Chatty Hollywood

Chapter 746: land

? "So, am I a ghost now?"

After listening to Charlotte’s introduction, Mr. Westwood concluded thoughtfully,

"And you are a master of spells. The success of our previous movies is not only the result of talent and hard work, but also related to spells and ghosts?"


Charlotte nodded.

"Why, is it a bit unacceptable?"

"how come?"

Mr. Westwood smiled heartily.

"In Hollywood, successful people will be sought after. Who cares how successful you are!! Rather, the magical elements such as magic and weirdness have relieved me a lot."

"Relax? Why!?"

"Because although these things are unrealistic, they are far more reliable than imaginary things like talents and talents!"

Mr. Westwood is simply and authentic,

"In this way, I don't have to worry about your talents being exhausted someday, and you won't be able to exist as the banner of the Ghost Party studio!"

"So, is this actually a good thing?"

"Of course it's a good thing!"

Mr. Westwood is definitely authentic,

"In this way, spells and ghosts have become the unique skills of our Ghost Party studio-no one thinks that there are so many unique skills to make a living in Hollywood."

"That does make sense."

Charlotte looked at Mr. Westwood in a ghost state.

"But, old Tony, did you accept it too quickly!?"

"What if I don't accept it!?"

Mr. Westwood gave a wry smile.

"You have to know, if I heard these words when I was still alive, I would probably need to take medicine immediately and call the emergency number, but I have no problems now. Isn't that enough to explain the problem? "

"...Well, your method of judgment is a bit novel!"

Charlotte sighed.

"However, before considering the issue of taking medicine, should you first think about how you got into the house?"


Mr. Westwood suddenly realized.

"I came in directly through the wall!"

——At this time, more than two hours have passed since Charlotte saw the ghost of Mr. Westwood.

During this period, they not only returned to the office building of the Ghost Party Studio, but also led by Charlotte, explaining the secrets of the Ghost Party Studio to Mr. Westwood.

——After all, because Mr. Westwood joined late, he has not found a chance to tell him about spells and ghosts.

But now, Mr. Westwood has become a ghost, and naturally there is no need to conceal anything.

For these things that sound unrealistic, Mr. Westwood accepted them very quickly.

However, after the acceptance, the next question comes-

"What should I do afterwards?"

Mr. Westwood asked.

"After I become a ghost, can I still make movies and TV shows?"


Charlotte didn't know what to say for a while, and the old gun on one side sighed with admiration.

"Old Tony, it seems that death can't stop your love for movies!"

"Of course!"

Mr. Westwood is proud and authentic,

"After filming "Fatal Bend", I made up my mind to make the movie to death. Now that I can continue to exist after death, I naturally don't want to give up the movie."

"If you don't give up, don't give up!"

Charlotte shrugged.

"However, in a pure ghost state, it is difficult for you to continue the work of the previous producer. It is more troublesome to let the employees see you-I need to transform you into a ghost!"

"Transformed into a ghost!? Like Alexis?"

Mr. Westwood pointed to Miss Valkyrie on one side.

——When Charlotte explained the inside story to him, naturally he also explained the current situation of ghost employees in the company.

Therefore, Mr. Westwood reacted immediately.

"It's similar!"

Charlotte nodded.

"However, you can't transform into Valkyrie—in fact, Alexis can complete the transformation of the Valkyrie. There is a lot of luck. Normal ghosts, but they can't be transformed into such a powerful and powerful A ghost with a sense of substance, being able to turn into a headless horseman like Ruifan Phoenix, is already very powerful."

"Then what kind of ghost are you going to transform me into?"

Mr. Westwood didn’t care about Charlotte’s explanation.

"For me, as long as I can continue my previous work, I don't want any strong power."

"You are really direct!"

Charlotte gave a wry smile.

"In that case, I will simply turn you into an earthbound spirit!"

"Earth bound spirit?"

"In short, it is based on a special ghost that rests on a piece of land or a building."

Charlotte explained,

"This is a kind of ghost from the East, a powerful earth-bound spirit, and can even be called a land god-although it is difficult for them to leave the land or buildings they rely on, they are like real people in the area of ​​the land or buildings. And has very good power."

"This sounds good!"

Mr. Westwood nodded.

"But, which building are you going to let me rely on? The office building of the Ghost Party Studio!?"


"Doesn't that mean I can't go to other places in the future? How can I be a producer?"

"It's not that you absolutely can't go to other places."

Charlotte waved her hand.

"I can make special props, which are filled with the soil of the land you rely on, plus some magical effects, you can leave temporarily. However, you have to come back within 72 hours at most!"

"What will happen if I don't come back?"

Mr. Westwood asked questioningly.

"It won't be much."

Charlotte shook her head.

"The problem is that you have to come back!-72 hours later, no matter where you are, you will be automatically summoned back to the land of your support, just like in the game, the character returns to the resurrection spawn point after death."

"This sounds good!"

Mr. Westwood smiled.

"At least, I can save a lot of money for the return flight!"

"That's true!"

Charlotte scratched his head, and Charlize, who had been listening for a long time, suddenly thought of a question--

"Charlotte, according to the magic theory you taught me before, to create earth-bound spirits, don't you have to bury living people in the foundation during the construction of the building?"


Charlotte nodded.

"In the traditional magic of the East the creation of the earthbound spirit, especially the creation of the earthbound spirit attached to the building, is actually a kind of human martyrdom, which is very cruel. However, the spell has developed to the point Nowadays, many ritual things, in fact, as long as they try to get them together, they don’t necessarily need to be complied with."

With that, he shrugged his shoulders.

"In the final analysis, in the past, human beings were used to create earth-bound spirits. In essence, even through a painful process, the souls of living people were transformed into ghosts, and then into ghosts."

"However, it turns out that the act of suffering does not have a special bonus effect on the transformation of living souls into ghosts-therefore, the creation of the earth-bound spirit still depends on luck."

"And now, Mr. Westwood's ghost has completed this step of transformation, and we don't have to work hard."

"After that, all you need to do is to sink his body into the foundation of the building to help him complete the transformation into an earth-bound spirit."

"In this regard, Rui Fan, a headless knight who is good at sneaking underground, can just help us!"

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