Chatty Hollywood

Chapter 730: Silmarillion

? ""I have never seen such a brazen person! "

After watching the second trailer of "Lord of the Rings 1", the great director Ridley Scott suddenly felt such a sentence.

——Of course, the specific vocabulary may be somewhat different, but the meaning definitely means this.

As the great director who just filmed classic epic movies like "Gladiator" last year, Ridley can naturally think of the movie "The Lord of the Rings", which seems to be a fantasy story but is also a heroic epic in essence.

In his opinion, this movie of the Ghost Party Studios, like the "Black Hawk Down" he shot this year and will be released soon, is a movie that is more severely affected by 9/11.

——What is missing?

——To put it simply, when people receive too strong stimulation in reality, they will no longer be willing to go to the cinema to find stronger stimulation in the short term.

Therefore, in the two or three months after 9/11, it is quite normal that war films, action films, horror films and other films in the North American film market have received cold reception.

Ridley Scott racked his brains and didn't think of any idea that could go against this general market trend, because he was ready to let his fate.

However, he did not expect that in his opinion, it would also be affected by 911, and the box office should not be too good. "Lord of the Rings 1", but launched such a trailer full of healing style——

"This is simply fraud!!"

Ridley wanted to say so.

But he has to admit that this second trailer for "The Lord of the Rings" can indeed make the audience feel at ease, and then be lured into the cinema.

However, it is a pity that Ridley’s "Black Hawk Down" filmed this time is a modern warfare theme. Ridley is unable to cut out a trailer with the completely opposite style like "Lord of the Rings"...


In short, because of Charlotte's mischievous move, coupled with the gradual recovery of the North American film market, the situation before the release of "Lord of the Rings 1" finally opened.

And Peter Jackson also felt a little relieved, his weight no longer soared.

And on December 19th, one night in the evening of "Black Hawk Down" by Predley Scott, "Lord of the Rings 1" was finally released——

"There are more people than I expected!"

Although it was not time to breathe a sigh of relief, Peter Jackson felt a little more relaxed.

After all, at the premiere of "Black Hawk Down" yesterday, Peter saw it with his own eyes.

——Of course, the movie theater where the premiere was held was operated by a dedicated person, and on the surface it was still full of flowers.

But what Peter went to was not a big movie theater.

He just found a small theater at random, wanting to see the situation of his competitors.

——Who made the premiere time of "Black Hawk Down" and "Lord of the Rings 1" only one day apart?

However, the scene suddenly chilled Peter's heart to a half-

Although it is not a good place to visit, the attendance rate of "Black Hawk Down" is really not high in a theater that does not have a dedicated staff.

This can be clearly seen by Peter as long as he watched the scenes he watched.

Especially, after watching the movie, Peter felt that Ridley Scott's "Black Hawk Down" was really well shot, worthy of his status as a senior Hollywood director.

But the attendance rate of this movie just doesn't come.

Many viewers even gave clear answers when doing questionnaire surveys——

"We know this movie should be good, but in today's social environment, we really don't want to watch too many violent things."

——This is a North American audience!

——They don't even want to watch violent and powerful things, how did those dirty and stimulating B-level films appeared before! ?

Anyway, Peter Jackson, who overheard the audience's answer, had already given up on the box office results of "Lord of the Rings 1".

——Who makes "Lord of the Rings" also have a lot of combat elements?

But now it seems that the situation is not as bad as imagined.

Of course, Peter also understands that the specific situation needs to be observed for at least one day and wait for the box office results on the first day to come out.

But at least, he is now looking forward to it again...


"This time things should be good!"

In contrast, Charlotte is more confident than the director Peter Jackson.

After all, as a traverser, he knows how classic the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy is—

In his original time and space, these trilogy not only succeeded at the box office, but also successfully helped Peter Jackson win the Oscar for best director.

You know, this is the fantasy work that Oscar hates most! !

If the Oscars had not always discriminated against movies of science fiction, fantasy, and horror, how could the Saturn Award, an award dedicated to fantasy and horror movies, be born?

But Peter Jackson relied on such a movie that should have been discriminated against by the Oscars, and successfully won the Oscars and even won 11 awards, which is a sweeping sweep.

Because of this, even though Charlotte knew that Peter Jackson had left Tolkien’s work and his directorial level would drop drastically, he still signed him and became a ghost party studio. In addition to himself, the first Two directors who can be in charge of commercial productions.

——Not to mention, just the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy plus the later "The Hobbit" trilogy will be enough for them to make 20 years of money.

Not to mention, if it doesn't work, Charlotte can still take the story of "Silmaría" and let Fatty Peter continue to take it.

——Anyway, given the magnificent worldview of Tolkien's works, he just wants to live with Middle-earth for a lifetime, and there is no problem.

Of course, the copyright issue may be troublesome.

However, that is more for the average person-

Although Charlotte is a good person many times, it does not mean that he will not use magic to achieve some of his own goals when he needs it...


Of course, for now, it's still too early.

But in general, Charlotte is still very confident in the "Lord of the Rings" series.

Especially After obtaining the incarnation of the world tree transformed from the dragon, Charlotte can judge whether a movie can be welcomed or not, even without relying on the box office report.

——Take "Lord of the Rings 1" as an example. Since the premiere of this movie, he has used the branches of the world tree to establish a connection with the source of magic of this movie or the movie world.

After that, as long as you pay attention to the speed of its magic power, you can roughly make a judgment.

——This is directly at the heart of the people, and will not be judged by any polluted big data!

The magic power of "Lord of the Rings 1" is indeed very fast, fully in line with Charlotte's expectations.

Therefore, now he is very relieved.

He didn't wait for the box office report at midnight as he did when his movie was released before, but with Charlize, he coaxed Ovelia to sleep at home.

Even at the request of his naughty daughter and the same naughty wife, he even sang a unique lullaby——

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