" is still going on! It is estimated that it will be released next year?"

However, Robert Iger, who is not a traverser, doesn’t know that his idea is just like setting up one for himself——

After all, the results of "Terminator 3"...


Of course, that is only a possibility.

Currently, Robert Iger is still trying hard to convince Charlotte.

However, Charlotte is more insistent.

In the end, Robert Iger only got the other party's promise to be a producer.

Not the first producer yet.

——Actually, in the sequel of a successful commercial film, the practice of the former director who is no longer directing as the producer is also a common practice.

Although it is not purely named, there are not many who really do their best to help.

So, for Robert Iger, this is just a psychological comfort.

He really thought it was good, but instead discussed with Charlotte about copyright matters——

You know, the "Pirates of the Caribbean" series is a collaboration project between Disney and Charlotte's Ghost Party Studios.

According to the agreement, it is possible to start a new sequel project only if both parties agree and invest.

And now, because Charlotte himself is not interested in continuing to shoot the "Pirates" series, he promised that Disney can open "Pirates of the Caribbean 4" on its own without having to pay related copyrights to the Ghost Studios.

Of course, it’s not without conditions--

The Ghost Party Studio also has the right to use the world view of "Pirates" and related characters to shoot derivative film and television works.

At the same time, there is no need to pay royalties to Disney.

"Although I personally do not plan to continue shooting the "Pirates of the Caribbean" series, I also think that this series has potential to be tapped. However, our Ghost Studio is not like Disney. It is more difficult for us to invest in large-scale productions alone. ."

Charlotte explained her reasons,

"So, I want other directors in the studio to take other characters in "Pirates of the Caribbean" as the protagonists and shoot some small and medium-cost derivative movies, just like Universal has used "The Mummy" to derive "The Scorpion King." "

"I see!"

Robert Iger nodded, he was a little sure what Charlotte meant--

As the other party said, after the trilogy, he did lose interest in directing the "Pirates of the Caribbean" series, but he did not lose interest in the money that the "Pirates" series could make.

——This situation is considered normal.

As for why not invest in "Pirates of the Caribbean 4" with Disney, but choose to start over and shoot other spin-off movies——

"It's probably because I can see through it because I actually don't want to ask for external investment anymore!"

Based on what Charlotte had revealed in the previous conversation, Robert Iger guessed so.

Indeed, although he is planning "Pirates of the Caribbean 4", this time Robert Iger intends to let Disney Pictures eat alone.

After all, the first three parts of this continuous shooting series are different——

At that time, Disney Pictures was at a low point in the field of live-action movies, completely lacking confidence in its own production capabilities.

In addition, Iger had just entered Disney Pictures at that time and his foundation was unstable. In this case, pulling the banner of cooperating with the super director Charlotte Booth to shoot original movies was actually reducing the risk.

And now it's completely different-

With the success of "Pirates of the Caribbean" 1 and 2, especially the almost exaggerated box office of 2 as a basis, "Pirates of the Caribbean 3" or this series has been determined to be a big success.

At this time, when shooting a sequel, the chance of success can be said to be very high.

-Even if the director is no longer Charlotte Booth.

In this case, even if Robert Iger appreciates Charlotte very much, he will still find ways to expand Disney's own interests in business.

——His original plan was that if Charlotte is willing to direct, then give the Ghost Party Studio some symbolic investment quota. Otherwise, he will negotiate and find ways to get back all the copyrights of the follow-up film of "Pirates of the Caribbean" from the other party.

Even for this to pause this series for a few years.

——Anyway, the current "Pirates" trilogy is released one year a year because of continuous shooting, which was originally relatively fast.

Pausing for a few years can just let the reputation accumulated in the trilogy ferment, and by the way, it can also avoid the audience's aesthetic fatigue...


However, Charlotte's new plan now makes what Iger originally planned to lose its meaning.

This plan, to some extent, can be said that Disney and the Ghost Party Studios each take what they need.

Disney has won the copyright of "Pirates of the Caribbean 4" and subsequent sequels, which have a high success rate but also a high cost;

——This is exactly in line with the positioning of Disney's major studios, while the Ghost Party studio has a much lower cost. Although the success rate is lower, it can borrow from the "Pirates of the Caribbean" series. The copyright of derivative movies;

——For the Ghost Party Studio, this means that a series of small and medium-cost movies, if they are run, will not necessarily earn less than the cooperation with Disney, and they will be more independent and free.

In particular, if the plots of the two films cooperate well, they can also promote each other——

"This will be a win-win!"

Charlotte finally concluded,

"Let's create a fantasy movie universe of "Pirates of the Caribbean"!"

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