Chatty Hollywood

Chapter 771: Infinite loop

   Of course, Charlotte didn't think that by crushing the body of the bat demon with the help of an airplane's engine, he could completely wipe out the opponent.

   After all, according to the other party's dream, he was an old demon who didn't know how long he had existed.

   And, according to his dreams, his past body is not the one it is now.

  -This means that the other party has the ability to change their bodies.

   Then, even if the opponent's body is destroyed, it does not mean that the opponent will be destroyed.

   However, the opponent will definitely be a lot weaker without his body.

  -Otherwise, he didn't have to use the entity before.

   Besides, even if the body can be replaced, it does not mean that the pain of the body today has no effect on the spirit.

  ——The experience of being broken into pieces by a turbofan engine, even Charlotte, is really unimaginable.

  ...In short, when Charlotte saw a black bat spirit emerge from the engine on the wing of the plane with his opened spiritual eyes, he was not surprised at all.

  Especially, Charlotte knew that the power of the turbofan engine was still considerable when he saw the swaying look of the other party.

   "Such a rare experience, how can one be enough!?"

   While the bat monster's spirit body was still dizzy, Charlotte quickly released a new spell——

   Penrose Stairs!

  ——This spell was researched by Charlotte when he filmed Inception.

   This is an infinite looping ladder spell, which can trap the target in a fixed channel and let it loop indefinitely.

   Originally, this spell could only be used by ordinary people.

   But after the shooting of "Inception", Charlotte has developed an enhanced version that can affect ghosts.

   However, before "Inception" is actually released, the audience's emotions and the magic of the movie world cannot be strengthened, and the use of this spell is very expensive.

   But now, although Charlotte is still relatively relaxed on the surface, in fact, in order to deal with the bat demon, this old demon, it can be regarded as a big move.

   In this case, naturally, there is no need to worry about the consumption of mana.

   And, thanks to Charlotte filming "Happy Death" a few years ago, a movie that is an endless loop of time.

  —Before the release of Inception, he borrowed the power of the magic source of the movie to barely be able to drive the spell of “Penrose Stairs”.

  Especially, in order to trap the ghosts and the like that have spiritual perception far beyond ordinary people, it is true that you cannot rely solely on the infinite loop in space, and the loop in time is also necessary...

   Anyway, taking advantage of the chance that the bat monster's spirit body hadn't reacted yet, Charlotte directly used the "Penrose Ladder" to seal the opponent in an infinite loop space.

   And the fear of this infinite loop is still very elegant——

   "It must be a very sour experience to repeatedly pass through the duct of the turbofan engine."

   Charlotte gloated.


   Actually, Charlotte didn't do this because of bad taste or cruelty.

   After all, he was still afraid that the "Penrose Stairs" would not be able to trap the bat demon, an old demon who didn’t know how long it had existed——

  If nothing interferes with it in the circular space, then Charlotte thinks it will be a matter of time for the other party to break the seal;

   And if you pass through the tunnel of the turbofan engine over and over again, and experience the feeling of being broken into pieces...

   "I can replace it with myself, it would be nice to not be crazy!"

   Charlotte shook his head, and finally gave up on imagining the sourness.

   He looked up and found that he was still following the plane.

  ——Although the process of fighting between him and the bat demon outside the cabin sounds long, in reality, things in dreams are often just a fleeting moment in reality.

  -and in reality, his attack and seal on the bat demon just happened between the rabbit and the eagle.

   At this time, the plane was still under the control of Charlize and continued to dive into the Atlantic Ocean.

   Now, their height has dropped to the point where the sea surface can be clearly seen.

   "Sally, make it level! Pull up!!!"

   Charlotte cried through the psychic channel between the two.

   And Charlize also realized this. While Charlotte urgently awakened the consciousness of the pilots, he tried his best to control the plane and slowly level it.

   Finally, when the plane was still more than 30 meters away from the sea, the airframe was finally leveled.

   At this moment, the strong wind brought by the plane dived from an altitude of 12,000 meters hit the sea, forming two huge waves, like the sea separated by Moses.

   The passenger plane rides the wind and waves, and slowly climbs up after leveling.

   "Sally, is this exciting enough?"

   Charlotte exhaled in her heart and teased her wife again.

   And what he got was just a pretty "huh!"


  While returning to the cabin along the opened emergency hatch, Charlotte had some thoughts in his mind.

   As for the passengers in the cabin, he did not pay attention at all.

   It's not that he doesn't care about everyone's exclamation, it's really because the cabin is completely silent.

   Under normal circumstances, when passengers see someone walking into the cabin while an airplane is flying, they will naturally yell, thinking they have seen Clark Kent.

  The problem is that the passengers and other flight attendants in the cabin are still in the dream world created by Charlotte.

  ——This is the effect of the spell that Charlotte had cast before, but now it saves him a lot of trouble.

   Charlotte also has no plans to disarm the spell.

   Even the two pilots who were awakened by him in the cockpit, they re-fixed the heading problem and put the plane back into the autopilot state, and he was once again pulled into the dream state.

   This aspect is because he doesn't want to hear people waking up and seeing the emergency hatch opened, and the cold wind outside is screaming in surprise;

   On the other hand is because he still has some things to do——

   First, he must first relieve the evil spirits in the aircraft cabin.

  Before, he couldn't handle this matter because of the interference of the bat demon representing "anger".

   Now, without interference, this matter can start.

   Although it takes some time to research these evil spirits completely, Charlotte can absorb them first and seal them directly.

  —This can be done without other hosts constantly exuding new original sins.

   Of course, he first had to absorb the evil seeds attached to the old gun, that is, "laziness" first.

   However, this is relatively easy for Charlotte.

   The real trouble is how to seal these evil spirits——

   After all, Charlotte himself is the only one who can bear the side effects of these evil spirits in the cabin.

   But even if it was him, with a lot of evil spirits sealed in his body, it didn't feel good.

   Fortunately, Charlotte rolled her eyes, remembering Charlize’s "Huh!" to him before, and thought of a crooked idea——

   "Sally, let's have a black mass!"


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